The Vicious Female Supporting Character Gets Adored by Kids on a Variety Show
The Vicious Female Supporting Character Gets Adored by Kids on a Variety Show Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Have You Ever Seen a Mother Who Wants Her Son to Die?

Zhenzhen pointed at the screen: “Look, she’s sitting outside the hospital room reviewing Wang wang’s medical records. She didn’t even hear me when I greeted her.”

Sister Li responded with an indifferent “Oh.”

Zhenzhen, having never seen a celebrity in person before, was excited: “Celebrities really are different! So much prettier than internet influencers! I thought she used beauty filters on her livestreams, but who knew she was this beautiful in person? It makes sense, with such a handsome son, how could his mother not be attractive? I just wonder who Wangwang’s father is, we haven’t seen him yet.”

After hearing this, Sister Li laughed mockingly, not wanting to continue the conversation.

Zhenzhen, who had recently been introduced to the fourth episode of “National Parents” livestream by her best friend, where Yan Yueqing’s actions in bringing Tang Tang down the mountain were very appealing, chattered on: “Sister Li, let me tell you, Yan Yueqing is different from other celebrities! She’s gentle with children on the show and even publicly acknowledged Yan Wang’s existence! She dares to reveal she has a child, much better than those stars who secretly date and don’t admit it.”

“Is that so?” Sister Li kindly warned, “Maybe it’s all intentional?”

“Intentional?” Zhenzhen sensed that her mood wasn’t right. “What’s wrong?”

Sister Li, who also had children, sighed thinking about Yan Yueqing’s actions: “You’ve been in the hospital for a year now, how many times have you seen her?”

Zhenzhen: “Uh… just this once, I guess?”

“That says it all. What’s good about a mother who doesn’t care about her own child at all?”

“Maybe she’s too busy as an artist? I’ve been following her reality show lately, and she—”

Sister Li interrupted coldly: “Can anyone be so busy that they don’t visit their son for an entire year?”

Zhenzhen was left speechless, unable to respond.

She hadn’t watched from the first episode, otherwise, the Yan Yueqing who only knew how to be a bootlicker would have disgusted her!

Yan Yueqing changed so much by the fourth episode that many new fans had a good impression of her.

People are like this – they subconsciously defend those who make a good first impression, while reacting indifferently to those who don’t.

Now, hearing Sister Li’s words, Zhenzhen seemed to finally connect the Yan Yueqing reviewing medical records with Yan Wang’s absent mother.

She suddenly felt a bit disappointed!


Gentle and attentive to other people’s children on the show, but neglectful of her own son in reality…

“Come to think of it, Yan Yueqing isn’t even as caring as her family,” Zhenzhen pouted. “The old man is seventy years old and still comes leaning on a cane every two or three months to see his great-grandson…”

“I haven’t even told you the worst part yet!” Sister Li’s expression tightened, “Do you remember Yan Wang’s serious illness a year ago?”

Zhenzhen nodded vigorously!

How could she forget?!

Wangwang was so adorable that there wasn’t a single person at the nurse’s station who didn’t like him.

Even she, who had just started at the hospital then, couldn’t help but go see him in her free time.

But one night, Yan Wang suddenly became critically ill!

He had been fine during the day, but at night he suddenly developed a high fever that wouldn’t go down, and he had seizures and fell into a coma…

The hospital issued three critical condition notices in a row, even alarming the Yan family’s old man.

It was the first time Zhenzhen had seen such a big commotion at the hospital!

The memory was still fresh!

Sister Li shook her head, took a deep breath, and uttered some chilling words: “Have you ever seen a mother who wants her own son to die?”

“What?” Zhenzhen thought she had misheard.

Sister Li looked mockingly at the surveillance camera, “That day, Wangwang was holding a phone, asking me to call his mother who hadn’t visited in a long time. Who knew…”

Yan Yueqing was probably at a party, drunk, and when she heard the head nurse’s request, she coldly replied: “If this sickly child is really my son, he should just die! Stop bothering me, okay?”

Sister Li held the phone and looked at Wang Wang sitting at the head of the bed.

His expectant gaze gradually dimmed.

Bit by bit… it turned lifeless!

Zhenzhen gasped, unable to believe what she had heard: “How could she be so cruel?”

