The Moon Island
The Moon Island: Chapter 1

1. Welcome to Moon Island

The early spring breeze carried a hint of winter’s chill as it sailed towards the Moon Island on the ship, creating an atmosphere even more serene than the sea’s surface.

Qin Zhaoyi sat by the window in the cabin, and when she glanced to the side, she saw the endless azure sea stretching out before her. The distant horizon met the sea surface, and every now and then, waves rolled, and white foamy crests appeared as if countless seagulls were flying in formation just above the sea, creating a grand spectacle.

The ship bobbed and moved along the waves, giving the feeling of sitting on a cloud.

This scenery was something one could only see in a photographer’s photos.

No, perhaps no one could capture this breathtaking beauty that delighted the heart and soul.

However, Qin Zhaoyi, sitting on the ship, was in no mood to appreciate the beauty. Her phone screen was illuminated and displayed a message: “Want to see me? Come to Moon Island.”

Below were Qin Zhaoyi’s responses and inquiries.

“Where are you? What are you doing?”

“Aren’t you coming back to Jiayi this year?”

“What place are you talking about? I don’t want to go.”

“You didn’t buy another house, did you?”

“Grandmother, reply to me.”

She patiently asked many questions, but not a single reply came.

The number that had been out of contact for a long time suddenly sent her a message, then disappeared again.

Qin Zhaoyi wondered if she should send another message to inquire, and notifications began popping up at the top of her screen.

One message after another.

It has been relentless since yesterday.

The person sending the messages was patient and knew her well. They knew that she had a compulsion to check messages as soon as she saw notifications, so they kept sending them.

They changed their tone from time to time, sometimes being firm, sometimes pleading, and sometimes acting coquettish.

Finally, when the other person couldn’t stand the silence any longer, they started playing the emotional card.

“Exploiter Zhou: Qin Writer, we’ve known each other for ten years, it’s not just a simple colleague relationship.”

“Exploiter Zhou: Even if things online got out of hand, I urged you so urgently. If you don’t like that guy, you can run away.”

“Exploiter Zhou: At least let me know where you are, alive or dead, can you do that?”

“Exploiter Zhou: Qin Zhaoyi, reply to me. I beg you.”

It had to be said that they had known each other for ten years and worked together for five, and Exploiter Zhou had hit Qin Zhaoyi’s weak spot all at once.

Looking at the last message with a pleading tone, Qin Zhaoyi felt a twinge of sympathy.

A few minutes later, she removed Exploiter Zhou’s contact from her blacklist and dialed his number.

“Where are you?” As soon as the call connected, Exploiter Zhou urgently said, “Don’t go online, and don’t look at entertainment news.”

“What’s going on?” Qin Zhaoyi asked, “What happened again?”



Qin Zhaoyi was a mystery writer who had risen to fame during the era of print media. Her first mystery novel received critical acclaim as soon as it hit the market, and it sold out and went for reprinting several times, making her an overnight sensation in the world of popular writers.

That year, Qin Zhaoyi was seventeen years old.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say she was a young prodigy and a genius girl.

Later, when her works were adapted into films and TV series, the results were less than ideal. To cater to the market, the screenwriters added forced romantic storylines, which faced strong resistance and criticism from readers.

Qin Zhaoyi then registered a trademark and established her own personal studio after reaching adulthood and was responsible for operating her derivative *IP. She was born into a family of scholars, and there was no one in her family engaged in the entertainment industry. Going solo in this field was indeed quite challenging.
*IP – Intellectual Property

Fortunately, she met Zhou Xi.

This senior from high school was talented and well-connected, and her family owned an entertainment company. She had been exposed to these things from a young age.

With Zhou Xi’s efforts, Qin Zhaoyi’s personal studio thrived.

So, Zhou Xi was not just her editor.

But Qin Zhaoyi, in all her interests except writing books, regarded Zhou Xi simply as her editor.

And recently, her editor was relentlessly pushing for her to meet her deadlines.

She used to receive reminders, but they were legitimate and the content was entirely decided by Qin Zhaoyi herself.

But now…

Due to reader and market feedback, there had been a seismic shift in reading preferences in the internet age after the golden era of print media. There was a significant increase in the demand for romantic elements.

In other words, readers wanted Qin Zhaoyi to add romantic storylines to her books.

