The Little Widow of the Sixties
The Little Widow of the Sixties Chapter 9.2

Chapter 9.2

The market was full of everyday food items. Her sister bought a piece of clothing for the child and bargained for a long time, almost deciding against it due to the high price. The seller pulled her back, arguing.

“Hey, hey, you still think it’s expensive? Look at this clothing, it’s almost new, not worse than new ones. No need for handwork or fabric tickets, it’s a good deal.”

“If you don’t like the price I offered, then forget it.”

Luo Mei started to leave, and Luo Lan followed closely. Bargaining works like this, you shouldn’t show too much interest in the item. If the seller doesn’t want to sell, just move on and choose from other vendors.

“Don’t leave, miss. Let’s discuss this again.”

After some back and forth, she finally bought the clothing at her target price. Luo Mei focused on buying clothes for the children and the man but forgot to get something for herself.

“Sister, buy something for yourself too. Your cotton coat is so old, patched up everywhere. It’s not warm anymore; you’re shivering in it.”

“I can manage.”

A married woman really has it tough. Luo Lan didn’t agree with her sister’s approach; saving money shouldn’t mean just saving on herself. Her brother-in-law, being a grown man, should also deal with the cold.

She knew her sister wouldn’t agree with her view, so she said nothing. After browsing around and buying nothing for herself, her sister asked if she had spent all her money.

“No, there’s nothing to buy.” The things in the system are better than these. If you want to buy them, just trade with the system.

At the market, her sister didn’t even want to spend money on a bowl of meatball soup. The sisters ended up eating dry food with cold water. When they returned home around noon, there was a new piece of news in the village.

The village was abuzz with gossip as the evening approached. Luo Lan overheard a conversation about a potential match for the Xu family’s daughter. The man was said to be from the city, with a steady job. However, there were rumors that his injury had left him with an unspeakable condition affecting his personal life.

“Where did you hear this from?”

“Don’t ask. Just listen,” the gossiping woman leaned in closer. “Even with good conditions, if the man can’t fulfill his duties, it seems like a life of loneliness might not be worth it.”

Luo Lan was taken aback but chose not to comment. The system, however, was eager to hear more. It was practically begging for updates, its excitement palpable.

“Hey, hey, eat the melon first. I promise it won’t delay your meal.”

“Don’t you need food too?” Luo Lan asked, amused by the system’s enthusiasm.

“I’m a system. I don’t eat food. I need energy, energy. Hurry up and eat the melon to replenish my energy.”

“Even if you need energy, so do I. Don’t rush. The man hasn’t arrived yet.”

“Make sure you get a good spot. I want to see how a man with a hidden ailment handles a matchmaking event.”

“I cook quickly. Don’t worry, I won’t delay your melon-eating.”

“Double your points.”

“Points aren’t the issue.”



“Five times.”

“Okay, I’ll go eat the melon first.”

“I have my own plans. If you want me to disrupt my plans and go hungry just to get gossip, the price has to be right.” Luo Lan put down the food and went out, locking the shed before she left.

The village was bustling as she made her way to the Xu family’s house, where a crowd had gathered. She was quickly greeted by familiar faces who began sharing their whispers about the match.

“He’s inside. I just peeked. He looks really good, but—”

“Shh,” Luo Lan interrupted, signaling for silence. “We’re right outside. Let’s not say too much.”

She craned her neck to get a glimpse through the door and saw only a man’s back. Although seated, his tall stature and broad shoulders gave an impression of strength. His military uniform and upright posture suggested discipline.

“Hey, where’s Xu Yinlian?”

“Who knows? Anyway, we’re all curious about this city guy. Why does he keep his back turned?”

“Don’t push, don’t push.”

The crowd was eager to get a look at the city gentleman, especially intrigued by his dignified back. Luo Lan, pushed forward by the crowd, found herself right in front of the man.

The man noticed the commotion around him and, though he was usually composed, looked up to see a beautiful face before him. He stood up, offering a polite smile. His comrades had advised him to soften his demeanor around women, as his usual stern appearance could be intimidating.

“Hello, I’m Zhou Qingshan. I’m twenty-nine, recently discharged from the army, and currently working in the security department of a steel factory.”


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