The Substitute Bride in the 50s Courtyard
The Substitute Bride in the 50s Courtyard Chapter 2

Chapter 2

This bizarre and dramatic plot line gave Lin Yao’s headache just thinking about it.

Well, since it’s happened, she might as well go with the flow. She can’t just stop living because of it.

After all, she had no family left in the twenty-first century. Her few close friends each had their own families, and they had companions in their lives. The pain of her departure would fade with time, though it was a pity about the villa and the space supermarket she had just received.

That’s right, before transmigrating, Lin Yao had her own golden finger.

Specifically, all members of the Lin family inherited a unique ability.

You could say it was a family legacy.

From the moment Lin Yao’s grandfather married Grandma Lin, who possessed abilities from a post-apocalyptic world, every descendant of the Lin family would activate various powers upon turning eighteen.

For example, Lin Yao’s father was a power user, capable of kicking tigers and wrestling with bears. He was extraordinarily strong and had climbing talents far beyond the ordinary.

Lin Yao’s parents loved climbing and frequently packed their bags to conquer steep peaks in different regions.

Compared to her father, Lin Yao’s abilities were somewhat lacking. She had a space supermarket that stocked everything from rice, flour, oil, and salt to medicinal herbs, eggs, fruits, vegetables, blankets, bedding, fabric, underwear, shoes, and socks.

To put it simply, whatever a normal supermarket had, Lin Yao’s space supermarket had too, and anything that wasn’t available in regular supermarkets could also be found in her little space.

Who told her to be a hoarder, being a Taurus and all?

A year ago, her parents went on a trip to the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan. The desert was full of massive earthen rocks and endless sandstone mountains.

Lin Yao’s father longed to challenge it.

As a result, they never returned after that trip.

The local police searched the desert for over half a month and only found traces of a campfire, along with a note.

The note instructed Lin Yao to live well and wait for the day they returned.

The contents of the note left the local police puzzled, unable to make heads or tails of it.

However, Lin Yao understood—her parents might have, like her grandparents, also transmigrated!

Lin Yao tidied her feelings and, after graduating from university, managed the family chain supermarket while also renovating the two buildings left by her parents to rent out.

She was living a pretty good life.

Little did she expect that right after her twenty-fourth birthday, she would inherit the family tradition and transmigrate!

Ah, it’s all fate.

Lin Yao wanted to check if her space supermarket was still there. Habitually, she touched her forehead, and this time she was smart. She didn’t touch the white gauze wrapped around her head. On the day of the original wedding, she had bumped into a pillar and ended up with a rather nasty cut on her forehead. Lin Daguo’s family took advantage of the chaos to slip away.

At that time, the Gu family was busy sending the original Lin Yao to the clinic and didn’t have time to settle scores with Lin Daguo.

Lin Yao’s forehead injury was treated at the clinic.

The doctor at the clinic said that the wound was dealt with promptly, so hospitalization wasn’t necessary. She just needed to change the dressing every three days and maintain a light diet at home, taking care not to aggravate it.

After hearing this, the Gu family finally felt relieved.

The evening sun pierced through the thick sycamore leaves, signaling dinnertime.

Outside, the cicadas’ chirping was drowned out by the clatter of pots and pans in the bustling courtyard, with only a few cicada calls occasionally breaking through.


In an instant, Lin Yao disappeared from the room.

With a single thought, Lin Yao found herself in her space supermarket, staring at the fully stocked shelves in front of her.

Lin Yao felt like dancing with joy.

With her golden finger, she wasn’t afraid of being a supporting character!

Lin Yao didn’t dare to linger in the space supermarket for long.

She was currently living in the Gu family’s household. In the bustling courtyard, people were always coming and going; it was common for neighbors to borrow salt or rice.

She didn’t want to be caught and dealt with by anyone.

After leaving the space supermarket, Lin Yao obediently sat in her room.

Before long, Zhang Cuilan, busy in the kitchen, brought over a bowl of fragrant noodles with egg sauce. The finely rolled noodles were fragrant with lard and scallions, topped with a fried egg.

The meal wasn’t considered extravagant. In fact, in later years, it would be regarded as quite a common meal.

However, during the material shortages of the 1950s, the common people rarely had the opportunity to eat white noodles even once a year.

Moreover, this dish contained eggs, showing that the Gu family treated the original Lin Yao with genuine care.

“Yaoyao, you must be hungry. The freshly made white noodles smell great, hurry up and eat,” Zhang Cuilan said.

“Thank you, Auntie,” Lin Yao replied.

After lying down for most of the afternoon, she was indeed hungry and sweetly thanked Zhang Cuilan.

“This child, what are you thanking me for? I watched you grow up. You’re just like my own daughter,” Zhang Cuilan said, lovingly setting the tableware for Lin Yao and kindly reminding her to be careful not to burn herself.

Lin Yao nodded, picked up a strand of fresh and chewy noodles with her chopsticks, and took a bite. The soup absorbed the grease from the pork, filling her mouth with a rich meaty flavor. The noodles, which were pale with a hint of yellow, were smooth and elastic—so delicious they were bursting with flavor.

Seeing Lin Yao enjoy the food to the point her eyes were squinting in delight, Zhang Cuilan also felt happy.

“Slow down, there’s more in the pot. Your mother used to love eating the noodles I made when she was a girl…”

Zhang Cuilan, filled with enthusiasm, started reminiscing but soon thought of her long-gone good friend and felt tears welling up, quickly turning away to wipe her eyes with her apron.

