The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 7: Brother, Hug Me!

Laughter barely lasted two seconds before Yu Jin Xiao’s sharp gaze silenced the atmosphere.

“Aww,” Yu Yuan Yuan whimpered in her sweet, childish voice. She tried to pull her little hand away, but as she tugged gently, the thread stuck in her fingernail, made the hole in his pants even bigger.

Yu Jin Xiao felt his brow twitch uncontrollably. He squatted down and carefully freed her tiny hand from the thread.

But as soon as he did, the little girl took the opportunity to wrap her arms around his neck, clinging on tightly.

Her round eyes gazed at him seriously, and a smile blossomed on her chubby face. “Daddy, are we going home now?”

Gao Zhou immediately stopped smiling, feeling an uneasy premonition.

Around them, only the sounds of people bustling about filled the air. Yu Jin Xiao remained silent for a long time, his eyes sweeping over the surroundings before finally settling back on Yu Yuan Yuan.

The little girl blinked her big eyes, her soft hands holding onto him. Her gaze was filled with dependence and expectation, making it hard to extinguish the light in her eyes.

“Gao Zhou, go handle the paperwork. I’ll take her home for now. If her family is found, we’ll send her back,” Yu Jin Xiao said, standing up and carrying Yu Yuan Yuan out of the station. Gao Zhou stood there, stunned, trying to process Yu Jin Xiao’s decision.

This was truly strange!

Having followed Yu Jin Xiao for so long, Gao Zhou had never seen him show concern for anyone unrelated to him.

Just moments ago, he had even suspected that Yuan Yuan was deliberately sent to scam them.

Inside the car, Yu Yuan Yuan’s sleepiness had vanished, and she chatted away happily. Even when Gao Zhou finished the paperwork and returned, she was still clinging to Yu Jin Xiao, laughing non-stop.

If Gao Zhou hadn’t seen Yu Jin Xiao’s expressionless face while staring at the little girl hanging from him, he might have suspected that his boss had secretly played with her!

Such a cute little doll—how could anyone ignore her?

Well, his boss could. After all, his boss was no ordinary person.

“Mr. Yu, are we heading straight home?” Gao Zhou, fearing he might misunderstand, asked cautiously before starting the car.


As Gao Zhou turned the steering wheel, he couldn’t help but glance up at the sky…

Today, Mr. Yu was acting so out of character, doing things he normally wouldn’t. And now, he was even taking the little girl home!

Was it going to rain red tomorrow?

“Daddy, we’re—”

“Stop calling me Daddy. I’m not your Daddy.”

“But you are my Daddy! I heard you say your name is Yu Jin Xiang!”

Yu Jin Xiang—no, Yu Jin Xiao—replied with a cold face, “It’s Yu—Jin—Xiao!”

Yu Yuan Yuan mimicked him for a few silent seconds, then confidently repeated, “Yu—Jin—Xiang!”

Yu Jin Xiao: “…” Forget it. He didn’t want to waste time arguing with the little brat.

On the way home, Gao Zhou drove smoothly and quickly, as if fearing Yu Jin Xiao might change his mind and throw the child back to the police. They arrived home ten minutes earlier than usual.

“Mr. Yu…” Gao Zhou opened the car door, bowing respectfully.

Taking advantage of the open door, he sneakily glanced at Yu Yuan Yuan.

Up close, the little girl looked like a doll, with fluffy, soft hair, just long enough to tie into a ponytail.

Her ponytail was slightly crooked, likely from napping at the police station, adding to her comical appearance.

She was still holding the empty banana milk box that Yu Jin Xiao had bought her, clutching it as if it were a treasure.

“Uncle!” Sensing Gao Zhou watching her, Yu Yuan Yuan waved at him with a smile.

Her wave made Gao Zhou a bit embarrassed, and he let out a couple of awkward chuckles.

“Thank you for bringing us home. See you tomorrow!” She waved her chubby hand energetically at Gao Zhou, even as Yu Jin Xiao carried her away. She stretched out her neck like a sunflower, turning around to keep waving at Gao Zhou.

It felt like something had hit Gao Zhou hard in the chest, and he couldn’t help but wave back.

She’s so cute!!

How could such an adorable little angel exist in the world?!

Ignoring Gao Zhou’s reaction to the cute little girl, Yu Jin Xiao carried Yu Yuan Yuan straight into the villa.

The servants gathered as usual. “Mr. Yu…” The greeting got stuck in their throats when they looked up and saw the little girl clinging to his neck.


They were too shocked to speak.

What’s going on??

Is that a fake doll?

Yu Yuan Yuan stayed still, but sensing the sudden quiet, she whispered in a small voice, “Daddy, is this your new home?”

The servants felt like their heads were about to explode. Daddy???

Did they hear that right? Did this little girl just call Mr. Yu “Daddy”???

“Daddy, you’re back?” A young boy, about eleven or twelve years old, descended the stairs. He was clean-cut and handsome, with gentle features, but he seemed a bit tired.

Yu Yuan Yuan was drawn to the sound of his voice and suddenly dropped the milk box, reaching out her arms towards him. “Brother—hug me!”

The boy was startled, freezing in place: “…?”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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