“Later, when Wangwang woke up, she came to the hospital once…”

Sister Li had thought that Yan Yueqing might have been drunk and in a bad mood that night.


After meeting, she only asked one question: “Is that little brat dead?”

Seven words!

Each word piercing the heart!

Sister Li couldn’t imagine how such a beautiful person could so desperately want her own son to die?!

Did she even have a heart?!

Zhenzhen immediately raged: “How can a mother be so heartless? Wangwang is so adorable, who in the nurse’s station doesn’t like him? Yet his own mother… If I had such a cute son, I’d cherish him like a treasure! Is she insane?”

“In a place like a hospital, there are more prayers than in a church! Similarly, the complexities of human nature are more dramatic than in TV shows.” Sister Li sighed: “Some people appear gentle, but in reality, their hearts are colder than anyone’s! Yan Yueqing has changed too much since entering the entertainment industry… Sometimes I feel like she’s become a completely different person.”

This sounded like juicy gossip, so Zhenzhen quickly said: “Sister Li, tell me more!”

Sister Li stacked her ward rounds documents together: “These things aren’t secrets in our hospital.”

This child, Yan Wang, has been in this hospital since birth.

From the incubator to the ICU, then to the sterile ward… he’s grown up here all the way to now.

As for Yan Yueqing… she wasn’t like this at first.

When Sister Li first met Yan Yueqing, she was still a new nurse herself.

Following the doctor to check medical records, she happened to see her in the VIP ward.

A thin girl with a big belly, sitting on the bed with a lifeless expression.

Sister Li had never seen such a beautiful person before, nor had she ever seen someone struggling so painfully between life and death.

She must have suffered some shock. Sometimes she would stand determinedly by the window, as if she might jump at any moment. Other times she would sit quietly by the bed, caressing her belly with a gentle smile.

The day before the child was born, she went home for a while.

Later, she was sent to the hospital covered in blood.

Yan Yueqing was pregnant with twins. Due to severe trauma in the womb, one couldn’t be saved, while the other was rushed to the ICU.

The first thing she did when she woke up was to drag herself to the isolation room despite the excruciating pain, kneeling on the ground praying for her son’s well-being.

At that time, Sister Li thought that if this child couldn’t be saved either, Yan Yueqing would surely not survive!

Fortunately, the little guy pulled through.

But he was extremely weak and needed long-term hospitalization!

Yan Yueqing finally found some hope. She worked hard to recover while watching over her child.

She named the child Yan Wang.

Once when Sister Li was doing rounds, she saw her holding the little one, murmuring: “If only he could survive like you…”

Only then did she realize.

This “Wang” was for “vain hope.”

“After Yan Yueqing recovered and was discharged, Wangwang had to stay here for continued observation. At first, she came every day, but later I heard her health was poor, so she rested at home for a while. Then she suddenly insisted on entering the entertainment industry.”

Sister Li frowned, “The Yan family is the wealthiest in C city! Even if she didn’t earn money, the old man could support her! You know, this VIP ward for Wangwang was specially arranged by the old man with the director, costing several hundred thousand a month! I don’t know what got into Yan Yueqing’s head, insisting on leaving the Yan family.”

Zhenzhen, excited by this juicy gossip, urged: “Then what happened?”

“Later, Yan Yueqing claimed on a show that she was the Yan family’s second daughter, but the Yan family immediately issued a statement denying it! I guess the old man was trying to force her to come back? I don’t really understand rich family affairs. Anyway… Yan Yueqing had a falling out with her family because of this! She went from caring about Wangwang to being indifferent, even feeling that Wangwang’s existence was hindering her career development.”

Zhenzhen had a sudden realization: “So that’s what happened! Sister Li, if this were in a novel, Yan Yueqing would probably have been possessed by someone else! The person desperately trying to enter the entertainment industry isn’t the original her! Of course she has no feelings for a child that isn’t her own!”

Sister Li laughed at her wild imagination: “You’re something else! Trying to defend her, are you?”

Zhenzhen stuck out her tongue, “I just think no one would change so drastically out if the blue!”

Sister Li sighed, her gaze fixed on the surveillance, “Then I hope that the Yan Yueqing looking at medical records now is Wangwang’s real mother who has returned…”


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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