Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Spreading Information

Luo Qiao held a package in her hand containing about a pound of dried red dates. It was the only thing she could offer without error, something presentable and easy for others to accept.

She lightly knocked on the teacher’s office door. Teacher Ning happened to be sitting at her desk. The other teachers who lived nearby had already gone home, leaving only three in the office.

Teacher Ning looked up and saw Luo Qiao. “Luo Qiao, what can I do for you?”

Luo Qiao smiled and said, “I wanted to ask when the exam results will be out, and what would be a suitable time to come and check. I thought I’d ask in advance so my classmates don’t have to run another errand to inform me. Otherwise, it would be quite inconvenient.”

Teacher Ning smiled and said, “Come by on Friday noon. By then, all subject grades should be out.”

Luo Qiao thought to herself that this wouldn’t affect her work.

As they spoke, the other teachers in the office gradually left. After finishing her business, Luo Qiao placed the paper-wrapped package on the desk without saying anything else, bid farewell, and prepared to leave.

Teacher Ning remarked, “Luo Qiao, you’ve left something behind.”

Luo Qiao smiled and replied, “It’s a few dried red dates. Teacher, you can keep them to brew in water for nourishing qi and blood.”

Without waiting for Teacher Ning to say anything else, she turned and hurried out of the office. She felt she had caused some trouble for her homeroom teacher, so she wanted to express her gratitude.

After returning to the village and having lunch, Luo Qiao tended to the vegetables in the backyard. Because she used her abilities to stimulate growth every few days, the vegetables grew particularly lush and vibrant. She harvested what was ready and stored them in the warehouse within her space, then replanted for the next cycle.

In this way, the garden always remained green and healthy, avoiding suspicion from others. She aimed to accumulate more over time, planning to sell these vegetables when winter came.

The next day was Zhao Xiaotao’s wedding day. In the morning, everyone in the village was busy working in the fields. Apart from Zhao Changlin’s family, the eldest son of the Zhao family, who hired two expert cooks to help prepare the food.

After finishing work at noon, villagers started visiting Zhao Xiaotao’s house to congratulate her, bringing gifts. Luo Qiao had inquired beforehand about the customary gifts: for those with average relationships, it was 20 cents, for closer relationships, it was 50 cents, and for very close relations, it was 1 yuan.

Luo Qiao brought along 30 cents to avoid causing gossip.

Zhao Chunli and Gao Suhua saw Luo Qiao arriving, and their smiles brightened even more. However, neither of them noticed a child sneakily approaching Luo Qiao and tugging at her sleeve.

The child gestured for Luo Qiao to follow him. Seeing that no one around them was paying attention, Luo Qiao followed the child named Xiao Shitou outside. Last time, this child had helped her, and she hadn’t had a chance to thank him yet.

Xiao Shitou led Luo Qiao to a particularly narrow passage, the kind squeezed between two houses that only allowed one person to pass through at a time. If she were any bigger, she might not fit through.

Then they walked forward to Zhao’s back door. Xiao Shitou pointed ahead, and Luo Qiao saw two middle-aged men standing guard there. These two men were obviously not from Qingshan Village.

Luo Qiao whispered, “Why did you bring me to see these two men?”

Xiao Shitou replied, “These two men are from Beipo Village.”

Upon hearing this, Luo Qiao immediately thought of the conversation between Gao Suhua and the woman from last night. She turned to look at Xiao Shitou.

Shitou whispered, “It’s just as you think. I just heard them talking. Gao Suhua told them to make you drink something with added ingredients, and said that once they take you back, they shouldn’t let your face show up again.”

Luo Qiao snorted coldly in her heart. This Gao Suhua must be a fool. If such a grown person like her were to go missing, there’s no way the village would ignore it. Truly wishful thinking.


Schedule: T1980sSW - Everyday with 2 Chapters, Unlock 10 chapters every Sunday/OHPBG - Every mon-fri, unlock 2 chapters every Sunday/Check my ko=fi for more!

1 comment
  1. Drowningsparrow has spoken 2 months ago

    Xiao Sitou to the rescue again


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