The Villain’s Spoiled Daughter
The Villain’s Spoiled Daughter Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Sheng Zexi didn’t expect this little crybaby to be so greedy for food. He briefly showed a look of surprise, while the little girl innocently said, “I won’t eat the candy today. I’ll have it tomorrow.”

Sheng Zexi felt a bit disgusted by her drool. Although the lollipop looked clean in the convenience store, who knows how many germs might be on the outer packaging? The fact that she could still eat it was truly something.

However, her obedient demeanor left him at a loss for words. He took the lollipop from the little girl’s hands and handed it to Auntie Lu beside him, saying, “Eat it tomorrow.”

He didn’t want to see that saliva-covered candy wrapper.

Nuo Nuo stared longingly at her candy, her eyes following Auntie Lu’s hand, wanting to get it back. But worried that her father might be unhappy, she stayed nestled in his arms, watching her candy.

Once they got home, Nuo Nuo immediately jumped down and eagerly bounced over to Auntie Lu to reclaim her candy, treating it like a treasured possession.

When Xu Ai came downstairs, she saw the little girl holding such a large piece of candy and couldn’t help but frown. “It’s almost time for bed.”

Nuo Nuo immediately replied, “I’ll eat it tomorrow.”

Xu Ai decided not to say anything more.

With her precious lollipop, Nuo Nuo was as happy as a little bird. Aware that the wrapper had a lot of drool on it, she carefully wiped it with a tissue and then placed it lovingly on the coffee table. While playing with her toys, she took several glances at her lollipop.

Throughout the evening, Sheng Zexi noticed her circling around the lollipop whenever he went downstairs. Seeing her so happy, he suddenly felt a spark of anticipation, hoping the little girl would pop into his room at night. However, that night, Nuo Nuo still slept with her mother.

The next morning, Nuo Nuo was eager to taste the lollipop she had been thinking about all night. Just as she was about to tear open the wrapper, her mother grabbed her by the collar and sternly said, “First, go brush your teeth.”

Mom was being strict.

The little girl quickly complied and went to brush her teeth. When she finished and came out, she saw her mother in the living room.

Nuo Nuo quickly picked up her lollipop and asked her mother for permission, “Mommy, can I eat the candy now?”

The lollipop was quite large. Even if she licked it all day, she probably wouldn’t finish it. She asked Auntie Lu, who informed her that it was Sheng Zexi who bought it. Nuo Nuo wondered what he was thinking, buying such a big piece of candy for a child.

However, considering that she had been talking about it all night, Xu Ai decided not to stop her. “You can, but after you finish, you need to have breakfast and brush your teeth properly, okay?”

Nuo Nuo immediately nodded obediently. “Okay, Mommy. I understand.”

Her adorable behavior made Xu Ai chuckle.

This girl…

Xu Ai had a lot of work to do today, but after finishing it, she would finally have some time to rest. She began to think about where to take Nuo Nuo to play once they had some time together.

After Xu Ai left, Sheng Zexi came downstairs. He wasn’t just waking up, he had already been busy in the study all morning. He hadn’t been feeling well these past few days and missed the time when Nuo Nuo would come to his room in the mornings. Since that day, she hadn’t returned to his room, not even realizing the clothes he had left there.

He wanted to remind Nuo Nuo but didn’t know how to bring it up.

Unlike his discomfort, Nuo Nuo was very happy that morning, enjoying her delicious candy. She was much better behaved during breakfast, finishing her plate, which pleased Auntie Lu.

Since Nuo Nuo finished her breakfast earlier than Sheng Zexi, she rushed outside to play afterward.

When Sheng Zexi came out after finishing breakfast, he saw Nuo Nuo leaning against the sofa, watching TV while licking her lollipop. Her smile was brighter than the morning sunshine outside.

A simple lollipop made her so happy. Sheng Zexi couldn’t understand it, but he had to go to work, so he left the little girl to her joy.

With both her parents at work, Nuo Nuo spent a delightful morning enjoying her lollipop.

In the afternoon, she was upstairs kicking a ball. The corridor of the second-floor living room had protective measures in place, and someone was always watching her, so Nuo Nuo was free to run around. When she wasn’t crying, she was very well-behaved, playing happily by herself. As she kicked the ball, it didn’t quite go where she intended. It rolled into one of the rooms.

Nuo Nuo glanced at it, realizing it seemed to be her father’s room.

Since the last time she had slept over in her father’s room, she hadn’t gone back. However, since her ball had rolled in there, she had to retrieve it.

She gently pushed the door open and looked for her ball inside but couldn’t find it. Perhaps it was under the bed? Nuo Nuo quickly peeked under the bed and, sure enough, found her ball. She crawled in to grab it, but as she was about to leave, she suddenly stopped and turned back to see a bag on the table. Inside the bag, she could vaguely see her clothes and toys.

Did Dad buy these for me? A big question mark appeared in her little head. Soon, she concluded they must be for her since she was the only child in the house. The clothes looked just right for her, and the toys were things she liked.

Without hesitation, Nuo Nuo excitedly opened the bag to check it out.

Inside were several different styles of clothes. Although they weren’t as pretty as what her mother would buy, Nuo Nuo thought they were still nice and suited her well. But why did Dad put them in his room instead of giving them to her directly?

Confused for a moment, she decided not to overthink it. Knowing they were hers, she quickly took the clothes and brought them to her room. She couldn’t carry everything in one go, so she made a few trips. As for the toys…

Dad had bought her puzzles and LEGO blocks. Although Nuo Nuo already had some, she loved new toys and found Dad’s gifts particularly interesting.

She wasted no time in tearing open the packaging and starting to play.

She was certain these were meant for her.

When Sheng Zexi returned home that evening, he noticed the clothes and toys in his room were missing. He hurriedly asked the housekeeper, “What happened to the things I left on the table?”

Nuo Nuo heard her dad’s question and immediately replied, “I took them! Weren’t they for me?”

Sheng Zexi just wanted to confirm whether it was Nuo Nuo or the housekeeper who had taken them. Hearing that Nuo Nuo had indeed taken them, he sighed in relief and asked her, “Did you like them?”

Nuo Nuo nodded enthusiastically. “I like them! I think you bought really nice things. I love all of them!”

Sheng Zexi had been worried she wouldn’t like them. Hearing her words, he slowly relaxed, feeling an unexpected joy in his heart.


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