Transmigrated as the Delicate Beauty in the 1970s
Transmigrated as the Delicate Beauty in the 1970s Chapter 27.1

Chapter 27 ☆ Banana Honey (Part 1)

Fireflies were flying all around, silently but magnificently. Little fireflies surrounded Cheng Yaoyao, who tugged at Xie San’s clothes and happily urged him to look. “So beautiful…”

Though it was just the most common firefly in the countryside, it looked so stunning against the backdrop of countless fireflies that it made people’s hearts flutter, and they couldn’t bear to break the enchanting scene.

Xie San opened his hand and gathered a handful of fireflies, bringing them to Cheng Yaoyao. He clenched his fist, and the twinkling stars glimmered between his fingers. Cheng Yaoyao leaned in closer, and her soft breath brushed against Xie San’s hand. He was startled and loosened his grip slightly, causing one firefly to escape.

Cheng Yaoyao quickly placed both hands on Xie San’s fingers and counted carefully, “One, two, three… There are five. Your hands are really big!”

Cheng Yaoyao said happily, prying open Xie San’s fingers one by one, while a few fireflies crawled in his palm and then flew away.

Only one firefly remained, struggling to fly up. Cheng Yaoyao extended her fingertip and gently touched the glowing spot on the firefly’s back. It felt cold, and the firefly’s light went out, causing it to fall to the ground.

“Oh, it’s dead!” Cheng Yaoyao exclaimed with regret.

Xie San’s voice was a little hoarse as he said, “I’ll catch another one for you.”

“No need,” Cheng Yaoyao said, holding Xie San’s hand and gazing at the firefly with some sadness. It was a gift from Xie San…

But in the blink of an eye, the firefly slowly flew up from the ground again, its light much weaker.

Cheng Yaoyao followed the firefly with her eyes. It soon merged into the sea of fireflies, making it impossible to distinguish which one it was.

Xie San asked, “You really don’t want to catch it?”

Cheng Yaoyao shook her head and said, “No.”

Xie San said, “Let’s go.”

“…” Cheng Yaoyao suddenly wanted to catch one. She stood there, refusing to leave, and pointed at the largest firefly. “I want that one.”

The firefly was resting on a bush deep in the grass, flashing a golden light that was much larger than that of the others.

Xie San said, “It’s not easy to catch.”

“I want it!” Cheng Yaoyao stomped her feet as if in frustration. Although it was dark, Xie San’s mind flashed with the image of her rosy lips pouting in anger, and he thought she looked quite fierce.

Xie San walked towards the bushes. With the summer rains bringing many snakes and insects, he carefully stepped over the flexible weeds and shrubs, making a snapping sound.

Just then, a rustling sound came from the grass.

Cheng Yaoyao asked, “What’s that sound? Is it a rabbit?”

Xie San suddenly turned around, protecting Cheng Yaoyao and covering her mouth. The noise from the bushes grew louder and was not typical of a small animal. It sounded more like… a person.

Cheng Yaoyao cried out twice and was tightly embraced by Xie San. His embrace smelled of sweat and grass—neither unpleasant nor unfamiliar, but rather full of the raw, youthful scent of hormones.

She twisted uncomfortably, and Xie San tightened his hold around her waist. In a low voice, he said, “Don’t make a sound!”

Cheng Yaoyao immediately fell silent, like a kitten with its neck pinched. Xie San took her hand and hurried towards the educated youth site.

After walking more than 200 meters, the view opened up, and the educated youth site, illuminated by kerosene lamps, was now in sight.

Cheng Yaoyao exhaled and finally spoke, “Who was that just now?”

Xie San didn’t answer and slowly released Cheng Yaoyao’s hand.

Cheng Yaoyao realized they had been holding hands tightly. Xie San’s palm was burning hot, and it hurt her slender wrist.

She rubbed her wrist and asked again, “Who were they? What were they doing in the bushes?”

Unable to avoid her questions, Xie San’s voice carried a hint of hostility. “Stop asking!”

Cheng Yaoyao was taken aback and said, “Why are you so mean to me?”

