The Villain Who Dotes on His Daughter [1980s]
The Villain Who Dotes on His Daughter [1980s] Chapter 13.2

Scheming Part 2

Some people in their village had come from outside to escape war. The Lin family was one such group, and Old Lady Lin’s family had also escaped war. They weren’t among the village’s prominent families, unlike the village chief, who belonged to a prominent family. The Lin family didn’t dare offend the village chief.

“Go to your room,” Old Man Lin told Old Lady Lin. They needed to discuss Lin Chengshan’s situation carefully.

“Brother, did the second brother really sell everything to the village chief’s family?” Lin Chengjiang asked incredulously.

“Yes, the village chief’s family came over,” Lin Chenghai replied.

Lin Chenghai recalled the village chief’s wife’s words. Years ago, someone came to the house to pick up a child. Lin Chenghai, who was about five or six years old, vaguely remembered that his parents treated that child better. He used to call the child ‘younger brother,’ but his parents didn’t allow it, saying Lin Chengshan was the second brother.

During those turbulent times, his parents were worried about that family and discussed it quietly at home. Lin Chenghai had overheard bits and pieces. It was likely true that Lin Chengshan wasn’t the Lin family’s biological son.

In the room, Old Man Lin smoked his pipe. If Lin Chengshan had just gone to Rongcheng City to find Xiao Man, that would be one thing, but he was worried Lin Chengshan had actually gone to find that family.

“If he really went to find them…” Old Lady Lin paused. “They’ve raised that child for over twenty years, and he has a stable job now. And what about Lin Chengshan? He’s nothing but an ungrateful scoundrel!”

“Blood is thicker than water,” Old Man Lin said.

That family didn’t know the child wasn’t theirs and likely treated him well. But Old Man Lin and Old Lady Lin knew Lin Chengshan wasn’t their biological child, so they had never treated him well.

“What should we do?” Old Lady Lin said. “If Lin Chengshan really goes there and they find out… Even if you raise a cat or a dog for so many years, you’d develop feelings for it. Besides, that child should be quite accomplished now, while Lin Chengshan would only bring them down.”

“Our child and their child were not born on the same day. There’s no way they could have been swapped,” Old Man Lin said.

If the children weren’t accidentally swapped, it meant the Lin family had deliberately switched them. Even if the other family treated the child well, it didn’t mean they wouldn’t seek revenge on the Lin family.

Over the years, the Lin family had still received items sent by that other family, indicating that they were good people who repaid kindness. Although the packages didn’t have exact addresses, they did include the city, district, and street names.

Previously, to prevent Lin Chengshan from seeing the labels, they never let him pick up the packages. Either they went themselves or sent Lin Chenghai. They always tore off the labels once they received the packages.

“It seems you have to go out for a while,” said Old Man Lin.

“Going out?” Old Lady Lin asked, puzzled.

“Yes, you should go find that family,” Old Man Lin said. He had no intention of going himself. Even if he went to Rongcheng City later, it should be Old Lady Lin who spoke to them. “Things have reached this point, we can’t hide it much longer. We need to be prepared.”

They could go to Rongcheng City first and talk to that family, telling them about Lin Chengshan’s behavior. They would say Lin Chengshan was dissatisfied with rural life and fantasized that he wasn’t a Lin but belonged to another family.

By planting this idea first, when Lin Chengshan arrived, the family would already believe he was an ungrateful son. They would never trust him.

“Can’t we stop Lin Chengshan?” Old Lady Lin asked.

“Can you stop him?” Old Man Lin replied. “No, you can’t.”

Once someone is determined, it’s hard to make them do anything else.

At this moment, Lin Chengshan and his daughter Lin Qingqing were on a train heading to Rongcheng City.


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