Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Regrets

She glanced cautiously into the courtyard before continuing, “Our parents have been gone for so many years. Back on the farm, we had to stick together out of necessity. Now that we’re back in the city and living together, it’s really inconvenient. Most of the household chores are now done by our family’s Luo Lan.

In the second household, Luo Fei is still young and now attending school. As for Luo Bin, since he returned, forget about helping with chores—just keeping out of trouble every day is a blessing. Not to mention he spends all his time eating, drinking, and having fun.

Our eldest son is getting older now and it’s time to consider his prospects. We can’t compare ourselves to second brother. Their eldest, Luo Bin, is only fifteen years old, so there’s time for him to mature.

But in our family, even if our eldest son successfully gets married, our second son will soon need prospects too. Fortunately, both of them have temporary jobs, which gives us hope. The two girls can stay at home for a few more years to support the family.”

As for Luo Qiang, he’s still young, and I hope he can focus on his studies and aim to attend university in the future. But the prerequisite is that we must divide the household first. Otherwise, which family’s daughter would agree to marry into such a large household still living under one roof?”

Luo Tiancheng remained silent. He knew his wife was right, but as the eldest, he couldn’t be the one to suggest splitting up the family.

So he said, “Let’s wait a bit longer on this matter.”

Luo Tiancheng also knew that it wouldn’t be appropriate for these two families to continue living together in the city. There were already some conflicts back on the farm, but they had to stick together under those circumstances to avoid being taken advantage of.

Now, he also wanted to split the household. After all, his wife was right. But with just a few rooms in this house, dividing it wouldn’t be enough space, which was also a headache to think about.

In the black market, He Yujie was also shocked when he saw the fish last night. That woman indeed has some skills. Even the smallest fish weighed at least around 1.5 kilograms, and the larger ones were probably close to 2 kilograms.

Before the accountant could come and report, it was said that the total weight of the fish was over 220 kilograms. Hardly any were sold individually; they were all bought up by a major buyer who paid a hefty sum. The fish were then resold for 1 yuan per 21 kilogram.

They said they were given as gifts.

He Yujie’s subordinate asked, “Boss, do you have that woman’s contact information? All the fish were sold out in just one day. We need to get more from her.”

He Yujie tapped the table lightly without speaking. He had indeed miscalculated by not keeping that woman’s contact information.

He could only say, “Fish like that aren’t available every day. When she has more stock in a few days, she’ll come knocking on our door.”

While saying this aloud, he inwardly blamed himself for not leaving his contact number with that woman. He ran his hand through his hair, realizing it was too late now. He would have to wait.

In Qingshan Village, in the afternoon, Luo Qiao continued working. Aunt Qiao asked, “Luo Qiao, where did you sit for lunch? I didn’t see you.”

Luo Qiao smiled and replied, “I sat with second sister-in-law Feng in the utility room in the courtyard.”

Aunt Qiao smiled and said, “Oh, when I was heading back, I didn’t run into the second family. When we left for work, she was helping Xiaohong change clothes, so we left first.”

Luo Qiao followed everyone to weed in the fields when someone nearby said, “Luo Qiao, you’re doing this work better than the veteran members.”

Luo Qiao glanced at the woman and smiled, “It’s all thanks to the good teaching from the aunties.”

“Don’t underestimate her. Luo Qiao is really skilled at farming. Just look at the plots along the road—her crops grow better than others’.”

“She’s also diligent. The fields she tends to are neat and tidy, which is pleasing to the eye.”

“Well, in a few more years, I wonder which family’s son will be lucky enough to marry her.”


Schedule: T1980sSW - Everyday with 2 Chapters, Unlock 10 chapters every Sunday/OHPBG - Every mon-fri, unlock 2 chapters every Sunday/Check my ko=fi for more!

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