‘Transmigrated Directly to the Possessive Male Lead and Make Him Fall Harder to me
‘Transmigrated Directly to the Possessive Male Lead and Make Him Fall Harder to me Chapter 12

Chapter 12: My Husband is a Crybaby

“Aaahhhh!!!” A scream like a pig being slaughtered echoed through the entire floor.

Inside the dimly lit suite, a tough guy dressed as a woman waited for Boss Zhou to touch him. With a face full of masculinity, he cracked a shark-like grin and then gave Boss Zhou a brutal beating.

Xia Yuan said that they should beat Boss Zhou a few times until his angry, so he would turn against Liang Bo.

But Mr. Qin’s instructions were clear: Ruin Boss Zhou.

The tough guy decided that since he had come this far, and since he was still an innocent young man, he couldn’t let Boss Zhou touch him for nothing!

At this moment, Liang Bo sat in the lobby, drinking tea, waiting for good news from Boss Zhou.

Seeing two police officers pass by, Liang Bo felt a brief panic, but after remembering Boss Zhou’s status, he crossed his legs again and confidently continued sipping tea.

After all, Boss Zhou was the eldest son of a side branch of the Zhou family, and regular police wouldn’t dare mess with him.

Another ten minutes passed.

Liang Bo saw two police officers escorting a man, bruised and swollen, out of the elevator. The man was handcuffed, and as Liang Bo looked closer, wasn’t that Boss Zhou?!

Liang Bo quickly ran over, urgently asking, “What happened? Why did you hit Boss Zhou? Where are you taking him?”

The police officers, with stern faces, asked, “You know this thug? Are you in cahoots with him?”

Liang Bo immediately took two steps back, shaking his head furiously.

Boss Zhou, opening his bloodshot eyes and barely recognizing Liang Bo, cursed angrily, “You set me up! It will be a war between us from now on!”

Liang Bo was shocked: “I didn’t!”

As the two exchanged words, the police began to suspect Liang Bo was involved, and they took him into the police car as well.

Xia Yuan leaned against the second-floor railing, wearing a pink mermaid dress. Her sharp shoulders and slim body accentuated her elegant smile.

Finally, she had avenged her mother.

“Hubby~” Xia Yuan’s light steps fluttered down the corridor lined with golden-glass windows, her graceful figure sweeping like a butterfly. Glowing with golden light, she threw herself into the man’s embrace.

Sitting in the shadows, Qin Mohuai put down his pen of authority and power, took out a clean blue handkerchief, and wiped the small beads of sweat from her forehead.

“Baby,” his deep, magnetic voice coaxed, “Sit here with me for a while, okay? Once I finish reviewing these documents, I’ll take you to an amazing restaurant for dinner.”

Facing away from the secretaries and assistants, Xia Yuan casually planted a kiss on Qin Mohuai chin, signaling her agreement.

Being intimate in front of so many subordinates—since Qin Mohuai wasn’t embarrassed, she certainly had no reservations.

Secretary Cao, who had been by Qin Mohuai side for years, along with the rest of the secretarial team, didn’t see Xia Yuan as trouble but rather as a blessing because she can always making their boss calm.

Surely, everyone had noticed that whenever Xia Yuan was around, Qin Mohuai—the tyrant volcano—wouldn’t erupt. No matter how bad his temper, it would be suppressed.

Basking in the sunlight, Xia Yuan was about to drift into sleep when she suddenly heard Qin Mohuai low voice. His temple veins bulged as he fiercely berated someone, his words sharp and cutting.

With slender, fair fingers, she gently pinched the big tyrant’s ear and locked eyes with him, her gaze sparkling. Why so fierce?

Qin Mohuai face remained cold, but he stopped scolding.

Secretary Cao let out a sigh of relief.

The queen is mighty!

Xia Yuan, fearing that Qin Mohuai might turn around and give her trouble, quietly moved her rosy lips to his ear and playfully teased, “Mo Huai-ge~, don’t be so grumpy. The little one who wants to make a home in my belly might be too scared to come.”