“…No.” Xie San took a few steps back and whispered, “It’s not… serious.”

“What do you mean?” Cheng Yaoyao suddenly covered her mouth, realizing the implication.

In the darkness, Cheng Yaoyao hid her face, feeling extremely shy. Xie San’s cheeks were also burning, and his Adam’s apple moved as he struggled to find words.

Such incidents were not uncommon in the countryside, but Xie San hadn’t expected them to happen while he was with Cheng Yaoyao.

The night breeze grew cooler. Seeing Cheng Yaoyao shivering, Xie San said, “Let’s go back and don’t mention this to anyone.”

The night breeze carried the scent of magnolia flowers. Cheng Yaoyao, feeling unexpectedly lazy, didn’t want to go back immediately. She tried to start a conversation, “Are you still going to work tomorrow?”

Xie San was silent for a moment. Cheng Yaoyao’s voice was soft and sweet, almost like she was coaxing him.

He replied, “Come.”

Cheng Yaoyao laughed and earnestly asked Xie San, “I need more Dongkui bayberries tomorrow. If you pick more for me, I’ll bring you something delicious. … Don’t say no, I already paid you two dollars.”

Cheng Yaoyao waited nervously for Xie San’s response. After a while, Xie San’s tone softened. “Go back quickly, it’s getting late.”

Cheng Yaoyao took a couple of steps and looked back at him. Xie San said, “I’ll watch you go in.”

The tone of his words was unexpectedly affectionate, surprising Xie San himself.

Cheng Yaoyao felt truly relieved and ran briskly to the dormitory. Xie San continued to watch her until she pushed the door open and entered the room. Only then did he turn around and leave.

Inside the dormitory, kerosene lamps cast a warm light, mingling with the smell of water vapor and soap after a shower. There were two large buckets of water in the room. Han Yin sat on the edge of the kang, drying her hair. Seeing Cheng Yaoyao come in, she complained, “Where have you been? If it gets any colder, the water will be cold.”

Cheng Yaoyao was still a bit dazed. She held her wrist and said, “I… I went to see the fireflies.”

Zhang Xiaofeng smiled and said, “Fireflies? There are some behind our dormitory. Aren’t you afraid of insects and don’t like going out?”

“I wanted to see them today.” Cheng Yaoyao took the rope from her hair, letting her black hair cascade down like a waterfall. “Come help me wash my hair.”

“I’ll do it. Your hair costs 7 yuan. Let me touch it a few more times for good fortune.” Han Yin dropped the towel and walked over with a smile.

Cheng Yaoyao brought her towel, soap, and washbasin, sat on a small stool, and lowered her head to let Han Yin help her wash her hair.

Han Yin picked up the soap and suddenly exclaimed, “Why is this soap wet?”

“Ah?” Cheng Yaoyao raised her head.

Han Yin held up a piece of pink soap, a Shanghai brand with a peach blossom scent, most of which was still intact. In such hot weather, even if soap was used in the afternoon, it would be completely dry by evening. The soap was unusually moist.

Han Yin held the soap in front of Cheng Yaoyao. “Look, there’s hair stuck to it!”

Han Yin pulled out a piece of dry, thin, short hair. Cheng Yaoyao’s hair was long, black, and shiny, so it definitely wasn’t hers.

The three people with short hair in the dormitory were Han Yin, Zhang Xiaofeng, and Liu Minxia.

Zhang Xiaofeng frowned, and both she and Han Yin instinctively looked at Liu Minxia. Liu Minxia’s bed was at the edge of the room, and she had gone to bed early, facing away from Cheng Yaoyao and the others.

Han Yin raised her voice and yelled, “Are there mice in our dormitory or something? I just bought a bar of soap last time, and it’s only shrunk by half after a few washes. Yaoyao, this is Shanghai brand soap—someone has used it secretly?”

The male and female dormitories of the educated youth were separated by only a wall, so the sound insulation was poor. When Han Yin made such a loud noise, a male educated youth next door knocked on the wall, asking, “What’s going on?”

Han Yin replied meaningfully, “It’s a rat!”

