The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother
The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother Chapter 16

When they woke up the next day, all five children had deep exhaustion on their faces, even Xu Youyou was no exception.

They slept on a large bed, but it was made of hard wood with a thin cushion and a roughly placed mat in the middle, which was even harder than the bed in the orphanage.

Forget about the poor material conditions, what’s even more painful was the sleeping position of Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin.

The order of the five of them from right to left was as follows: Liu Yanzhi → Qian Xin → Lu Chenjun → Xu Youyou → Liu Miaomiao.

The width of the bed was about three meters, and the length was a standard two meters. With five small children lying down, logically speaking, even if it wasn’t spacious, at least it was not crowded. However, the two have crazy sleeping habits.

For example, when Xu Youyou was fast asleep, an extra leg suddenly appeared on her body. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Liu Miaomiao had turned her body 180 degrees and was sleeping spread-eagled.

Xu Youyou: “……”

Xu Wenyin wasn’t in Xu Youyou’s mind at this time. After all, it was bedtime. She couldn’t just wait and watch Xu Youyou sleep, right?

The hard-working old mother chose to make money.

Raising a child was very expensive. She also wanted to buy a house and a car for Xu Youyou, so she had to work hard, thus missing out on this one.

Another example was when Liu Yanzhi and Lu Chenjun were suddenly punched while they were sleeping. When they opened their eyes in confusion, they found that it was Qian Xin who was waving his hands randomly in the air.

If they hadn’t made sure that Qian Xin’s eyes were closed and his breathing was even, they would have thought he was doing it on purpose.

Liu Yanzhi was even more surprised. He and Qian Xin could be said to have been together since they were babies. Occasionally, they would spend the night together when they got tired of playing. So how come he didn’t realize that his little friend had this problem?

In the end, he attributed this to the fact that the bed at home was too big, and the two of them couldn’t even touch each other. Of course, he wouldn’t be attacked in the middle of the night.

But the bed was only this big right now and they have training tomorrow, so they have to sleep, don’t they?

The three people who were woken up once again looked at each other with deep resentment on their faces.

They’re already so tired during the day but they’re still not allowed to sleep well at night? What if they don’t grow taller in the future?!

“That’s it.”

In the end, Lu Chenjun made the final decision. Under his idea, Qian Xin and Liu Miaomiao were moved to the right side of the bed, occupying about two-thirds of the space, and a quilt rolled into a cylinder was placed in the middle to isolate them.

Xu Youyou and the other two huddled peacefully on the other side. Let the other two hurt each other, they want to sleep!

That’s how they finally got a relatively peaceful sleep in the second half of the night.

But this couldn’t offset all the fatigue. Even Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin opened their eyes with unhappy faces in the morning.

“Miaomiao, why are you so strong?”

Qian Xin rubbed his arms and legs. There were already light bruises on them. He didn’t sleep well at all yesterday. He always felt like he was being pressed by something in the second half of the night and couldn’t even flip over either.

Qian Xin didn’t solve the case until he woke up in the morning and saw Liu Miaomiao’s legs on his stomach. Then he discovered that he had a few bruises on his body, which made the little boy couldn’t help but complain.

He still hadn’t reacted to the fact that he and Liu Miaomiao were clearly separated by two people before going to sleep, so how could they be on the same side when they woke up?

“Xiao Pang, look who’s talking!”

Liu Miaomiao pointed to the corner of her forehead. Nothing could be seen on it now, but she could not ignore the fact that she was suddenly punched in the middle of her sleep.

It’s just that Liu Miaomiao’s mind becomes quite confused whenever she falls asleep. After being woken up, she rolled over and continued to sleep. It wasn’t until she heard Qian Xin’s complaint in the morning that she remembered this matter.

“You’re talking nonsense. How could I hit someone?”

Qian Xin was done. His sleeping posture was obviously very good. Even if Miaomiao’s a girl, she couldn’t slander him!

“If you don’t believe me, ask An’an!” After saying that, he asked his little friend to testify for him.

Then the two little ones saw three expressionless zombie faces.

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin who trembled at the same time: “……”

“W-why are you looking at us like that?”

