The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 3: Want to Steal Her Away and Raise Her

Yu Yuanyuan clutched the crumpled banknote, sensing the anger radiating from Yu Jinxiao, and instinctively lowered her voice: “Yuanyuan misses Daddy… so I came by myself… Daddy, please don’t be angry, okay? Yuanyuan just… just really missed you!”

When she left the fairyland, she might have indeed forgotten to inform the leopard cat mama and her brothers.

Is Daddy mad because she wandered off alone?
Every time Daddy Panther got angry, Yuanyuan would immediately act pitiful and apologize, and Daddy wouldn’t stay mad.

“Gao Zhou, take her away immediately. I don’t want to waste my time here with her.” Yu Jinxiao’s expression made the driver, Gao Zhou, realize that the situation was dire. With that cold, menacing look, this little girl was in for it.

Such a cute child, yet she’s out here trying to scam people for money—how pitiful.

Gao Zhou couldn’t bear it. He quickly went to pick up Yu Yuanyuan, wanting to get her away from Yu Jinxiao as fast as possible to avoid her getting caught in the crossfire of his anger.

Just as his arm reached around Yu Yuanyuan’s small tummy, the poor little belly let out a long growl.

It seemed this little one hadn’t eaten yet. Who knew how long she had been hungry?

Other children would have had their fill by now, sitting on the sofa playing with toys, or snuggling in a warm bed getting ready to sleep.

Gao Zhou couldn’t understand how anyone could teach such a cute little girl to scam people. What if something happened to her? Could she have been kidnapped by human traffickers and forced to do this?

This little girl clearly knew their boss—she could even call out his name, although it wasn’t quite right.

“Daddy, I want to stay with Daddy. Waaa, Yuanyuan doesn’t want to leave! Meow—” The little one, her tummy squeezed by Gao Zhou’s arm, flailed her arms and legs, trying to resist, her short limbs moving furiously like an angry little kitten.

Her short arms and legs look like four chubby little lotus roots. Though she seemed pitiful, she still managed to “meow” at the end.

Gao Zhou secretly chuckled, loosening his grip slightly, and Yu Yuanyuan took the chance to slip out, quickly darting towards the car door. Despite her small, round figure, she moved with surprising determination.

As he looked at the troublesome little girl outside, Yu Jinxiao frowned and instinctively grabbed the car door, ready to slam it shut.

“Watch out!” Gao Zhou shouted in alarm.

Yu Jinxiao was about to close the door coldly, but the little girl didn’t seem to fear getting her hand caught and continued to reach forward, her tiny hand already in the door’s path.

This is bad. That little hand might not survive!

Gao Zhou’s mind went blank, his body frozen in shock. He instinctively looked away, unable to bear witnessing what was about to happen.

With their boss’s personality, he wouldn’t care if a child’s hand got hurt. Yu Jinxiao wouldn’t even blink at doing something far more brutal.

“Daddy, Daddy, let’s go home, okay?” Yu Yuanyuan’s soft, sweet voice rang out, clearly coming from inside the car!

Gao Zhou nervously opened one eye.

The car door had only closed halfway. Yu Jinxiao’s hand was still on the handle, momentarily stunned, as the little girl somehow squeezed herself inside. Like a little sloth, she began to climb onto him.

With nimble little hands, she quickly used his expensive, custom-made shoes as a stepping stone, climbing up onto him. Finally, she bumped her head against his chest, curling up comfortably like a kitten.

“Ah,” after lying there for just a second, the little girl suddenly sat up, stretching her tiny arms to wipe away the footprints she had left on Yu Jinxi’s shoes. “Yuanyuan accidentally made Daddy’s feet dirty, let me clean it.”

Gao Zhou clutched his chest, overwhelmed. She’s too adorable; I just want to take her home and raise her!

Yu Jinxiao hadn’t intended to care about the little girl’s well-being, but just as he was about to close the car door, he noticed her round, white, chubby little hand reaching through the gap, soft and fluffy, so cute it pierced his heart.

Especially since that tiny hand was reaching out toward him, as if desperately seeking just a bit of his attention, even the smallest bit.

In that instant, the cold, hardened heart within him softened a little.

Gao Zhou could hardly bear it anymore. All his thoughts were focused on worrying that something might happen to the little girl. Every hair on his body stood on end as he anxiously tried to gauge Yu Jinxiao’s mood.

Just as Gao Zhou bent down to grab the little girl before Yu Jinxi could throw her out, he was suddenly stopped by a well-defined hand.

Yu Jinxi waved his hand, signaling for Gao Zhou not to move, while he stared intently at the little one snuggled against his chest, looking up at him.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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