Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Trying to Turn the Tables

Gao Suhua angrily said, “It was Chunli who brought up this matter and she was the one who arranged it. You can’t blame me. If you want to blame someone, go find your sister. Also, about the thirty yuan we paid today, Chunli must pay half of it to me. Otherwise, I won’t let this go with her.”

Zhao Changlin listened to what his sister did and felt infuriated. What kind of mess was this? He had initially believed Chunli’s explanation that day, only to later find out she had instigated their second brother’s wife to commit such a disgraceful act.

Zhao Changlin said, “Xiaomei has been found. Sort out the rest of this yourselves. In the future, use your brains before doing anything. If you had really sent Luo Qiao to Beipo Village today, you’d be facing time in the detention center soon.”

After giving his younger brother a fierce glare, he turned and left.

Upon seeing his eldest brother-in-law leave, Gao Suhua muttered, “It’s all because of that damned Luo Qiao. Just wait and see how I deal with her in the future.”

Zhao Pulin coldly snorted and said, “I advise you to calm down. Stop plotting against Luo Qiao. If there’s a next time, just go straight back to your mother’s house. I, Zhao Pulin, cannot afford to lose face because of you.”

Gao Suhua didn’t expect Zhao Pulin, who usually didn’t speak harshly, to suggest sending her back to her mother’s house. She wanted to argue back but remembered that this man had even hit her before.

Feeling exhausted after today’s ordeal, she decided to remain silent.

However, in her heart, she couldn’t let go of the fact that Luo Qiao had caused her to lose face, get beaten, and even lose money today. This matter couldn’t just be left as it was.

Seeing his wife quiet down, Zhao Pulin thought to himself that if Luo Qiao was indeed behind Xiaomei’s incident today, that young girl was quite scheming. It would be best to avoid provoking her in the future.

Back at home, Luo Qiao didn’t practice boxing again after entering the space. She didn’t feel like showering either, so she spent the evening reading medical books. Besides embroidery books, her study had a significant collection of medical texts and some on musical rhythms.

Learning those things that the original owner studied with Grandpa Yang, reading these medical books wasn’t difficult for Luo Qiao. In fact, she learned quite a lot of things she hadn’t studied before, which sparked genuine interest in traditional Chinese medicine for her.

When she got tired of reading, she would go to the musical instrument room and play a tune. Although most of the zithers here were thirteen-string or fifteen-string, not comparable to modern twenty-one-string ones, it didn’t hinder her playing.

The next day, after finishing work at noon, she hurried home, took a quick bite of the leftover breakfast, freshened up, changed into clean clothes, and then headed to the county middle school. Today was the day the results were announced.

During the exam, she deliberately answered a few questions wrong in each subject. She didn’t want to attract too much attention to herself since in a few months, she would be heading to high school anyway.

These days, she had been thinking that if things didn’t work out, she could just go to the city to attend high school. After all, the city was closer than the county, which would make it more convenient for her to get things done when the time came.

When Luo Qiao arrived at the school, the classrooms and offices in the campus were quiet. Those who boarded were still in the dormitories at the back. Luo Qiao walked quickly towards Teacher Ning’s office.

She knew Teacher Ning also lived at the school, so if he wasn’t in the office at this time, he would be in the dormitory.

Luo Qiao lightly knocked on the office door, and from inside came the response, “Please come in.”

As soon as she heard it was the voice of her homeroom teacher, Ning Lintian, Luo Qiao pushed open the door. Teacher Ning smiled and said, “I knew you would come at this time.”

Luo Qiao smiled back, “I finished work and came straight here.”

Teacher Ning smiled broadly. He hadn’t expected that a transfer student would achieve such good results. As long as she didn’t slip up in the coming months, even the high schools in the city might be competing to enroll her.


Schedule: T1980sSW - Everyday with 2 Chapters, Unlock 10 chapters every Sunday/OHPBG - Every mon-fri, unlock 2 chapters every Sunday/Check my ko=fi for more!

1 comment
  1. Drowningsparrow has spoken 2 months ago

    what’s the point of answering questions wrong? just answer it truthfully, smh


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