Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Exam Preparation

Teacher Ning said sternly, “That’s good. Please go to your seat.”

Luckily, she brought a rag with her; otherwise, the chair wouldn’t be suitable for sitting.

After Luo Qiao sat down, many people glanced over at her side, and some girls even showed disdainful looks.

Many classmates were thinking to themselves: they attend school every day, and some even fail exams, while this girl named Luo Qiao doesn’t even come to class. Huh!

Soon, the teacher came over and started passing out the exam papers. Luo Qiao answered the questions at a decent pace, finishing almost everything in half an hour. To avoid disturbing other students, she double-checked her answers and then entered her mind in the space.

The invigilating teacher watched her for a while without seeing her move, then shook his head lightly.

He thought to himself that perhaps many questions were too difficult for this transfer student; otherwise, why hadn’t she touched her pen for so long?

After finishing the two exams in the morning, Luo Qiao didn’t return to the village. Instead, she went to scout the road leading from the commune towards the city. She had a transaction planned for the evening, so she wanted to scout ahead to avoid any issues later.

Luo Qiao wandered around there for a while and found a suitable place. Not far from the roadside, there was a well house that provided good cover. It seemed abandoned most of the time.

A wooden stick was propped against the door, and she opened it to check inside. The well opening was covered with a stone slab, probably to prevent children from accidentally falling in, showing some thoughtfulness in its design.

There happened to be a large open area outside where she could temporarily store things for the night and then lure them in from the roadside.

After scouting and ensuring safety, she entered her dimensional space, made herself a bowl of noodles, stir-fried tomato and egg braised dish, quickly finished lunch, rested for a while in the dimensional space, and didn’t dare to stay too long for fear of missing the afternoon exam.

During the last exam in the afternoon, Luo Qiao didn’t wait until the end. After completing it in half an hour, she handed in her paper and left.

She still needed to go to the mountain’s pond to catch fish. She didn’t want to stay there after dark because the pond gave her a creepy feeling; after all, everyone said it was too deep.

Luckily, there were several wooden barrels and large tubs in the dimensional space. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have known where to put the fish she caught, nor did she know why the seniors who owned this space had stored these things.

Back home with plenty of time left, she thought about how inconvenient it would be to weigh the fish in the barrels or tubs without water. But there wasn’t anything suitable for weighing in the dimensional space at the moment.

She wandered around the yard without finding a solution, considering using vines from the mountainside, but worried they might damage the fish scales. Then she noticed some clothes on the kang bed in the house and found the most worn-out piece to bring into the dimensional space.

After removing the unnecessary parts, she used the sewing machine she had assembled the previous night to sew the clothes into a bag about the same thickness as the bucket. She added an extra layer at the bottom, neatly cut several holes, and attached handles on top.

She lined the small pit she had dug by the stream in the dimensional space with umbrella papers stored in the warehouse, preparing to use her mind to collect the fish into it by the edge of the water pond, preventing water from seeping into the ground.

With everything prepared, she was satisfied and stopped. She exited the dimensional space, shouldered the basket, and headed up the mountain.

The water pond wasn’t far from the foot of the mountain, and it wouldn’t take long to reach there.

However, the pond wasn’t on the main path up the mountain but required turning to the other side, where few people ventured.

Following her previous method, she poured some well water into the pond and waited for about fifteen minutes. Then, she saw shadows near the mountain wall moving towards her side.


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