The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 4: I will wait for you obediently

“What’s your name?” Yu Jinxiao’s gaze was always cold and unfeeling, devoid of any kindness. Even adults would instinctively avoid his direct stare. But the little girl didn’t seem to notice at all. She blinked her bright, innocent eyes, staring at him.

“My name is Yu Yuanyuan.” Her tiny voice was soft and sweet. After she spoke, Yu Yuanyuan, perhaps trying to ease her nervousness, started playing with her little fists, and continue to observe him secretly.

“What are your daddy and mommy’s names?”

“Daddy is called Tulip, and Mama is Red Hemlock!”

“Hmm, you did your homework well.” Yu Jinxi smiled, but it wasn’t a kind smile, nor was it the cold, calculating one.

Gao Zhou, who had been with him for years, knew exactly what that smile meant—it was a sign that Yu Yuanyuan had piqued his interest.

It seemed that whoever had sent Yu Yuanyuan here had done their research, at least well enough to teach this little girl, who still struggled with her words, to remember the names she was supposed to say.

Seeing Yu Jinxi reach for the car door, Gao Zhou quickly opened it for him.

The soft little bundle curiously turned her head, looking at the car that was moving further away. “Daddy, aren’t we going home by car?”

Yu Jinxi didn’t answer. He carried the little bundle straight into a nearby convenience store. Casually, he grabbed a bottle of banana milk—something that would surely please a child—and placed it on the counter. “How much?”

“F… Five yuan,” the cashier whispered in reply.

The man in front of her was dressed head to toe in luxury, exuding an air of nobility that set him apart from ordinary people. He didn’t seem like the type who would shop for groceries himself.

Especially that face—it was so strikingly attractive that it had a kind of fatal allure, making it hard to look away.

“Miss, I have money…” Yu Yuanyuan opened her tiny hand, revealing the crumpled banknote she had earlier used to wipe her clothes.

The cashier, who had been marveling at Yu Jinxi’s extraordinary looks, was now drawn to the little girl in his arms.

The little girl was like a doll, her eyes sparkling with purity and innocence. Her skin was as fair as snow, and her slightly messy hair made her look like a little kitten that had just woken up. She was so cute that it was hard not to steal a few more glances.

Just as she was about to sneak another look, she was met with Yu Jinxiao’s cold, piercing gaze that sent chills down her spine.

“Keep the change,” Yu Jinxiao said, placing a large bill on the counter. He grabbed the banana milk and headed out.

Gao Zhou, who had been waiting obediently by the car, saw them emerge from the store and stopped a short distance away at the entrance of a nearby alley.

Yu Jinxi was still holding Yu Yuanyuan, who was now turning the banana milk over and over in her hands, trying to figure out how to drink it.

When he glanced down, he saw that Yu Yuanyuan was trying hard to poke a hole in the carton with her little fingers.

She scratched and scratched, but no matter how long she tried, she couldn’t make a hole. Finally, tired and out of breath, Yu Yuanyuan stared at the carton with a look of helplessness. “Daddy, this carton is so hard to open.”

Yu Jinxi placed the little girl back on the ground, frowning slightly. His eyes held a trace of disbelief.

Kids these days were usually clever and quick-witted, but this little one didn’t even know how to insert a straw?

Could it be that she was mentally challenged?

He broke off the straw from the back of the carton, inserted it, and held the banana milk to her mouth, saying coldly, “Open your mouth.”

“Ah—” Yu Yuanyuan opened her mouth as wide as she could, forming an “O” shape.

Yu Jinxi pushed the straw into her mouth. “Suck.”

Yu Yuanyuan took a gentle sip, and her eyes immediately lit up like stars falling from the sky. “It’s so good, so sweet. Daddy… you drink some too!”

She eagerly tried to share the straw with him, but Yu Jinxiao raised his hand to stop her.

The little girl, busy drinking her milk, didn’t notice that the eyes watching her were gradually losing warmth.

“Wait here for me. I’ll come back for you in a while,” Yu Jinxiao said, just as he was about to stand up. The little girl, who had been focusing on her drink, suddenly looked up, as if deciding that he was more important than the banana milk.

Holding the little carton, she asked between sips, “Daddy, where are you going?”

“To work. I can’t take you with me. Wait here.”

The little girl didn’t doubt him for a second. She nodded obediently. “Then Daddy, come back quickly, okay? Yuanyuan will wait right here. I won’t go anywhere. I’ll be good and wait for you.”

Her small head was fluffy, and her eyes were full of trust in him.

Yu Jinxiao, fully committed to his role, stiffly patted her head. It was soft and fluffy—probably similar to what a kitten’s head would feel like.

After one last glance at the well-behaved little girl, Yu Jinxiao’s face hardened as he turned and headed back to the car.

Seeing Gao Zhou still standing foolishly by the car, Yu Jinxi coldly reminded him, “Start the car.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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