Daily Life of Raising Cubs in the 1980s
Daily Life of Raising Cubs Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Son She Picked Up

“Yu Wei, stop playing dead! You’re marrying Factory Director Luo whether you want to or not!”

Yu Wei’s heart raced as she listened to the thunderous roar in her ears. Her head was wrapped in thick bandages, so tight that it felt like it was about to split open.

“Can you not shout so loudly? Let me catch my breath.”

It had been exactly an hour since Yu Wei had time-traveled here. She was peacefully asleep in her bed at home when this older woman had dragged her out of her dreams early in the morning, scolding her nonstop.

Now, besides sitting on the bed and listening to the woman’s endless complaints, she could only exchange bewildered glances with the delicate little boy beside her.

She still didn’t understand how she ended up in this strange place.

At first, when she woke up, Yu Wei thought some film crew had pulled a prank on her, moving her to a shooting set. But after listening to this older woman’s furious scolding in a daze, she realised that the weak, slender hands she saw were not hers. And when she looked in the mirror on the wall and saw that her face was at least ten years younger, it hit her—she had time-traveled!

And supposedly, this well-behaved little boy beside her was her son…

“What are you trying to catch your breath for? Was it me who told you to slam your head against the wall? Huh?” Yuan Guifang was furious. Despite the injury on her daughter’s head, she raised her hand to jab her forehead.

“Factory Director Luo may have lost his wife and has two kids, but his family’s doing well!” she said, slapping her thighs in frustration. “Look around—how many families in the neighbourhood could land such a good match? Why are you so stubborn?”

“Before you even married into his family, Factory Director Luo already secured you a good position in the office! How comfortable would that be? The neighbours would be green with envy! But no, after just two days, you came back and told me you’re not marrying him!”

The more Yuan Guifang talked, the angrier she became. She wanted to pry open her daughter’s head to see what kind of useless straw was stuffed inside.

“Dabao, go outside and play with Daniu. Your mom and I need to have a talk.” After sending Yu Wei’s son out, Yuan Guifang started nagging again.

“If you don’t think about yourself, at least think about our whole family! Look at your son—how thin he’s gotten! If you marry him, our whole family can live a good life!”

Yu Wei stayed silent: So, who exactly is this Factory Director Luo? Surely they wouldn’t push her into the fire pit, right?

Yuan Guifang seemed to realise she had overreacted. Worried that her silly daughter might attempt suicide again, she softened her tone and tried to reason with her. “You know what kind of situation our family is in. Your brother and sister-in-law have already inquired about it—Factory Director Luo has a good temper. If you marry him, you’re guaranteed a good life!”

The summer heat was unbearable. Even sitting still, Yu Wei was sweating. She shifted her stiff body and brushed the damp strands of hair behind her ear. “I understand. Just give me some time to think.”

Listening to her mother nag so early in the morning was making her head feel like it was about to explode. And she still hadn’t fully processed everything that had happened.

Yuan Guifang paused and took a sip of water. But not willing to give up the chance for such a good match, she continued, her lips dry.

“Let me tell you, you’re already a woman with a bad reputation. The fact that the Factory Director isn’t picky about you is a blessing. And now you’re complaining that he’s ugly? What are you thinking?” Yuan Guifang couldn’t understand it. “Last month, you clearly agreed to it. Why did you suddenly change your mind and slam your head into a wall?”

“Why didn’t you just die! That way, the Yu family wouldn’t have to suffer any more shame!”

As Yuan Guifang spoke, she struggled to catch her breath, angrily shouting, “Hey! Stupid girl, I’m talking to you! Why are you staring off into space?”

Yu Wei retracted her wandering gaze and helplessly replied, “I heard you.”

“If you heard me, why aren’t you saying anything?”

“It’s not that I—”

But Yuan Guifang didn’t bother listening to her excuses and cut her off. “Let me tell you, as a woman, you—”

“Little brat! Who told you to bully my Da Niu!”

“Get lost! You little bastard without a father!”

Hearing the commotion outside, Yuan Guifang’s scolding suddenly stopped, and both of them looked toward the courtyard.

Outside the half-open window, a pale, thin boy had been pushed to the ground. He sat quietly under a tree, watching the scene unfold in front of him without making a sound or moving.

Looking closer, a large patch of alarming red was visible on the boy’s pale forehead, mixed with dry, yellow leaves. It was a jarring sight!

Yu Wei was startled by the scene and, despite her pounding headache, quickly got out of bed, put on her shoes, and rushed outside. In her hurry, she stumbled over the threshold and fell right in front of the boy.

“Oh my… How did he end up bleeding so much…”

Yu Wei stood there dumbfounded, mumbling to herself. The little boy, who had been clean just moments ago, was now covered in dirt and dry leaves.

