The Vicious Female Supporting Character Gets Adored by Kids on a Variety Show
The Vicious Female Supporting Character Gets Adored by Kids on a Variety Show Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Memories are Chaotic

Yan Yueqing flipped through the medical records twice, her mind racing to recall the plot details from the book, trying to find if she had missed anything.

Suddenly, inspiration struck! She remembered that in the plot she had skimmed, Qin Youran seemed to have mentioned to Jun Li about planning to invest in a “NATE” pharmaceutical company.

Why would a celebrity invest in a pharmaceutical factory for no reason? It must be for Yan Wang!

She immediately put down the medical records and took out her phone. Before she could open Baidu, the 999+ red dot on a certain app reminded her—

Oh right, she had posted there asking for help!

To reasonably spend money on Tang Tang, she had made a post online, but forgot about it after shopping at the LV store.

Clicking in, Yan Yueqing’s eyes were immediately drawn to the long comment pinned at the top.

「On how to invest in minors?」She skimmed through it: “Wow! This ‘Quiet Little Prince’ is amazing!”

Minors can’t invest in stocks due to identity reasons, but they can have shares!

Funds, auctions, investments…

Yan Yueqing felt like a whole new world had opened up to her!

Then, she saw Quiet Little Prince’s only reply: 「Five years old, freelancing, not accepting.」

Five years old?

Big brother is being too humble!

He probably didn’t want to reveal his identity, so he was just teasing netizens.

Yan Yueqing clicked into Quiet Little Prince’s private messages and wrote: 「Hello Little Prince, I’m the original poster Crescent Moon. I have some investment questions I’d like to consult you about. Would it be convenient to leave a contact method?」

In the room, Yan Wang, unable to sleep, picked up his tablet and happened to see the private message from Crescent Moon.

He pursed his lips and replied: 「Okay.」

The two of them quickly added each other on QQ.

The task of spending money on Tang Tang was enormous!

10 million in a week!

Now three days had passed, and she had only spent 3 million.

It was too painful!

Yan Yueqing never imagined there would be a day when she would be troubled by having to spend money.

It sounded too pretentious to say out loud!

But she was genuinely troubled!

After being added as a friend, she typed concisely: 「Hello, Little Prince expert, I recently want to make some investments for a relative’s child. It’s just that the time frame is short, and I’d like to invest a few million in a few days. Do you have any project recommendations?」

Probably fearing rejection, Yan Yueqing quickly added: 「Don’t worry, cost is not an issue, and short-term gains don’t need to be considered. It doesn’t matter even if I lose money! As long as the money is reasonably spent!」

Quiet Little Prince was silent for a moment before replying: 「Okay.」

Then, he discussed some current investment channels with her.

Tang Tang is Director Tang’s child. Setting up a fund involved too much paperwork and convincing Director Tang would be troublesome! But shares were different.

There are so many companies in the market now, they could just invest and take shares in Tang Tang’s name!

The two chatted enthusiastically.

Quiet Little Prince was like a wise elder, clearing the fog for Yan Yueqing and finding good ways to spend money.

She admired him greatly: 「Big boss, you’re amazing!Have you been in the financial industry for many years? Impressive, impressive!」

Yan Wang saw this line of text and his fingertips paused.

Not just netizens, even the original poster Crescent Moon didn’t believe he was five years old.

Well, who would believe it? Just as he was about to reply, a quarrel suddenly broke out outside.

It was Yan Kang’s furious voice: “Yan Yueqing, you have the nerve to come back?”

Yan Yueqing put down her phone and frowned: “Yan Kang?”

Yan Kang was her cousin and the heir that the old man was currently focusing on grooming. The Yan family originally had a very outstanding successor – her father Yan Ming. Unfortunately, heaven was unkind, and he passed away in a car accident when she was eight years old.

The old man suffered a severe blow and was hospitalized. Seeing that his granddaughter was too young to take over the company, he had no choice but to listen to his brother’s suggestion and adopt his grandson Yan Kang, reluctantly grooming him.

Yan Kang was very obedient, filial to his grandfather above and caring for his sister below. After pretending for a few years, he successfully coaxed the old man into giving him important projects.

Then his true nature was exposed, and he started gambling! From tens of thousands at first to millions later, Yan Kang lost more than he won, and filled the gaps with borrowed money.[1]Chinese idiom: “拆东墙补西墙” (chāi dōng qiáng bǔ xī qiáng) Literal translation: “Demolish the east wall to plug the hole in the west wall” Meaning: This idiom … Continue reading

By the time he couldn’t cover it up anymore, he had already owed 100 million yuan outside!

After the old man cleaned it up for him, Yan Kang behaved for a period of time.

But it’s easier to move mountains than to change one’s nature[2]Chinese idiom: “江山易改,本性难移” (jiāng shān yì gǎi, běn xìng nán yí) Literal translation: “It’s easier to move mountains than to change one’s … Continue reading. As grandfather’s health deteriorated, he became increasingly brazen in his actions. 

The 5 million yuan debt that the original owner owed was designed by Yan Kang, wanting to drag another person down with him.

Seeing him now, Yan Yueqing instinctively felt disgusted.

