Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Discovering Secrets

After dinner, Luo Qiao waited until night had fallen completely before leaving the village towards the commune. With this batch of fish sold, she could earn 140 yuan.

However, this business couldn’t be conducted many times. The fish in the pond couldn’t be completely depleted; they needed time to rest and reproduce.

She only wanted to make some initial capital with these fish, and then she planned to do other things.

Without capital in hand, any ideas she had would be futile.

She had already planned it out long ago: once she had some money, she would use the excuse of visiting her biological parents to make several trips down south. When she went to university and grew older, she would find some reliable projects to work on, living comfortably on her own terms. It sounded good.

Tonight, with no moonlight and dark skies, Luo Qiao walked with extra caution. If it weren’t for her agility, the darkness would indeed have been somewhat frightening.

As she walked a stretch of road, she heard voices ahead, one of which sounded familiar: “Chunli, you’ve agreed with them. There must be no mishap in this matter. If that damned girl becomes wary, it’ll be troublesome in the future.”

Luo Qiao wondered who Chunli was. Was there such a person in Qingshan Village? Why didn’t she know them?

She heard again, “Alright, they’ll come to the designated place the day after tomorrow to pick up the person. If this goes smoothly, it’s worth 100 yuan. I’ll use it to renovate the house later.”

“Sister-in-law, don’t forget my 30 yuan. I’ve been quite busy with this.”

“Alright, it’s getting late. Be careful not to let your family notice. You should head back soon. Let’s play it by ear the day after tomorrow.”

Luo Qiao hid behind a tree, watching as the two parted ways. She recognized Gao Suhua walking towards the village, but the other person she had never seen before. That person headed in a different direction, and although she couldn’t see their face clearly, she remembered their voice.

Narrowing her eyes, Luo Qiao pondered. What scheme were Gao Suhua and this woman plotting? Remembering what Shitou had mentioned in the village before sent a chill down her spine. Could they be planning something against her?

After all, that child had said Gao Suhua wanted to sell her. Gao Suhua was definitely not a good person; she was capable of switching children for money and would stop at nothing for profit.

Luo Qiao rubbed her chin, thinking to herself, “You’d better not provoke me. Originally, I wasn’t following the script in the book. As long as they don’t bother me, I’ll teach them a lesson before I leave, avenging the original owner in the book.”

But if they target her, they shouldn’t blame her for embarrassing them.

With this realization, Luo Qiao stopped worrying. After all, [1]‘When the enemy comes, we send generals to resist; when floods come, we use earth to block them’, “兵來將擋、水來土掩” means handling problems as they come with … Continue reading’When the enemy comes, we send generals to resist; when floods come, we use earth to block them.’ She hurried towards the commune.

Thinking ahead, when she had money, she would first buy a watch. Otherwise, she could buy an alarm clock. She wasn’t good at telling time by the sun; she found relying on it annoying.

Upon arriving at the location, she entered the grove. Fortunately, the well house wasn’t far from the main road, hidden behind a few large trees. Luo Qiao estimated the time and realized she might have to wait a while longer.

She entered her space first. About half an hour later, she heard the sound of a car stopping outside.

Luo Qiao emerged from her space, moving the water bucket and wooden basin out of the well house, along with a backpack lined with umbrella paper—she had no tools suitable for transporting fish.

After arranging everything, Luo Qiao navigated through the darkness. She resolved to buy a flashlight from the supply and marketing cooperative another day; it was too inconvenient without one.

While in her space, Luo Qiao had also applied makeup. She believed it was better to be cautious in all things to avoid unnecessary trouble.


1 ‘When the enemy comes, we send generals to resist; when floods come, we use earth to block them’, “兵來將擋、水來土掩” means handling problems as they come with appropriate solutions. It emphasizes responding to challenges with suitable actions.


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