She gently brushed the dust off his clothes and hands. Her eyes were filled with concern as she looked at the bright red blood staining his pale face.

She held the boy in her arms, carefully examining him, asking if he was in pain or if his head hurt. But there was no response.

Just moments ago, the woman who had been shouting curses changed her tone when she saw Yu Wei rush out. She awkwardly coughed and forced a smile. “Yu Wei, my Da Niu didn’t mean it. Your son just accidentally hit the tree. Don’t hold a grudge against kids!”

She pulled Da Niu into her arms, scolding him harshly, “Da Niu, you’re so disobedient! I’ve always told you to play nicely with Yu Hui, who’s so small and thin! Look what you’ve done now, hitting him against a tree and causing so much blood! You’re such a troublemaker!”

Da Niu looked wronged, but he didn’t dare talk back. He clenched his fists and lowered his head in silence.

Yu Wei glared angrily at the woman behind her, who was still putting on a one-woman show.

Seeing the adorable little boy in her arms covered in wounds, Yu Wei’s heart ached.

It was a scorching day, and the little boy was wearing clothes that were too large and out of season. His pants were so long that they dragged on the ground, with the excess fabric carelessly rolled up, worn down with holes from being dragged.

Despite the heat, his face was pale and devoid of any healthy colour. His lips were bloodless, making his large, dark eyes seem even bigger.

But the strangest thing was the boy’s silence. He had been pushed and beaten, blood trickling down his forehead, yet he didn’t make a sound. Even when his mother examined him with worry, he didn’t cry or fuss. It was as if he had no emotions, like a soulless puppet.

Most children, even if they didn’t cry when bullied, would feel a surge of sadness when they saw their parents. But not him. He just watched everything quietly, emotionlessly watching the boy who hit him being scolded by his mother, and his mother’s worried eyes without reacting.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Yuan Guifang called out as she saw her daughter suddenly pick up her son and run toward the courtyard gate. She hurriedly chased after her, asking as she ran.

Yu Wei, out of breath, fought through the stabbing pain in her head, sweating profusely. “Where else? To the hospital!”

There was no time to argue with these people. The child’s injuries needed urgent attention. 

If they didn’t get to the hospital soon, what were they supposed to do, just stand around? 

Hearing she was heading to the hospital, Yuan Guifang immediately panicked—not because of her grandson, but because of the cost!

“How much will a hospital trip cost? I swear, why is this child so delicate? He’s just a boy, tough as leather. A little blood isn’t worth a hospital visit!”

Even though Yuan Guifang complained about wasting money, she hurried after them.

Yu Wei suddenly slowed down and turned back, asking, “By the way, where’s the hospital?”

Forgive her; she wasn’t familiar with the area at all.

“Over there, over there!” Yuan Guifang pointed north, panting, “That white three-story building—don’t you know that?”

Yu Wei glanced north, and when she saw the white building, she steeled her expression, adjusted the boy on her shoulder, and hurried toward it.

“Hey, slow down! You never worried about Dabao like this before!” Yuan Guifang finally stopped to catch her breath, baffled by her daughter’s urgency.

Yu Wei ran for a good ten minutes with the boy in her arms. With her head still injured, by the time they reached the hospital, she was completely exhausted. She paused to take a couple of breaths before rushing into the ivy-covered white building.

She was wearing fabric made of Dacron, which didn’t absorb sweat and wasn’t breathable. After running all the way, her entire body was drenched in sweat.



Because she had run too fast in one breath, Yu Wei, holding her son, crashed straight into someone—a man, no less.

The man was knocked back two steps, slightly bending forward and clutching his leg.

Fortunately, Yu Wei instinctively shielded the little boy’s head before colliding with him, or else the child might have been hurt even worse!

“Sorry, sorry! My son is injured, and I was in a hurry. Are you alright?” Yu Wei apologised while holding her son and bent down to check on the man.

The man bent down for a few seconds to recover, then straightened up. When he looked up, he suddenly froze. His sharp, phoenix-shaped eyes stared intently at her, his brows furrowed, and in his hand was a small cloth bag containing medical supplies.

Yu Wei felt uneasy under his inexplicable gaze, quickly bowing her head to apologise again.

“I’m really sorry. Are you okay?”

Hiss—she wasn’t sure if the man was hurt, but her headache was definitely getting worse.

The man in the grey clothes remained motionless, not speaking. Yu Wei couldn’t read the emotions in his eyes, but she couldn’t afford to delay any longer. She still didn’t know the condition of the little one in her arms.

Yu Wei cast a curious glance at the man staring at her, gave an awkward smile, and quickly walked away.

Forget it—let him be angry if he wants; her son’s injury was more important.

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