The Moon Island
The Moon Island: Chapter 6

6. Are you in love or something?

The atmosphere in the restaurant fell silent for a moment, but outside, the street remained bustling.

Qin Zhaoyi’s gaze was unwavering, fixed on Luo Yue. Up close, she noticed that Luo Yue’s eyes were amber in color. Her pupils were small, which made her eyes appear even larger and brighter.

Luo Yue remained unfazed and, after a moment, smiled lightly. “You can interpret it that way if you want.”

Qin Zhaoyi asked, “What’s the alternative, then?”

“I was just sincerely making a suggestion,” Luo Yue said. “You do have the qualities of an educator.”

Qin Zhaoyi: “?”

“You’re good at many things,” Qin Zhaoyi returned to her original position and casually bit into the bun that Luo Yue had offered her earlier. After finishing chewing, she continued, “Except for your taste.”

“Is that so?” Luo Yue’s gaze shifted lightly as she looked Qin Zhaoyi up and down.

Her eyes were indirect yet candid, and Qin Zhaoyi had no idea how Luo Yue managed to blend these two qualities so perfectly. It was as if her gaze was conveying a message: “I’ve chosen you.” But perhaps it was just Qin Zhaoyi’s imagination.

“Fair enough,” Luo Yue withdrew her hand, placed the chopsticks aside, and casually said, “I was just joking earlier.”

Qin Zhaoyi was surprised. “Huh?”

“I didn’t mean to invite you to become a teacher at our school,” Luo Yue said. “You must have more important things to do.”

She balanced politeness and distance in her words, as if the warmth and intimacy they had shared during their conversation in the restaurant had all been Qin Zhaoyi’s imagination.

Qin Zhaoyi, who had been left with a rollercoaster of emotions, pretended to be indifferent. “Indeed.”

In the momentarily chilled atmosphere, no one spoke.

Luo Yue checked her phone, and when Qin Zhaoyi stood up to pay the bill, she got up and headed towards the exit. “I’ve already paid.”

Luo Yue left the restaurant first, still wearing a smile while bidding farewell to the restaurant owner. However, as soon as they stepped outside, her smile faded.

When she smiled, Luo Yue resembled a gentle older sister, but when her smile vanished, she became a poised and aloof beauty.

Qin Zhaoyi followed her, walking in tandem, and discreetly observed her from the corner of her eye.

This day hadn’t gone smoothly at all and could even be described as extremely unpleasant. They had arrived in an unfamiliar place, encountered impolite people, and still hadn’t been able to contact Qin Zhaoyi’s grandmother.

But strangely, Qin Zhaoyi didn’t feel irritated or uncomfortable. Even now, with her heart beginning to ache, she welcomed the feeling.

On the way back, it was Luo Yue who gave Qin Zhaoyi a ride. The gentle sea breeze brushed past them.

They drove down a straight road that seemed to stretch endlessly but soon arrived at Luo Yue’s house.

While Luo Yue removed her helmet, she asked, “Do you want to explore the island a bit? I can leave the electric scooter for you.”

Qin Zhaoyi declined. “No need.”

Luo Yue lightly looked over, seeing right through her. “Are you sure?”

Qin Zhaoyi hesitated for a moment, then nodded with some regret. “Yes.”

Luo Yue smiled but didn’t say anything.

Her smile, in Qin Zhaoyi’s eyes, seemed mocking, and Qin Zhaoyi tucked her windblown hair behind her ear, avoiding eye contact. “What are you laughing at? I have a driver’s license.”

“Very impressive,” Luo Yue praised her without any emotion.

Qin Zhaoyi: “?”

No matter how you listened to it, it seemed like Luo Yue was just going through the motions, much like in the restaurant earlier.

Qin Zhaoyi was unconvinced. “It’s an A3 license.”

“Oh?” Luo Yue echoed.

Qin Zhaoyi: “I could drive a bus with it.”

Luo Yue slightly hesitated. “So, are you planning to drive a bus?”

Qin Zhaoyi: “…”

When she first obtained her driver’s license, she thought it was fun. Plus, she was going through a bottleneck in her writing, so she wanted to find something to occupy her time and took two months to get it.

