The Vicious Female Supporting Character Gets Adored by Kids on a Variety Show
The Vicious Female Supporting Character Gets Adored by Kids on a Variety Show Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Seeing Her Son

Qin Youran seemed very interested in raising children and kept asking Yan Yueqing for advice throughout their journey.

Yan Yueqing found her enthusiasm strange and excessive. She responded halfheartedly along the way.

At the high-speed rail station, the two weren’t on the same train, so Yan Yueqing finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said her goodbyes.

The journey from T City and C City only took an hour.

However, she left late, so it was already dark when she arrived at the hospital.

In the high-end VIP ward, she opened the door to see a large floor-to-ceiling window.

When Yan Wang was little, he needed a sterile environment, so the hospital had specially prepared this room. Inside the glass partition was a daily disinfected sterile room. The corridor outside the partition was for the patients’ families. Doctors and nurses could also monitor their patients condition through the floor-to-ceiling window at any time.

Later, as Yan Wang grew older and his immune system improved, he no longer needed a specially created sterile environment. However, the Yan’s family patriarch felt the child had gotten used to it and saw no need to move to another ward. He negotiated with the hospital to convert this room into a VIP ward for the little guy’s recovery.

When reading the book before, Yan Yueqing felt the author was particularly fond of this child. Not only did they spend a lot of words describing Yan Wang’s appearance, but they also arranged many scenes to make readers fall for him.

It wasn’t until she saw her son through the glass that Yan Yueqing exclaimed—

The author had been too conservative in their writing!

The five-year-old child had a stunningly beautiful appearance.

Walking down the street, he would make people turn their heads two or three times!

Due to his illness, he lay there weakly, like fragile porcelain, making people instinctively hold their breath.

“Son…” she pressed against the glass, murmuring softly.

Blood ties are incredibly mysterious.

Yan Yuqing had assumed that her fondness for Yan Wang stemmed solely from the book. But upon seeing him in person, other emotions surfaced within her.

That bond from the depths of her soul, along with a strong desire to protect, flowed through her bloodstream, making her eyes turn red.

By the time she realized it, two large teardrops had already escaped her eyes…

Though it was their first meeting, it felt like a reunion after a long separation…

This feeling made her heart ache!


The system suddenly activated.

“A potential target baby has been detected. Does the host wish to bind with him?”

[Name: Yan Wang

Age: 5 years old

Favorability towards host: -50 points.]

[Mission: Bind and nurture a relationship with Yan Wang. Mission is completed when his favorability towards the host exceeds 90 points.]

[Reward: +10 strength points, 10% refund of child cultivation funds spent.]


Yan Yueqing’s feelings of emotion instantly turned into speechlessness.

What did the original owner do?

How could such an obedient son have -50 favorability towards her?!

Was this for real?

Without hesitation, she said: “Confirm binding!”

Only after seeing the words [Binding Successful] appear before her eyes did she quietly open the inner door and enter.

Yan Wang was sound asleep.

The small figure had a very pale face, like a thin layer of paper. Up close, one could see tiny blood vessels under his skin.

His beautiful eyebrows were slightly furrowed, his breathing a bit rapid, as if he was having a nightmare.

Yan Yueqing reached out and touched her son’s forehead, which was a bit sweaty.

The ward’s isolation area had toiletries. She took out a hot towel from the disinfection cabinet and carefully wiped her son from forehead to body, wanting to make him sleep more comfortably.

Yan Wang was frail, much thinner than children his age. Only his hands were slightly swollen on the back due to years of IV drips.

“Does it hurt?” she couldn’t help asking, even though she knew the child was asleep.

Her wiping movements were exceptionally gentle.

Each touch felt like she was handling a priceless treasure, making her extra cautious.

As the hot towel was applied, Yan Wang’s tightly furrowed brows gradually relaxed.

Unknown what he dreamed of, a tear stain appeared at the corner of his eye.

The system suddenly prompted:

[Yan Wang’s favorability +5.

Current favorability: -45.]


So the little guy was pretending to be asleep?

If not for the system, Yan Yueqing would have almost been fooled by his superb acting!

Wow, what an actor!

But the little guy was also too easily satisfied, wasn’t he?

Just wiping his body increased his favorability?

If that’s the case…

What on earth had the original owner done to cause Yan Wang’s initial favorability to be -50?

Yan Yueqing didn’t intend to expose the little guy’s pretense. After wiping him clean, she quietly took the medical record from the bedside and walked out.

She closed the door.

The person on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

His gaze closely followed her, unwilling to look away even after she closed the outer door and completely disappeared into the darkness.

The little guy’s eyes were intense, his heart deeply moved.

Was that gentle person just now… Mother… had she come back?

Thinking of her actions, Yan Wang raised his right hand and gently grasped at the empty air.

As if unwilling to let his mom leave!

But suddenly, in his mind, he heard Yan Yueqing’s vicious words from a phone call a year ago.

“If this sickly child is really my son, he should just die! Stop bothering me, okay?”

His heart turned cold again.

[System Notification:

Yan Wang’s favorability -5.

Current favorability: -50.]


Yan Yueqing, who was sitting in the corridor reading the medical records, suddenly froze.

What was going on?

She had just increased his favorability by five points, and now it suddenly returned to its original state?

What did she do?!

Yan Yueqing looked back at the tightly closed ward door.

It seemed…

The rift between the original owner and Yan Wang was truly not small…

She shook her head, deciding not to go in to see her son, and instead continued to bury herself in the medical records.

Yan Wang had been in the hospital since birth, so there were many medical records.

The one hanging at the bedside was just the report from the past month. Older ones were in the file cabinet at the nurses’ station.

As Yan Yuqing read through the reports, she tried to recall the plot regarding Yan Wang’s illness.

He had a very strange illness!

Rather than calling it an illness, it was more like he had been poisoned.

The book described that he often had high fevers that wouldn’t subside, was allergic to many foods which caused vomiting and convulsions when eaten, and suffered from palpitations and breathing difficulties during seasonal changes.

He had to stay in the hospital, relying on expensive suppressive drugs and nutritional injections.

After the original owner passed away, Qin Youran took over caring for this child. The first year was also spent in the hospital until the child’s biological father came to find him and took him back to the manor to recuperate.

Strangely enough, the illness that couldn’t be cured in the hospital seemed to improve after entering the manor.

Yan Yueqing didn’t like Qin Youran’s character setting. She stopped following the book closely after the child was taken back to the manor, so she didn’t know if Yan Wang was ultimately cured or not.

However, she wouldn’t pin her hopes on Jun Li!

Even if Jun Li had the means to cure Yan Wang, that would be a year from now!

Such a young child, from birth until now, had hardly been outside to see the blue sky and white clouds.

Counting the days, who knows when the illness would strike him down.

She didn’t want Yan Wang to endure such fearful and painful times for even one more day!


At the nurses’ station.

Nurse Zhenzhen, who was on night duty, ran over with a stack of records and said mysteriously: “Sister Li, guess who I just saw during my rounds?”

Sister Li, busy sorting through documents, didn’t even look up. “Who?”

“Yan Yueqing!” Zhenzhen said excitedly, as if afraid Sister Li didn’t know, and explained in detail, “The mother of Yan Wang in the VIP ward!”

Sister Li’s hand paused, as if remembering something, and switched to the surveillance footage to take a look.


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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