Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Heartless Enough

From afar, Luo Qiao could hear the commotion. She approached a person sitting on the bridge, she asked, “What’s going on?”

An elderly man glanced towards the heated argument at the Sun family’s place and said, “No one is willing to take care of Shitou. It’s a pity!”

The second and third wives of the Sun family were still arguing fiercely, almost time for work, and the captain couldn’t bear to watch anymore, so he came over to persuade them.

Unexpectedly, Kong Yuru said, “Captain, it’s easy for you to say. Would you be willing to support a freeloader in your family?”

Kong Yuru understood clearly. Shitou was already eight years old, and several children his age had started school last year. Some were even going to start in the second half of this year.

His son Sun Shengyuan started primary school last year. If they don’t let that illegitimate child go to school in the second half of this year, the villagers might criticize the Sun family. After all, the compensation from the little sister-in-law has indeed been divided among the three families.

Captain didn’t expect Kong Yuru to be so unreasonable, so he said mercilessly, “You are the closest relatives of Shitou. The compensation for Sun Mei was six hundred yuan. Now you say Shitou are just freeloaders.

Your Sun family really eats people without spitting out bones. You’ve really lost your conscience. You’ve divided someone else’s compensation and can still righteously say such things.

Since that child followed you, which family has treated him well? Which day did you get up and down to go up the mountain to get pigweed to feed the pigs? What are your children doing at that time?

These past few months, which family among you has given him a full meal? Which family has made clothes for the child? Now you say that child is just freeloading. How can you say such things?”

The villagers who came out to work were no longer calm. It turns out Sun Mei received so much compensation. The Sun family really deserves a thousand cuts.

Li Xiulan stood in the crowd, still holding a handful of pumpkin seeds. While chewing on the seeds, she said, “Kong Yuru, I never expected your Sun family to be so shameless.

Spending other people’s hard-earned money and still cursing them as freeloading, and not caring even after hurting them like that.”

Turning to the villagers watching the commotion, she said, “Don’t you know? Since last night, no one from the Sun family has delivered food to the health center. They even threatened that the twenty yuan for the clinic is all they will pay.

Look at how heartless they are. Aren’t you afraid Sun Mei will come to talk to your families tonight?”

At this point, Doctor Gao also stepped forward and said, “That child’s injuries are quite serious, almost classified as severe burns. Yet last night, none of you went to deliver food to him.

Old Lady Sun, your Sun family is really something, so heartless.”

For a moment, the villagers gathered by the riverbank began discussing.

Someone said, “Originally, Ning Ziping had a good relationship with Sun Mei. If it weren’t for the Sun family causing trouble all the time, Ning Ziping would have lived comfortably. Later, it was often because people from the Sun family came to cause trouble at home that Ning Ziping and Sun Mei started arguing frequently.”

“That’s right. If it weren’t for the Sun family, Ning Ziping probably wouldn’t have left so decisively. When Ning’s people came, look at the attitude of the Sun family. They set so many conditions that directly angered the Ning family away.”

“That’s just one aspect. No matter how you look at it, Ning Ziping also didn’t treat Sun Mei well. Whatever happened in the past, that’s all in the past. In the end, he listened to his parents and gave up on Sun Mei and their son.”

“Sun Mei was also foolish. She shouldn’t have left Shitou behind and let him go back to the city with his father. Maybe she could have found a better family to marry into, and wouldn’t have left so young.”


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