“Hehe.” The three let out sneers with their milky voices.

One minute later.

“Impossible, how can I be like that?”

“No, no, Miaomiao is a princess, and princesses are the prettiest even when they sleep.”

After hearing the accusations from the other children, the two began to doubt life.

In Xu Youyou’s head, Xu Wenyin was angry that her baby didn’t have a good night’s sleep. It was too much!

The novel mentioned that it’s important to ensure the sleep time of human babies, otherwise it couldn’t only affect their development, but also cause mental stress.

Damn it, was this Liu Miaomiao planning to harm Xu Youyou in this way?

Xu Wenyin had already begun to think about how to silently hack the official website of the Liu Family’s real estate company.

Fortunately, the instructor appeared in time, interrupting their respective thoughts.

A new day begins and naturally comes new training.

Yesterday was just an appetizer to ‘teach’ the children, and today was the official start.

At 7:00 am, fold the quilt, make the bed, and wash up.

At 7:30 am, have breakfast and wash their own dishes after eating.

There’s no need to worry about breaking it because the tableware used was all stainless steel. If they managed to break it, the instructor would even give them a thumbs up.

At 8:30 am, warm up, jog, and review what they’ve learned yesterday.

At 10:00 am, start to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

At 11:00 am, lunch.

At 12:00 pm, take a one-hour nap.

What followed was learning how to do horse stance, boxing lessons, and there’s even a one-hour yoga class.

Looking at the instructor, whose body looked so tough, move his feet to his head and twist into strange shapes, several children were frightened for a while.

But when it came time to learn, everyone was very serious about it. Probably because they thought it was a cool move.

When the parent-child video interaction started again at 8:00 pm, no kids were wiping away tears that day. Liu Miaomiao was even proudly telling her parents that she knew how to wash dishes now.

In just a day or so, the child had undergone such a change. This time it was Mother Liu who was wiping away tears.

Moreover, the relationship between the five children had also ‘improved’.

At least Qian Xin and Liu Miaomiao could already start to dislike each other openly.

“You like to hit people when you sleep, I don’t want to sleep next to you!”

Liu Miaomiao immediately protested when she heard that she and Qian Xin were being arranged to sleep next to each other again.

Then Qian Xin wouldn’t hold back either.

“You like to kick people! I also don’t want to sleep next to you!”

After saying that, he looked at his closest little friend, Liu Yanzhi.

You’re willing to sleep next to me, right, Brother?

Liu Yanzhi turned his head away silently.

Qian Xin and Liu Miaomiao then looked at the others.

Xu Youyou monopolized Lu Chenjun. Her tone and expression were very firm as she said, “Juanjuan and I don’t want to sleep next to you two either!”

It can be said that the fragile boat of friendship completely capsized at that moment.

The instructor didn’t care about these things. He waved his hand and told the children to solve it themselves. Anyway, he would never give up his bed.

But the children’s bed was only so big. It was almost impossible to separate Qian Xin and Liu Miaomiao without affecting the other three.

〖Xu Wenyin: Youyou, why don’t the three of you just knock them out?〗

That was obviously a bad idea. After Xu Wenyin finished speaking, she sighed.

She couldn’t use a lot of her ideas since she doesn’t have a body right now. But relying on a few children alone……

Just as she was thinking this, Lu Chenjun suddenly started to take action.

This large concrete house was quite empty and they could see everything inside at a glance.

In addition to a toilet, the main room contained one bed for the children and one for the instructor, five small wooden benches, a water dispenser, and a table next to it, with some sundries placed on top, such as iodine, band-aids, and so on prepared in case of emergencies.

To prevent the children from easily reaching it, the table was slightly higher than usual, about 90 cm tall, 150 cm long, and 50 cm wide.

They couldn’t have one of them sleep on the table, right? It would be no joke if they fell.

At first glance, there was literally nothing that could be utilized.

Otherwise, Xu Wenyin wouldn’t have given up on herself and made stupid suggestions.

But Lu Chenjun didn’t think so. He walked to the table, stood up on tiptoes, took down everything on it, placed everything on the ground, and then moved the table.

Well, it naturally didn’t budge.