Every time she attempted, it turned into a lone-wolf character, which readers grew tired of quickly.

Coincidentally, two years ago, she had added a vague romantic subplot in one of her books, and readers clamored for more. That book had soared in popularity upon release, receiving constant praise online. However, most readers wished for her to delve deeper into the romance and make it more profound.

So, Qin Zhaoyi gave it a try.

The romantic subplot in the last book was criticized harshly across the internet.

The one before that was a complete disaster.

In this new book, just as it had begun its online serialization for the second week, readers, with their years of reading experience, could already sense the possibility of an unsatisfactory ending.

Qin Zhaoyi found it painful to write, and she spent her days with a pounding head and curled-up toes.

But Zhou Xi had shielded her from all the online noise.

She was left to suffer alone until one day she woke up to a news article pushed by a certain blogger:

“[Genius Writer Sicily, Several Recent Works Receive ‘Unfinished’ and ‘Regression’ Negative Reviews, Has She Run Out of Creativity?]”

Sicily was her pen name.

After seeing that article, Qin Zhaoyi’s mental state crumbled.

However, Zhou Xi suggested she try dating someone. But since she had become immersed in writing, Qin Zhaoyi was a complete homebody with almost no social life.

So Zhou Xi arranged blind dates for her.

Qin Zhaoyi went on seven blind dates in a week, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the results were counterproductive.

She now found it even more challenging to understand her readers.

As an author, this was an extremely unhealthy state of affairs.

Qin Zhaoyi’s determination had been severely tested during this period. She suffered from insomnia day and night, and the discarded drafts piled up one after another. She locked herself in her study, not stepping out for a whole day, yet she couldn’t write a single word.

Every day, she read the negative reviews and news about her new book online.

Some said she was on her last legs, no longer as spirited as before. Some claimed she had run out of creativity and could no longer produce good works.

There were even those who criticized her for initially shifting to write romantic storylines.

Online critiques were like sharp knives, stabbing her heart and making her bleed internally.

But Qin Zhaoyi, who had never been outperformed since childhood, refused to give in. She wanted to prove to them that she was not creatively bankrupt. If she could write a nationwide sensation like [Wings] she could certainly write something even better than [Wings].

Her masterpiece was always the next one, not just stopping at [Wings].

The effect of forcing herself to write was evident: opening her computer made her want to vomit, seeing words made her want to vomit, and picking up a pen made her want to vomit.

One drunken night, she received a text message from her long-lost grandmother: “If you want to see me, come to Moon Island.”

So, after checking the internet, she didn’t hesitate to board the ship bound for Moon Island.

And she heartlessly disconnected from Zhou Xi for two days.

At this moment, Zhou Xi once again urged her not to go online and check the trending topics, which probably meant something serious had happened, and likely something even more serious than before.

As expected, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds.

Qin Zhaoyi patiently waited.

After a few seconds, Zhou Xi finally said, “Stop worrying about it and take a break.”

Qin Zhaoyi furrowed her brow and then responded casually, “Oh.”

Without any hesitation, she hung up the phone and immediately opened Weibo.

On the entertainment trending topics, there was a post titled: [Netizens Encounter Sicily on a Blind Date].

Qin Zhaoyi: ?

She clicked on it and saw that everyone on the platform was talking about how she had finally decided to give up writing and was planning to change her current situation by marrying into a wealthy family.

Qin Zhaoyi: ?????

Did these people even know what they were talking about?

Some were criticizing the appearance of her blind date, but immediately others argued, “So what if he’s not good-looking? He’s the second young master of Hongguang Group.”

Qin Zhaoyi: …

As she scrolled through the comments, her anger flared up. However, just as she was getting worked up, the main character of the trending topic sent her a WeChat message: “Xiaoyi, do you have time this Saturday? Let’s go to an art exhibition together.”


The address was quite friendly.

Qin Zhaoyi’s impression of him was that he was short and dark-skinned. She, who had no prejudice against appearances, didn’t think he met the standard of being considered ugly. However, he had an intolerable level of chauvinism. During their blind date, he had made a series of remarks like, “I believe women should stay at home and take care of the family,” and “Women are naturally meant to be protected by men.” All of this made Qin Zhaoyi feel like he was a time-traveling modern-day male chauvinist from five thousand years ago.

