The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 10: Giving All My Spirit Energy to You

Throw her away?

Looking at that tearful little face, everyone’s hearts sank.

Yu Yuanyuan, with her soft, adorable appearance, was like a little angel in real life. Who could bear to throw away such a cute child?

Even Yu Mingxi felt a heavy weight in his chest, an unsettling discomfort.

Although he didn’t understand why Yu Yuanyuan insisted on calling his father “Dad,” this little girl seemed pitiful. Just looking at her clothes and messy hair was enough to stir feelings of sympathy.

In the entire house, only Yu Yingze remained unmoved by Yu Yuanyuan’s tearful plea. He crossed his arms, snorted coldly, and turned his head away in disdain.

Though she was crying, this little bundle of tears cried in a particularly “quiet” manner, as if afraid of disturbing anyone. She simply sniffled, her eyes red, and soon her face was streaked with tears, making her look like a little dirty kitten.

For some reason, memories long buried in Yu Mingxi’s heart were suddenly dragged out. The world felt like a tightly sealed plastic bag, and the air seemed to grow thinner and thinner.

“Mingxi?” Yu Jinxiao was the first to notice something was wrong. He turned and dashed upstairs.

The servants, anxious and flustered, gathered around, and the house plunged into chaos.

The young master’s asthma had been stable for a long time, so why was it acting up now…

Even though there was plenty of air around, Yu Mingxi’s chest heaved desperately, yet he couldn’t catch a single breath.

He opened his mouth in a pained expression, reminding Yu Yuanyuan of a fish out of water in a fairy tale.

Usually, when fish looked like this, it meant they were dying—gasping for air until… they stopped moving altogether.

“Waah—” Suddenly, a pitiful cry broke out nearby.

Yu Yuanyuan, who had been crying so cautiously earlier, seemed to be scared out of her wits. The small, fragile figure knelt on the ground, her tiny hands gently patting Yu Mingxi’s head. “Big brother, are you feeling unwell? Yuanyuan will give you spirit energy, Yuanyuan will give you all her spirit energy… Please don’t die, big brother.”

Yu Mingxi looked exactly like the panther brother in her fairy tale world. As a child, how could she possibly separate her feelings from reality? Seeing Yu Mingxi’s painful expression scared her so much that her little cat soul nearly flew out of her body.

She immediately remembered that her paws could bring good fortune and quickly began patting Yu Mingxi’s head.

His consciousness had already begun to blur, but the gentle touches on his head made Yu Mingxi feel warmth spreading from his head downwards. The tension and discomfort in both his body and mind seemed to miraculously ease.

Yu Jinxiao hurriedly returned, clutching a small bottle, and held it to Yu Mingxi’s lips. “Quick!”

After taking the medicine, Yu Mingxi’s breathing gradually stabilized, though his face was still pale.

“Big brother, are you okay?” Even Yu Yingze, who had been rolling on the floor moments before, was now quietly squatting beside him, anxiously holding his brother’s hand. His little face was scrunched up, as if he were about to cry.

Finally able to breathe more easily, Yu Mingxi tried to smile and reassure everyone as soon as he recovered. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

Yu Yuanyuan, still teary-eyed, continued diligently transferring “good fortune” to him. Yu Yingze, annoyed, slapped her hand away and barked, “What are you patting for? Stop it, don’t bother big brother.”

Her chubby little hand, white as a radish, turned red in an instant. The tingling, painful sensation made Yuanyuan feel like crying.

But… big brother seemed to be in a lot of pain, and she didn’t want to disturb him.

“Yuanyuan, big brother could feel your spirit energy just now!” A pair of cool hands gently held her red, tingling ones. Yu Yuanyuan looked up with tear-filled eyes to meet Yu Mingxi’s smiling face. “Don’t cry, Yuanyuan. Can you tell big brother what kind of little fairy you are?”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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