Cheng Yaoyao said in annoyance, “Forget it, I don’t want this soap. But if someone steals my things again in the future, I will… tell the captain.”

Cheng Yaoyao had never encountered such petty theft before and felt both amused and helpless.

Zhang Xiaofeng, usually a peacemaker, said seriously, “It’s not easy for us to come together from all over the country. We represent educated youth and must not bring shame upon them. Although Yaoyao won’t pursue this matter today, I hope such things don’t happen again in the dormitory. Otherwise, as the class monitor, I’ll have to report it to the commune.”

In those times, petty theft could ruin one’s future.

As soon as Zhang Xiaofeng finished speaking, Liu Minxia shuddered violently but remained silent, pretending to be asleep.

Cheng Yaoyao frowned. This dormitory was truly terrible. The thought of others secretly using her soap to wash their hair or even take a bath made her feel ill.

Today, Cheng Yaoyao bought several bars of soap. She chose a jasmine-scented one and unwrapped it. The fresh fragrance was perfect for this summer night. After washing her hair and taking a bath, she sat on the kang with the jasmine scent lingering on her body.

Cheng Yaoyao sorted the items she had purchased and placed them into her treasure box. Inside the box was a rectangular biscuit tin with a round lid, just big enough for one hand to fit in. Cheng Yaoyao took out a rectangular biscuit, sprinkled with colored sugar, a luxury in this era.

She carefully wrapped a few pieces of the biscuit in oil paper, along with the white flour cakes she had brought back. She locked the door securely and then lay down to sleep.

In her dream, the sky was filled with fireflies. A strong, warm hand held hers, guiding her through the glowing lights.

Exhausted from the day, Cheng Yaoyao curled up under her quilt and fell into a peaceful sleep. Her rosy lips were slightly upturned, suggesting a sweet dream. Her fair face had a light blush, and the teardrop mole beneath her eye was a delicate touch that highlighted her charm.

Did Cheng Yaoyao have this teardrop mole?

A figure stood quietly beside the kang, gazing down at Cheng Yaoyao’s face. Her eyes were filled with deep hatred and obsession, more so with jealousy—a jealousy so intense it made her want to tear Yaoyao’s face apart.

Cheng Yaoyao turned over, exposing her face defenselessly. Her black hair spread across the pillow like satin, her skin was snow-white, and her lips were red, reflecting affection. Her beauty stood out in the remote countryside and was not diminished by the summer’s heat.

A red mark from the pillow marred her cheek, a testament to how delicate her skin was. 

The figure rubbed her fingertips repeatedly on the edge of a hard object, her blood boiling with excitement from her own imagination. Her heart raced as she envisioned Cheng Yaoyao’s pretty face marred with bloody scars.

She raised her hand and gently touched her black hair. The cool, smooth silk-like texture flowed through her fingers, mixed with the cheap, chemical jasmine scent that intoxicated her. She stroked her hair with obsessive envy, and her jade pendant suddenly grew warm.

Cheng Nuonuo shuddered and withdrew her hand to clutch the jade pendant, which remained still.

Unbelievable thoughts crossed her mind. She raised her other hand and gently touched Cheng Yaoyao’s shoulder. The jade pendant, which had been silent, began to grow warm again, almost as if it were burning her.

Cheng Nuonuo abruptly pulled back and left the dormitory in a daze.

She rushed to the yard, took out a bottle from her pocket, and placed the jade pendant on it.

Her heart pounded in her ears. For the first time, Cheng Nuonuo felt such a conflicted mix of emotions. She wished the jade pendant hadn’t reacted.

But it did.

In the faint starlight, crystal droplets gradually formed from the jade pendant and fell into the bottle with a dripping sound.

“It’s actually like this… It’s actually like this!” Cheng Nuonuo fell to the ground, both crying and laughing.

Recently, she had tried to seduce Shen Yan to absorb Yang Qi[1]refers to an active energy that is associated with Yang qualities. in the wild warehouse, but the jade pendant only produced a few drops of spiritual spring. It turned out that the key to the spiritual spring was actually Cheng Yaoyao!


1 refers to an active energy that is associated with Yang qualities.


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