In terms of strength, Lu Chenjun might not be as strong as Liu Miaomiao.

Fortunately, Xu Youyou appeared at this awkward moment.

“You want to move the table, Juanjuan?” Xu Youyou asked while already holding onto the other side of the table. “Did you think of a good idea?”

Lu Chenjun nodded. “Move it over to the bed.”

“Okay!” Xu Youyou didn’t ask any more questions. The two children used both of their hands at the same time. They managed to move it a few centimeters. However, moving it for about ten meters would still be difficult.

“Juanjuan, Youyou, I’ll help you.”

Although Qian Xin and Liu Yanzhi didn’t understand what their companions wanted to do, their bodies honestly moved first.

Even Liu Miaomiao joined in with a puzzled look. “Why move the table?”

Xu Youyou answered, “Juanjuan has a good idea!”

Liu Miaomiao was curious. “What good idea?”

Xu Youyou shook her head honestly. “I don’t know.”

Liu Miaomiao: “……”

If she had been a few years older and had a richer vocabulary, she would have been able to spit out a lot of words at this time.

It’s a pity that now she could only express her speechlessness by silence.

Soon, with the efforts of five children, the table was pushed next to the bed.

Then under Lu Chenjun’s command, the table was turned sideways and placed on the bed, with its legs facing the left.

Upon seeing this, Xu Youyou suddenly gets it and slaps the edge of the bed hard. “I understand now! Juanjuan, you’re so smart!”

The other three: “???”

What? Understand what?

But asking right now might make them look stupid.

Xu Wenyin also got it. Should she say, as expected of the boy recognized as a genius in the novel? This method was not complicated; the key was whether one could figure it out.

The three people who didn’t get it watched on as Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun got into bed together, and then pushed the table that was sideways to the left until its legs passed through the guardrail on the edge.

A small separate space of 1.5 meters long and 90 centimeters wide suddenly appeared on the bed.

Lu Chenjun then pointed at Liu Miaomiao. “You, sleep inside.”

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin, one likes to move around when sleeping, and the other likes to punch with both hands, so this space was more suitable for Liu Miaomiao.

It’s definitely not enough for an adult, but for Liu Miaomiao, who was only a little over eighty centimeters tall and obviously on the short side, it was more than enough.

Let her flip to whatever side she wanted. Anyway, the side of the table had become a natural barrier. If she hits it, it would hurt her but it wouldn’t affect other people.

Little Lu Chenjun thought ruthlessly.

Qian Xin slept alone on one side as before, separated by a quilt. The three of them had enough space and slept honestly without moving around.

As for Liu Miaomiao thinking it looked so ugly and whatnot, it was no longer within their scope of consideration. People with poor sleeping habits weren’t qualified to have an opinion about sleeping arrangements!

In the end, the majority won, and Liu Miaomiao could only hold her little blanket and walk into her small space aggrievedly. The five children soon fell into a deep sleep.

That night, they were finally able to sleep well.

The instructor on the side couldn’t help but quietly send someone a message.

【Boss, your son is great!】

Father Lu who saw the message two days later: “???”

The seven days of training felt very long at first, but once one got immersed in it, time passed quickly.

The morning of the seventh day was as usual, getting up, having breakfast, and training.

The children didn’t need to be urged by the instructor in the morning, they woke up naturally at the right time.

They thought it would be another hard but fulfilling day. But during lunch, the instructor suddenly announced at the dining table, “Congratulations, the first training session has ended successfully. Your parents will come to pick you up later.”

“That fast?”

The one who issued this query was surprisingly Liu Miaomiao, who was the most reluctant at the beginning.

And by the look of her, she was genuinely surprised.

When she first came there, she would still count the days on her fingers, but as she gradually got used to the training along with her inability to count, the number of days soon became confusing.

“What? You don’t want to leave? Then stay and continue training.”

The instructor made a ’joke’ with an expressionless face. Seeing Liu Miaomiao shaking her head repeatedly, he felt a sense of amusement.

He naturally saw the change in Liu Miaomiao. This child was indeed spoiled, but fortunately, the root wasn’t rotten yet. Since she was still young, she could still make timely changes.

