The Villain Who Dotes on His Daughter [1980s]
The Villain Who Dotes on His Daughter [1980s] Chapter 11.2

Blind Date Part 2

The village head didn’t return to the village too early. Since he was already in the county town, he decided to explore a bit. He planned to go back to the village later, hoping to delay facing the Lin family. They wouldn’t expect Lin Chengshan to sell the house so quickly, so the longer he could delay, the better.

Meanwhile, Xiao Man was on a blind date with Dong Weixin.

Dong Weixin was related to the Ji family and had a good family background. At around thirty years old, he was already a manager at a factory, which was quite impressive. His monthly salary was decent, and his family had some savings, allowing him to provide Xiao Man with a comfortable life.

In this era, workers were quite valued, and manager were particularly sought after for marriage.

Even if Xiao Man didn’t end up with Dong Weixin, Dong Weixin could still find another woman for a blind date.

The two walked together in the park, discussing their backgrounds.

“Have you handled the divorce certificate with that person from the countryside?” Dong Weixin asked.

Dong Weixin knew that some people who went to the countryside simply returned to the city without worrying about divorce certificates. He considered himself an important person and wouldn’t allow any trouble.

Regardless of whether the other person was willing, the divorce certificate needed to be obtained.

Dong Weixin looked at Xiao Man. He was quite satisfied with her. She was beautiful and had been accepted into university. Women with such excellent conditions were rare. If Xiao Man hadn’t been married before, he knew she might not have come to this blind date.

Since both of them were divorced and not young, it was necessary to clarify things.

“I haven’t handled the divorce certificate yet, but I will do it soon,” Xiao Man said.

“Are you sure it will be done?” Dong Weixin asked.

“Yes,” Xiao Man replied. “Back then, he ruined my reputation. There were rumors in the village, and I had no choice but to marry him. Now times have changed. If he doesn’t agree to divorce, I can sue for divorce.”

“That’s true,” Dong Weixin nodded. A person from the countryside wouldn’t have much power. It was easy for Xiao Man’s family to handle someone like him. “If possible, I hope you can get it done as soon as possible, ideally within a month. Comrade Xiao Man, I am very satisfied with you.”

Dong Weixin was genuinely pleased with Xiao Man. If he weren’t with her, finding someone as excellent as her might not be easy.

“If you need any help, I can assist,” Dong Weixin offered.

“Alright,” Xiao Man said, realizing that things between them were progressing well. “I will resolve this issue as soon as possible.”

The two then went for a meal and watched a movie together, solidifying their relationship.

Dong Weixin didn’t insist on waiting until Xiao Man was officially divorced to establish their relationship. Xiao Man had been forced into marriage, which was not her fault but rather a problem of circumstances and the times. As a man, Dong Weixin understood and was more considerate of Xiao Man.

After dinner, Lin Chengshan took Lin Qingqing to the hotel, leaving his bag there while keeping his money with him. In this era, hotels weren’t very secure, and money could easily be stolen.

Later, Lin Chengshan took Lin Qingqing out to explore. For Lin Chengshan, the small county town didn’t offer much to see, but Lin Qingqing had never visited a county town before.

“Do you prefer bananas or apples?” Lin Chengshan asked as he took his daughter to a fruit stand.

Lin Qingqing sniffed and said, “I don’t really know what to eat.”

“Then let’s buy both,” Lin Chengshan said.

Lin Chengshan looked at his daughter’s short hair, which only reached her ears and just needed a bit of combing. He remembered what Xiao Man had once said, that many children in the countryside got lice and suggested shaving their heads clean to get rid of them.

It wasn’t common for little girls to be shaved bald, and Xiao Man was also afraid of others criticizing her for doing that. She only shaved their heads once or twice and then decided to cut their hair short instead. Despite this, people still criticized Xiao Man for being lazy, so she settled on giving her daughter short hair.

Lin Chengshan glanced at his own hands. While he focused on learning cooking skills, he hadn’t considered learning how to braid a child’s hair. When his daughter’s hair grew longer, he’d need to learn how to do it.

Ultimately, he needed to earn money quickly. With money, he could hire a nanny to provide better care for his daughter.

“There’s too much,” Lin Qingqing said, “so much.”

“It’s not much,” Lin Chengshan thought to himself. He had only bought three apples and four or five bananas, which didn’t seem like a lot.

After the blind date, Dong Weixin accompanied Xiao Man back home. Mother Xiao welcomed Dong Weixin warmly and offered him tea.

“Have some tea,” Mother Xiao said with a smile. “My daughter is kind-hearted and easily taken advantage of. I want to find her someone who truly understands her, and you’re just right—someone who knows how to care for others.”

“I’m quite satisfied with Comrade Xiao Man,” Dong Weixin said. “Once she gets the divorce certificate, we can go get married.”

“Of course, of course,” Mother Xiao nodded.

Dong Weixin drank the tea and stayed for a little while before leaving.

“You need to find Lin Chengshan quickly and handle the divorce procedures,” Mother Xiao said. “Don’t let him delay your happiness.”

“I’m afraid… afraid he won’t agree,” Xiao Man said.

“Doesn’t he just want money? As long as you give him enough, he’ll be able to marry a younger and prettier wife,” Mother Xiao said. “Men are like that—wives are less favored than concubines, and concubines are less favored than mistresses. After being married to him for so many years, he should be tired of you. Give him money and let him marry again. He’ll be delighted.”

“Should I go to the countryside to find him?” Xiao Man asked.

“Why go to the countryside?” Mother Xiao said. “If you go there, they might lock you out and trap you in the countryside. We’d have to put in a lot of effort to rescue you. Just call him first! His village can’t be so poor that they don’t have a phone, can they?”


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