The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 9: Are You Going to Abandon Yuan Yuan?

The entire villa felt like it had just been hit by a bomb. After the initial shock, only an abrupt, eerie silence remained.

Yuanyuan, startled like a frightened kitten, shrank her neck and mechanically turned her head. The person on the stairs had already dashed down, rushing past her like a gust of wind.

“What nonsense are you spouting?!” Yu Jinxiao’s face darkened like a storm cloud.

After the brief scare, Yuan Yuan bit her finger, her eyes vacant and dazed.

A hidden daughter?
What’s a hidden daughter?
Ah, I suddenly feel like eating Black Forest cake.

Yuanyuan’s thoughts drifted off as she spaced out.

Standing closest to her, Yu Mingxi couldn’t find any reaction in her eyes. Thinking she was scared, he frowned and gently patted her chubby little hand.

Her tiny fingers had soft dimples at the tips, squishy and soft like a little ball of cotton.

“Dad, what’s going on with Yuan Yuan?” Compared to Yu Yingze’s anger, Yu Mingxi was much calmer.

Although he wasn’t very old, the twelve- or thirteen-year-old Yu Mingxi was much more mature than his eight-year-old brother, Yu Yingze.

The two brothers had very different personalities.

Yu Mingxi preferred to figure out the situation and wait for their father’s explanation.

Meanwhile, Yu Yingze’s anger was written all over his still-childish face as he clenched his small fists and bit his lip, lifting his head defiantly, demanding an explanation from their father.

In the entire Jiangcheng, probably only Yu Yingze dared to speak to Yu Jinxiao in such a tone and manner.

“This little girl tends to spout nonsense. As for her name… it’s just a coincidence. I didn’t know her before today,” Yu Jinxiao said with an irritated look, walking up to Yuanyuan and giving her a little nudge. “Kid, stop calling me that.”

“But… you really are my dad,” Yuanyuan stood there dumbly, not looking up, but straining her eyes upward, cautiously watching Yu Jinxiao’s reaction.

From his angle, this little girl looked like a cute, chubby penguin, and the way she stood there was oddly comical.

“That’s outrageous, absolutely outrageous!!!”

Yu Yingze’s shout interrupted Yu Jinxiao’s thoughts. His son, dressed in pajamas, slid to the ground, fuming and ready to throw a tantrum.

Suddenly, the air around them grew chilly.
Even the dazed Yuanyuan sensed the temperature drop and instinctively hid behind her brother Mingxi.

She lightly tugged on her brother’s clothes, poking her head out just a bit, her eyes blinking as she searched for the source of the cold.

It’s Dad!
Dad is even better than the air conditioner; he can cool things down!

Yu Jinxiao’s face was ashen, his eyes emitting a chilling aura, like the lethal glare of a Grim Reaper.

Halfway through his tantrum, Yu Yingze suddenly froze. His strong survival instincts made him obediently stand up, but he wasn’t willing to let it go just like that. Lowering his head in defiance, he muttered, “Dad must be lying.”

“Everything Dad said is true. When has Dad ever lied to you?”

“You lied just yesterday,” Yu Yingze grumbled angrily.

Yu Jinxiao: “?” That came back to bite me fast.

A series of small question marks popped up in Yu Jinxiao’s stern expression.

“You promised to buy me a toy yesterday.”

“Dad was busy yesterday…”

“Then is she really… that!” Yu Yingze didn’t even want to refer to her as his sister. Now that he had the moral high ground, his voice grew louder again.

Yu Jinxiao patted his son’s head. “No, once we find her family, I’ll send her back.”

These words were a bit complex for Yuanyuan’s little brain, so it took her a moment to process them.

But after she finally understood the meaning, suddenly—


Yuanyuan’s eyes reddened as she choked out, “Dad, are you… are you going to throw Yuan Yuan away?”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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