“Instructor! Can Youyou ask when‘s the next time?”

Xu Youyou raised her hand and asked. She remembered that Aunt Qin said that they would come to this training camp several times.

The little girl thought that despite all the issues that had popped up here and there, she still learned a lot of new things and felt more powerful!

Thinking this way, she was one step closer to the goal of protecting her mother. Xu Youyou couldn’t wait for the second or third time. After a few more times, she would be able to punch bad guys like those powerful brothers and sisters on TV, right?

The instructor also likes active children, and Xu Youyou left a good impression on him, so he did not hesitate to answer this question, “It should be in October. I hope it will still be the five of you by then.”

“Instructor! Can I take the blanket with me? “This was Qian Xin, who had become attached to his small blanket.

“Instructor, Instructor, when we get back……”

The series of questions from five— no— four children made the instructor a little overwhelmed. He could only straighten his expression again. “No more questions. Eat!”

Alright. The children lowered their heads and continued eating in silence.

After eating, they picked up their utensils and went to the sink. They stood on the small benches, and after washing it, they put it back on the shelf on the other side.

Looking at this level of proficiency, people could tell that they had been doing these things a lot in the past few days.

The instructor was also very pleased to see that the children had completed the last task seriously.

Seeing that there were still five minutes left before the scheduled time, he took the children directly to the gate of the training camp.

Thinking that the next time they would meet would be more than a month later, the instructor showed a rare kindness and said, “Didn’t you have a lot to say just now? Go on, I’ll listen.”

As soon as this sentence came out, it was as if some seal had been unlocked, the children started chirping like a flock of little sparrows and instantly surrounded the instructor.

“Instructor, Youyou will miss you~”

“Instructor, do you have a son? I can play with him later. I have a lot of toys.”

“Instructor, Instructor, why are you so gloomy?”

“Instructor, you have you never smiled? My mom said that people who love to smile have good luck. Instructor, are you unlucky? “

Instructor: “……”

Hey, hey, hey, what kind of naughty kids were these?! It already involves personal attacks!

But after all, it was he who allowed them to talk, so he could only endure it until they reached the entrance.

The moment the gate opened, the little kids who had been prancing around him instantly scattered in all directions and threw themselves into the arms of their parents.

Liu Miaomiao, in particular, had just been happily asking random questions, but now she was already wailing in Mother Liu’s arms. Those who didn’t know would think she had been mistreated at the training camp.

Well, it does seem to count as mistreatment for her.

The parents were extremely excited when they saw their children whom they hadn’t seen for a long time, not counting the video chat every night. They all expressed that the children had ‘lost weight’, ‘got sunburned’, and also things like ‘going back and making up for the past days’.

Even Qin Yiren wasn’t exempted from this. She wanted to personally show off her abilities to Lu Chenjun and prepare delicious food for him.

Lu Chenjun: “……”

His mother’s cooking skills were probably not even as good as Xiao Lu’s.

In order to prevent being poisoned, Lu Chenjun cleverly found a new way.

“Mom, you’ve gained weight.”

The smile on Qin Yiren’s face froze. “I-I gained weight?!”

After saying that, she couldn’t help but look at Xu Wenyin who was playing with Xu Youyou.

The children had been gone for seven days and Xu Wenyin ‘live-streamed’ mukbang[1]eating show for six days.

Qin Yiren couldn’t stand it after the first day and took the initiative to knock on the door to join the ‘activity’.

There’s no need to mention that since the children weren’t around, they could really eat whatever they wanted without worrying too much.

Moreover, Qin Yiren wasn’t short of money. So in the next few days, the two mothers had a very rich diet.

From those that fly in the sky, to those that swim in the sea, the only exception was the things they didn’t want to eat; there’s nothing that Qin Yiren couldn’t get.

After eating and drinking like that for almost a week, Qin Yiren looked at Xu Wenyin who was still slim and slender, and silently pinched the flesh on her waist.

An emoji of the world-famous painting 《The Scream》 appeared in her mind.

Was there anything more painful than eating with one’s close friend and where one gained weight, yet the other remained skinny?



1 eating show


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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