Two seconds later, Qin Zhaoyi “politely” replied: “Get lost.”

Before he could respond, she blocked him.

As expected, Zhou Xi called her to tell her she had caused trouble again.

After all, the other person was somewhat influential and powerful.

But Qin Zhaoyi responded coldly, “Have my years of hard work been in vain? I can’t even curse out a jerk. What’s the point of living?”

Zhou Xi: “…”

She knew that her ancestor’s temper had flared up.

Just as Zhou Xi was about to console her, Qin Zhaoyi said, “I plan to temporarily close the studio and take a vacation.”

Zhou Xi: “Are you crazy?”

“Just checked my bank account balance,” Qin Zhaoyi said, “I can be willful for seventy years.”

Zhou Xi: “…?”

Wasn’t that being willful until death?

Indeed, over the years, Qin Zhaoyi had earned quite a bit of money, with royalties and derivatives reaching a high eight-figure sum.


Before Zhou Xi could say “but,” Qin Zhaoyi declared, “I, want, a, vacation.”

After saying that, she hung up the phone and logged into Weibo.

@Sicily: Allergic to blind dates, not marrying into a wealthy family.

I’ve never established a “genius girl” persona, but I’ll never run out of creativity.

Starting today, I’m taking a break with no set return date.

This blog post was published arrogantly and unapologetically, stirring up a storm on the internet.

Yet the person causing this storm was sitting calmly in the cabin, enjoying the beautiful scenery. She only felt how wonderful the world was after turning off her phone.

Before long, the ship stopped at Moon Island’s harbor.

Qin Zhaoyi disembarked with the crowd. As soon as she stepped off the ship, a gust of sea breeze hit her, causing her to cough. It was as if this cough was trying to expel all the pent-up frustration from the past few days.

The humid air carried a salty, heavy feeling, and the waves continuously crashed against the shore. It was the moment of sunset, and the once deep blue sky was now tinted with shades of orange, as if someone had spilled fresh orange juice across the sky. It was unbelievably beautiful.

However, Qin Zhaoyi had no time to appreciate this beauty. She bent over, coughing violently, and people kept passing by her.

Just as she was about to cough her tears out, a white handkerchief was handed to her. A gentle voice, accompanied by the setting sun and the evening breeze, entered her ears, “Are you okay?”

The words were casual but carried a hint of concern, as if a gentle breeze in late spring softly brushed her face, making her inexplicably blush.

Before Qin Zhaoyi could think deeper, the sensation of another impending coughing fit forced her to hastily take the handkerchief and cover her mouth. She even ended up crouching on the ground, dry heaving.

There was no need to guess; she was in a sorry state.

As someone who had lived in the central region for twenty-four years, Qin Zhaoyi was on a boat for the first time. She already felt dizzy, and now it felt like all her internal organs were twisted together.

When she was coughing uncontrollably, a pair of hands gently patted her back.

After a while, Qin Zhaoyi finally recovered her strength. The discomfort in her stomach had eased, and her throat was no longer itchy. However, she had coughed so much that her eyes were teary, and the world around her seemed hazy.

“Are you feeling better?” That gentle voice came again, drowning out the roaring sound of the waves.

Qin Zhaoyi slowly turned her face, and a fair and beautiful face came into view. The person, crouching to take care of her, had a slender figure, jet-black hair that fell loosely, nearly touching the ground. Her facial features were small and delicate, except for her eyes.

Those eyes, ruthless yet seemingly full of emotions, gazed gently at her. They were imbued with a simple earnestness. Especially her lips, which were untouched by lipstick or lip gloss, naturally pink as if they were born that way. The evening sun illuminated her face, making even the fine hairs on her skin visible, but her skin was as flawless as a peeled egg, with barely visible pores, smooth and fair.

For a moment, Qin Zhaoyi was stunned, and the other person quietly held her gaze.

“You’re so beautiful,” Qin Zhaoyi’s voice was somewhat hoarse. After unconsciously praising her, she realized the abruptness of her words and hurriedly explained, “I mean… I didn’t…”

As she tried to explain, she found herself at a loss for words.

But she had indeed never seen a woman who could make her lose her composure like this.

The other person smiled gently, “Thank you.”

A response delivered with grace.