Qin Mohuai Adam’s apple bobbed, and his eyes darkened.

The Qin family had many branches, and there were six families directly and indirectly related. Even his younger cousins already had children, and the old patriarch had repeatedly urged him to have a child to secure his position as the heir.

Thus, Qin Mohuai never took any precautions when he was with Xia Yuan, hoping they would have a child together.

The man with deep brow bones spoke in a hoarse voice, “Next weekend, let’s go to the temple to pray for a child.”

In her heart, Xia Yuan thought, even if your genes are great, I can’t get pregnant—the system won’t allow it.

Besides, she didn’t want to have children in this world. She knew she would eventually leave, and she understood too well how sad it was for a child to grow up without a mother.

Qin Mohuai should have been handling his affairs in his bright and spacious office, but since he was worried about Xia Yuan, he had moved his work to the Jin Feng Hotel.

After finishing his business, he discussed dinner plans with her, and Xia Yuan wanted to visit her parents.

Qin Mohuai recalled the shabby little diner that her aunt ran and almost felt a surge of germaphobia but didn’t object to Xia Yuan’s suggestion of having dinner at home.

Inside the Maybach.

The bodyguard, who had just returned from the police station, had already changed out of the women’s clothes and into a well-fitting black suit.

“Thanks to my unbeatable persuasion and the police’s wise judgment, both Liang Bo and Boss Zhou are now locked up.”

Xia Yuan scoffed, “Serves them right! You handled this well.”

Judging by Boss Zhou’s behavior, it probably wasn’t the first time he accepted such “gifts.” Scum like him deserved to be behind bars.

Qin Mohuai held Xia Yuan’s hand, his elegant face calm and indifferent, but his fingers gently pressed against her palm.

What about me?

Xia Yuan’s eyes sparkled, and she praised him lavishly, “I spent all my money on your ring, so I can’t afford to buy you a gift right now. And my body has been overworked by you, so I can’t provide you with any pleasure for the time being. How about this? Let’s sleep in separate rooms for a week. During that time, you can smoke and have cigars in the house whenever you want, and I won’t say a word.”

Qin Mohuai: “…” I’ll deal with this ungrateful troublemaker when we get home.

Xia Yuan always got motion sickness from the smell of smoke, so no one in the entire mansion smoked. If Qin Mohuai craved a cigarette, he’d hide in places she rarely visited, like a criminal, afraid she would catch him.

In the original novel, the female lead had plenty of pride but lacked intelligence. She engaged in constant power struggles with the crazy male lead, turning the mansion into a battleground.

Under Xia Yuan’s rule, however, it became a peaceful haven, with emerald lakes, lush flowers, and no smoking—a five-star scenic spot just for her!

The Maybach stopped by the street, and Xia Yuan led the neat-freak boss by the hand into her mother’s small restaurant.

Though the place was filled with the smells of food and grease, the tables, chairs, and floor were clean, a testament to the hard work of the couple running the place.

Before Xia Yuze became famous, he used to help out here, but ever since he made it big, business had boomed, and Liang Min and Xia Yi had hired an extra worker.

A tall, skinny boy noticed Xia Yuan and immediately informed Aunt Liang Min that “Sister Xia Yuan” had arrived.

Liang Min was busy cooking, so Xia Yi wiped his hands and stepped out of the kitchen.

In his forties, Xia Yi had a handsome bone structure, look like young. He could’ve made it big if he wanted to, but he was content to stay in a small restaurant with his wife and child.

Someone once asked Xia Yi why he didn’t find a rich wife. Liang Min still feared he might cheat on her, but Xia Yi was the kind of man who would cry if he had to spend half a day apart from his wife.

With a warm smile, Xia Yi greeted her, “Why did you suddenly come over? Have you eaten dinner?”

Xia Yuan smiled, “Not yet. I want some braised prawns and stir-fried beef!”

Qin Mohuai didn’t order anything but added in his deep, magnetic voice, “No chili in the stir-fried beef. She just recovered from a cold, so her food should be mild.”

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