Yan Kang smiled like a venomous snake: “I see you’re getting bolder and bolder! You actually dared to publicly reveal the existence of the bastard child on the show? Don’t want to stay in the entertainment industry anymore?”

Yan Yueqing frowned: “My son is not a bastard!”

“If he’s not a bastard, then who’s his father?” Yan Kang approached, reeking of alcohol, “How many years has the Yan family been ridiculed because of this little bastard?”

“Ridiculed?” Yan Yueqing found it amusing, “”If we were ridiculed, grandpa wouldn’t have publicly acknowledged my son’s existence! As for you… Yan Kang, that 100 million gambling debt is what’s truly ridiculous, isn’t it?!”

“The Yan family is so big, what does it matter if I lose 100 million? Besides, I can lose because I have the ability to earn it back!” Yan Kang said shamelessly, “As for you… hehe, back then, who in C City didn’t know that the Yan family’s second young miss was pure as ice? What happened? The goddess in the hearts of countless rich second-generation kids actually debased herself, ignoring the engagement with the Lin family and getting pregnant outside before coming back? Because of this incident, I still can’t hold my head up in front of Lin Qiming!”

Yan Yueqing’s eyes cooled: “So, after I entered the entertainment industry, you ordered the official Weibo to deny my identity, wanting to teach me a lesson?”

“You wanted to enter the entertainment industry to prove yourself, but the Yan family doesn’t want to be associated with the entertainment circle. What’s wrong with denying our relationship with you?”

“Was it grandpa’s decision, or yours?”

“What does it matter whose decision it was? Yan Yueqing, do you have any sense of shame? On one hand, you want to distance yourself from the family, on the other hand, you use the Yan family’s status and position outside? If you’re really so great, then take your son and leave for good! You’re spending the Yan family’s money and still dare to accuse the Yan family of being wrong?” Yan Kang glared at her, “Do you know how much money your son spends in the hospital every month? 500,000 yuan! What kind of family can afford to let him spend like this? How much money have you earned in the entertainment industry? Can you make up for the deficit of these five years?”

Listening to Yan Kang’s words, Yan Yueqing’s mind suddenly became a bit chaotic.

The book didn’t focus much on describing Yan Yueqing’s family, and her impression of the Yan family came entirely from the original owner’s memories.

From her memories, she knew that the Yan family had always kept her son lying in the hospital, and every penny the original owner earned was taken away.

To the original owner, the Yan family was like a vampire!

But… there seemed to be some conflict here! Yan Wang had been in a VIP ward since birth. If the Yan family hadn’t agreed, the original owner at that time couldn’t have afforded such expensive care.

No matter how much one earns in the entertainment industry, that’s only for top stars! For a small artist who had been in the industry for three years and was still at the 18th tier, it was a problem just to support herself, let alone her son’s medical expenses?

Moreover, the original owner’s memories from childhood to pregnancy and childbirth were as vivid as personal experiences.

In contrast, the memories from recuperating at home to entering the entertainment industry became unusually fuzzy!

Not just fuzzy…

How to describe that feeling? If we use childbirth as a dividing point, her memories before giving birth were like watching a TV drama, with every detail etched in her mind; after giving birth, it was more like reading a book – although she knew the plot, the memories were based entirely on textual descriptions and weren’t very clear.

After being scolded by Yan Kang, she couldn’t help but hesitate, unsure of who was telling the truth. All she could do was hold her temper and calmly say, “My son’s affairs will be my sole responsibility from now on, the Yan family need not worry.”

Yan Kang laughed when he heard this: “Fine, since you’re so determined, you can pay next month’s hospital fees yourself!”

When it came to paying, Yan Yueqing was very enthusiastic: “No need for you to worry, cousin.”

Yan Kang nodded repeatedly: “The hospital has surveillance everywhere! I’ll relay what you’ve said to the old man. From now on, we won’t spend a penny on this little bastard!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the lights in the room suddenly came on.

They both turned their heads in unison.

Standing quietly by the large floor-to-ceiling window was Yan Wang.


1 Chinese idiom: “拆东墙补西墙” (chāi dōng qiáng bǔ xī qiáng)

Literal translation: “Demolish the east wall to plug the hole in the west wall”

Meaning: This idiom describes the act of solving one problem by creating another, often equal or worse problem.

In the context of Yan Kang’s gambling, this idiom perfectly captures his behavior. By borrowing money to cover his gambling losses, he’s not solving his fundamental problem (the gambling addiction and financial losses). Instead, he’s creating a new problem (debt) to temporarily fix another (gambling losses). This approach is unsustainable and will likely lead to even greater financial and personal difficulties in the long run.

2 Chinese idiom: “江山易改,本性难移” (jiāng shān yì gǎi, běn xìng nán yí)

Literal translation: “It’s easier to move mountains than to change one’s nature”

Meaning: This idiom suggests that a person’s fundamental character or habits are extremely difficult to change, even more so than altering the physical landscape.

This idiom is used to explain why the Yan kang continues his problematic behavior even as his grandfather’s health declines. It suggests that his negative traits or habits are so deeply rooted that even significant family events can’t sway him from his path.

English equivalent: “Old habits die hard”


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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