But she had never driven on the road before.

Driving a bus would probably turn into a disaster.

“No,” Qin Zhaoyi replied with no enthusiasm. “I have a real job.”

“Writing?” Luo Yue asked casually. “Novels? Short stories? Poetry?”

Qin Zhaoyi: “…”

After a few seconds, Qin Zhaoyi, biting her lip in frustration, said, “World classics.”

She had expected Luo Yue to mock her, but instead, Luo Yue thought for a moment and, without any emotions, praised her, “You’re really impressive.”

Qin Zhaoyi: “…”

For the first time, she felt that compliments were worse than insults.

If it had been anyone else, Qin Zhaoyi would have likely told them to buzz off, but in front of Luo Yue, she always felt like they could chat a bit longer. No matter what they talked about, discussing anything under the sun was enough.

In this unfamiliar place, it seemed that only Luo Yue could become her pillar of support—both in terms of her gaze and her spirit. Although she had tried convincing her to leave Moon Island, she was much friendlier compared to the other people on the island. So even if Qin Zhaoyi’s mood was all over the place when facing her, she still wanted to chat with her.

As long as she didn’t leave.

“Don’t you think…” Qin Zhaoyi hesitated for a moment, but she couldn’t help asking bluntly, “Are you being insincere?”

When she asked, she looked somewhat forlorn, as if she had the words “Why are you brushing me off?” written all over her face.

However, Luo Yue just shrugged candidly, appearing especially innocent. “Not at all.”

Qin Zhaoyi stared straight at her, almost biting her lip to pieces. She was about to argue with her when she saw Luo Yue step forward, bringing them extremely close.

In that instant, Qin Zhaoyi’s breath stopped, and she stumbled a bit as she tried to ask, “You… what are you…”

She didn’t even manage to say the full word “doing,” and her voice was slightly trembling.

Luo Yue reached out and pressed lightly on her head, her fingertip inadvertently brushing across Qin Zhaoyi’s cheek.

Qin Zhaoyi’s throat tightened. “Do…”

Luo Yue interrupted her words and extended her hand, showing it to Qin Zhaoyi. “There’s cherry blossom petals.”

The wind had picked up pink cherry blossoms, making everything appear gentle and romantic in this early spring season. It smoothed away all of Qin Zhaoyi’s impatience and restlessness.

After a long silence, Qin Zhaoyi finally pacified her embarrassment. She still said awkwardly, “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing,” Luo Yue glanced at her watch. “I have my first class in the afternoon. I have to go.”

“What do you teach?” Qin Zhaoyi asked almost immediately.

“Your major,” Luo Yue replied. “English.”

Qin Zhaoyi pursed her lips. “Well, that’s quite a coincidence.”

“But…” Luo Yue looked at her. “Haven’t we already discussed this?”

Qin Zhaoyi: “…”

“Oh, right,” Qin Zhaoyi tried to cover up. “I forgot.”

Qin Zhaoyi was usually quiet and, when she did speak, she often had a sharp tongue. Her childhood friend, Zhong Ling, called her the “upgraded version of the conversation terminator.” Normally, even at social gatherings and parties, Miss Qin, who had an air of aloofness, waited for others to initiate conversations. If no one did, she could remain silent until the end.

But unexpectedly, here she was, racking her brain to come up with topics.

And the only things that came to mind were things they had already discussed.

Clearly, she was very curious about the person in front of her.

Luo Yue noticed her unease and pointed to her own face. “Are you feeling uncomfortable here?”

“Huh?” Qin Zhaoyi was taken aback. “No.”

Luo Yue couldn’t resist and lightly poked her apple cheek. Her gaze was clear, like a crystal-clear spring. “But this area is quite red.”

Qin Zhaoyi: “…”


Qin Zhaoyi felt like her heart was about to explode.

It was scarier than when they had kissed last night.

Especially as Luo Yue leaned closer, memories from last night rushed back like a tide, freezing at the moment their lips had touched, when she had gently tasted the other’s lips.

…there was a hint of coolness and sweetness.”