Lin Yao’s mother and Zhang Cuilan had been good friends since they were young. Later, one married into the Lin family and the other into the Gu family, but they maintained contact.

After getting married, Zhang Cuilan learned from her mother-in-law that her father-in-law had arranged a childhood engagement. She eagerly hoped that Lin Yao’s mother would give birth to a daughter soon, making them in-laws.

Unfortunately, Lin Daguo’s wife, Li Aifeng, conceived first. Their first child was a son, and their second was Lin Hongna.

It wasn’t until the following year that Lin Yao was born.

With that, Zhang Cuilan could only sigh and accept the reality.

Her son had no fate with Yao Yao!

Moreover, she had always looked down on Lin Daguo and his wife.

Lin Daguo was the eldest son of the Lin family. When Lin Yao’s grandfather returned home after being injured in the army, the government took care of the Lin family by assigning him a light job at a furniture factory.

At that time, Yunshui County was still a liberated area. Once liberated, being a worker meant a lifetime of job security.

Lin Yao’s grandfather was in poor health and retired early, passing the factory job on to Lin Daguo.

If Lin Daguo had been honest, he could have comfortably relied on the state for his entire life.

Who would have thought Lin Daguo was like a pile of mud that couldn’t hold up? Shortly after starting at the furniture factory, he was dismissed for harassing female workers.

Lin Daguo was already a father of two and still acted like a lecher!

Lin Yao’s grandfather was so furious he nearly lost his life.

Zhang Cuilan felt disgusted, not wanting to be related to such a morally corrupt person, fearing it would ruin her son’s life.

At that time, she wasn’t in charge and had to bow to the stubborn old man, Gu Dazhang.

As for Li Aifeng, she was a real piece of work—lazy, greedy, and with dirty hands. In previous years, she had often used the excuse of visiting Gu Dazhang to come to the Gu family and take advantage of them.

Zhang Cuilan considered it bad luck.

Li Aifeng even reached into the neighbors’ homes, stealing a cabbage here and a bedsheet there…

Several times, she was caught red-handed, yet she adamantly refused to admit it.

Gu Dazhang had to swallow his pride and clean up her mess.

With such awful parents, how good could Lin Hongna possibly be?

A woman in her twenties who frequently ran to the city, heavily made up, would giggle and nudge her way toward the eldest son. Thankfully, her son had a cold personality and never paid her any attention.

Compared to the well-behaved and sensible Lin Yao, it was like night and day.

Zhang Cuilan spent her days praying to deities, asking heaven to send a better daughter-in-law to the Gu family.

Lo and behold, as she prayed day after day, the heavens really opened their eyes.

Lin Hongna was unwilling to marry into the courtyard and even caused a stir by pretending to be a substitute bride.

In fact, on the morning of the wedding, Zhang Cuilan had already sensed something was off. Lin Daguo and his wife had unnatural expressions and showed no joy at marrying off their daughter, their every gesture revealing their guilt.

When the bride appeared, Zhang Cuilan’s suspicions grew stronger. In Yunshui County, brides were still covered with a red veil for weddings.

Though the bride’s face was obscured, her figure could still give hints.

Lin Hongna, short and stocky like her mother Li Aifeng, had skin that wasn’t particularly fair and was only around one point five meters tall, with a large backside.

But the bride who appeared was slender and graceful, her skin so fair it looked as if one could squeeze water from it.

That didn’t look like Lin Hongna. It was more like Yao Yao!

Without hesitation, Zhang Cuilan dashed over while the bride was preening in the inner room, swiftly lifting the red veil off the bride’s head.

Goodness! Under the red veil was none other than Lin Yao, crying like a child.

Now, the truth was out.

Zhang Cuilan felt both joy and anger, but Lin Daguo, with no shame, pushed all the blame onto Yao Yao, claiming she was shameless for wanting to be a substitute bride, and they had no choice but to resort to this method.

This infuriated Zhang Cuilan, and before she could explode, Yao Yao couldn’t take it anymore and collided with the doorpost.

Yao Yao fainted instantly, her forehead sustaining a large wound, blood gushing like a spring and staining the floor tiles in an instant.

Gu Shi’an couldn’t care less about the wedding. He picked up the unconscious Lin Yao and rushed to the clinic.

The Gu family, frantic, followed closely behind.

Lin Daguo’s family took advantage of the chaos to flee.

A fleeing monk can’t escape the temple. The next day, Zhang Cuilan brought her brothers from her family and stormed into Linjia Village, barging into Lin Daguo’s home, grabbing that bastard and giving him a beating, then demanding the dowry that should belong to Lin Yao.

Lin Yao’s parents had perished in last year’s flood, and all their possessions, including food and other goods, had been taken by Lin Daguo.

Lin Weiguo and his wife were honest and upright. Over the years, they had accumulated quite a bit of wealth.

Zhang Cuilan managed to extract three hundred yuan and a stack of vouchers from Lin Daguo’s hands, all of which rightfully belonged to Yao Yao!

After Lin Yao finished her noodles, Zhang Cuilan handed her the money and vouchers, claiming they were the dowry Lin Daguo had provided.

Lin Yao looked at the vouchers handed to her. Most were for grain, sugar, meat, snacks, and several industrial vouchers.

In this era, she could be considered a little rich woman.

However, since these belonged to the original owner and her brother, Lin Yao decided that as long as she occupied the original owner’s body, she would honor her elders properly.

So, when Gu Mancang and Gu Chunmei returned home from work, Lin Yao called Dongzi to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some snacks.

She also planned to find an appropriate time to “take” a few pounds of meat from the space supermarket.


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