Qin Zhaoyi blushed slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed. She glanced at the handkerchief she had used earlier, now stained with watermarks. She expressed her apologies, “I’m sorry, I dirtied your handkerchief.”

“It’s okay.” The other person stood up first. Qin Zhaoyi half-looked up at her, and her gaze followed suit. The light blue jeans wrapped around her slender and straight legs, her abdomen flat, and a few strands of her jet-black hair fell forward, reaching down to her midriff.

It was indeed very long.

Not just her hair, but also her fingers.

Her hands hung casually by her side, white to the point of radiance, slender and long. On her right ring finger, she wore a silver ring.

Seeing Qin Zhaoyi in a daze, she extended her hand, “Are you okay?”

Her voice was even gentler than the setting sun.

Qin Zhaoyi stared at her hand inexplicably and licked her lips for some reason. Instead of grabbing her hand, she used her hand to support herself as she stood up straight.

However, after squatting for too long, she felt the world spinning the moment she stood up. She subconsciously reached out, and her hand happened to grab the other person’s hand, warm in her palm.

Once Qin Zhaoyi regained her composure, her face turned slightly red, “Sorry.”

This was probably the most embarrassing moment of her life.

“It’s okay.” The other person asked seriously again, “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

“No need.” Qin Zhaoyi declined. “I’m just not used to the wind here.”

The other person was momentarily puzzled but then smiled, “Are you here to tour Moon Island?”

Qin Zhaoyi was about to answer truthfully when she saw the other person’s brilliant smile. “Welcome to Moon Island.”

Suddenly, Qin Zhaoyi’s palms were sweating profusely, and even her heart rate inexplicably quickened.

Before she could react, the other person turned her palm over and produced a piece of paper from somewhere. She carefully wiped it on her palm and then folded it back up. She looked into Qin Zhaoyi’s eyes earnestly, “I hope you have a great time on Moon Island.”

Those lips moved gently as she spoke.

Qin Zhaoyi watched, inexplicably swallowing her saliva and lightly biting her lip.

After she finished speaking, the other person turned and walked away. Qin Zhaoyi subconsciously wanted to stop her but didn’t know what to say.

After the other person had walked a distance, Qin Zhaoyi suddenly ran after her and asked, “How do I return your handkerchief?”

The elegant figure paused but didn’t turn around. She simply raised her arm and waved, saying, “We’ll meet again next time when fate allows it.

The author has something to say:

Qin: Never been in love, unsure of their sexual orientation, acts cool with BKing but acts cute, helpless, and spoiled only in front of their sister.

Luo: Never been in love but knows their sexual orientation, appears gentle and sweet but is actually a seductive mature sister type, internally cold but completely defenseless and gentle in front of their younger sister.

Welcome everyone to Moon Island.
(There are many places called Moon Island in China, in Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangzhou, etc., but the location here is entirely fictional.)

I’ve wanted to write a seaside story for a long time.

Slow-burn, healing, and sweet story.

1V1, double first love.

Let’s spend this spring together.


I’ve recently embarked on a Baihe craze. Literally sucking in any novel I can find. And so I decided to dip my previously menist(danmei) covered hands into this new utopia. And while digging into this new world, I came across this story. It seemed pretty interesting from the synopsis, plus it’s not long. The perfect beginner project. As usual:

Disclaimer: I am a MTLer! This means that it is impossible for me to fully capture the essence of the original novel. The best I can do is to edit it to be a smooth read as opposed to raw MTLs. But I’m prone to mistakes and tend to miss some basic things while editing especially in regards to pronouns and random name changes so be forewarned. If you come across any discrepancies, grammatical mistakes or awkward reading sentences, kindly inform me in the comments and I’ll fix it. Any feedback you may have on how to make the reading experience better is welcome and appreciated.

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Certified member of the IIO(International Introverts Organization), PhD holder in Overthinking and Ghosting, Spokesperson for BOBAH(Benefits of Being a Homebody), Founder of SFA(Salted Fish Association), Brand Ambassador for Couch Potato fall line Pajama set.

1 comment
  1. Anazu Salted Fish has spoken 8 months ago

    Baihe is such a beautiful genre i really love it, and i search for new read like a shark sensing blood in vast ocean. Thank you for the translation 🏖️


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