It made people involuntarily sink.

The whole person seemed to be floating on the sea or in the clouds.

It was an experience like no other.

Qin Zhaoyi took a step back, took a deep breath, and didn’t dare to look at Luo Yue again. “The weather is too hot.”

Luo Yue’s voice was very soft. “Is it?”

Clearly, she didn’t believe it.

“Yes,” Qin Zhaoyi said with conviction. “I’m not feeling well.”

After saying that, she turned and hurriedly went inside the house. But before she could take another step, someone grabbed her wrist.

Luo Yue asked seriously, “What’s not feeling well? Do you have a fever?”

Qin Zhaoyi felt like her wrist was on fire, burning hot. However, Luo Yue’s tone was devoid of any tenderness. “The fever-reducing medicine is in the bedside drawer.”

Qin Zhaoyi tugged her wrist back slightly, and for a moment, it felt somewhat empty.

“Then rest,” Luo Yue said. “I need to go to class, and it’s getting late.”

“Okay,” Qin Zhaoyi replied.

Luo Yue turned and left, but Qin Zhaoyi unconsciously turned her head. At that moment, her throat tightened, but she mustered the courage to ask, “Hey.”

Luo Yue stopped, turned to look at her, and the sunlight was a bit blinding. She raised her hand to shield her eyes and squinted as she asked, “What’s up?”

Qin Zhaoyi exhaled slowly, trying to make her voice sound less tense. “I still don’t know your name.”

“Luo Yue,” Luo Yue said as she walked away. “Luo from Luoyang, and Yue from moon.”

Qin Zhaoyi stared at the direction she left, her eyes fixed, not moving at all.

Luo Yue asked in return, “And you?”

“Haven’t you seen it earlier?” Qin Zhaoyi said, “When I was buying my phone.”

Luo Yue smiled and replied, “Your signature was too messy, I couldn’t read it.”

After saying that, she stood still, patiently waiting.

Qin Zhaoyi felt more nervous standing here than when she had introduced herself at the annual award ceremony for the most popular author. She forcefully suppressed the pounding of her heart and spoke in a cold, indifferent tone, “Qin Zhaoyi.”

Luo Yue asked again, “What?”

The wind brought a hint of early spring restlessness, making the sound louder.

So Qin Zhaoyi raised her voice a bit. “Qin… Zhao… Yi.”

“Qin as in the famous Qin and Jin Dynasties, Zhao from yearning for something day and night, and Yi from the one in your thoughts.”

  • “朝思暮想” – “zhāo sī mù xiǎng.” – sweetheart/one’s true love/the person in one’s thoughts
    *”意中人” – “yì zhōng rén.”

After listening, Luo Yue paused for a moment, then smiled gently, “It sounds very nice.”

Complimenting as always.

But this time it sounded much more sincere. Qin Zhaoyi pinched her earlobe, “Do you like it?”

Luo Yue, “Huh?”

Qin Zhaoyi immediately concealed her smile and hurriedly walked into her room, “Never mind.”

Luo Yue’s phone vibrated, she picked it up and glanced at it, then immediately panicked, “I have to go to class.”

“Alright,” Qin Zhaoyi stood at the doorway.

Luo Yue ran to school, disappearing at the street corner.

The wall made of stone was so clean that it could reflect the distant coastline. Qin Zhaoyi stood at the door, watching until Luo Yue’s figure completely disappeared before entering the room.

Before she could fully suppress the palpitations in her chest, her phone rang.

It was her childhood friend, Zhong Ling.

She swiped to answer the call, and just as she said, “Hello,” there was silence from Zhong Ling’s end.

After two seconds, Zhong Ling asked with that peculiar tone, “Are you in love or something?”
Qin Zhaoyi: “?”


Certified member of the IIO(International Introverts Organization), PhD holder in Overthinking and Ghosting, Spokesperson for BOBAH(Benefits of Being a Homebody), Founder of SFA(Salted Fish Association), Brand Ambassador for Couch Potato fall line Pajama set.

1 comment
  1. dadin has spoken 10 months ago

    she must be smiling when she said “hello” lol


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