The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 17: Our Little Secret

“I already told you, you’re all Yuanyuan’s brothers!” The little girl proudly wiggled her head. “Daddy is Yu Jinxian, big brother is Yumi Xi, and second brother is Yu Yizhe!”

Although her words were a bit muddled, it was clear enough to understand what she meant.

“Yuanyuan, how do you know our names?” Yu Mingxi felt a strange sensation in his heart.

It was hard to explain, but some things and some people had a way of making him feel a unique connection, like the little girl in his arms right now.

“I knew it in the fairyland,” Yuanyuan said casually, playing with her hair. “Just like how I’ve always been called Yu Yuanyuan.”

Yu Yingze didn’t believe a word she said. He figured she was just caught up in her fantasy and, out of kindness, didn’t burst her bubble.

But Yu Mingxi stayed quiet for a long moment. Then, without another word, he lifted her up and started walking out of the room. “Okay, time for Yuanyuan to go to bed like a good girl, alright?”

“Okay!” Yuanyuan obediently nodded, resting her head on his shoulder.

Aunt Chen had prepared an empty room for her. It was bare, with not much in it, but the bed was freshly made—big, soft, and bouncy. Yuanyuan found it fascinating.

“How are you even playing with a bed?” Yu Yingze couldn’t understand her logic. “Haven’t you ever slept in a bed before?”

Lying flat on her back in a starfish position, Yuanyuan moved her arms and legs as if swimming in the air. “My old bed was this small, but this one is soooo big! I won’t roll off at night!”

She flipped over quickly on the bed, pulling her knees under her, bouncing lightly up and down. Her careful movements and cautious expression made her look like a tiny kitten.

“And this bed is so soft. My old one was hard, and there were little black dots that would bite me…”

Yu Yingze scratched his head, puzzled. “Little black dots?”

“Probably bugs,” Yu Mingxi explained softly, frowning slightly.

He could guess the kind of environment Yuanyuan had been living in. It probably wasn’t terrible, but certainly not good. Even compared to the average kid, her living conditions must have been much worse.

Yet when she talked about it, there wasn’t a hint of complaint or disdain. The little girl seemed to accept everything—good or bad—without being picky.

“Yingze, it’s getting late. You should wash up and go to bed too.” Yu Mingxi gently pulled the blanket over Yuanyuan.

Yu Yingze yawned loudly and turned to leave, but a sudden “Good night, second brother!” stopped him in his tracks.

He froze for a second before trying to maintain his cool demeanor, giving a vague wave. “Mm, good night.”

He hurriedly shuffled out of the room, a bit embarrassed.

When only Yuanyuan and Yu Mingxi were left in the room, he tucked her in and placed the plush lion next to her pillow. “Yuanyuan, can you promise big brother something? Don’t tell anyone else about the fairyland. It’s our little secret, okay? If the bad guys find out, they might bully you.”

The three-year-old trusted her brother completely. Without even asking why, she nodded eagerly. “Yuanyuan promises! It’ll be our little secret, I won’t tell anyone!”

“And… will you be okay sleeping alone?” Yu Mingxi smiled.

Yuanyuan obediently closed her eyes and held onto the edge of the blanket. “Yes, I’ll be fine.”

To make sure she wouldn’t be scared if she woke up in the middle of the night, Yu Mingxi left a small nightlight on and quietly slipped out of the room.

As he closed the door, the gentle warmth on his face disappeared. He quickened his steps back to his own room.

He dropped to his knees beside his bed, pulling out a box from underneath.

Inside the box was another smaller one, as if hiding a secret that shouldn’t be discovered.

With trembling hands, Yu Mingxi opened the final lid and took out a photograph.

In the picture stood his father, mother, and younger brother Yu Yingze. And in Yu Mingxi’s arms was a small baby girl, barely a year old.

The baby wore a pink dress and clutched the same plush lion, while the entire family beamed with happiness.

But now, everyone in Jiangcheng City knew that the Yu family only had two sons left.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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