Transmigrated into a Biological Mother of a Villains in 1970
Transmigrated into a Biological Mother of a Villains in 1970 Chapter 73.3

“Comrade Ning, you’re here again,” Uncle Wang greeted with a sunny smile as he basked in the sun at the entrance.

Ning Shu returned the smile, “Hello, Uncle Wang. This is my younger sister-in-law, Lin Xiaojing. You can call her Xiaojing. I’ve transferred my job to her. She’s just started working and might not understand many things, but she’s a diligent and eager learner. Please guide her more often.”

“Xiaojing, this is Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang guards the first line of our garment factory, which is the most important position. In the future, you should learn from Uncle Wang in your work.”

Lin Xiaojing hurriedly greeted, “Hello, Uncle Wang,” even bowing nervously as she spoke.

Uncle Wang had never been praised like this since he became a gatekeeper.

Some people even looked down on his job. So, hearing Ning Shu’s words made him feel appreciated, “Comrade Xiaojing, hello. I’m just an old man now, not as important as Comrade Ning said. But we are all employees of the garment factory, and we should all work hard for the factory and stick to our posts.”

Lin Xiaojing replied, “Uncle Wang, you’re right. I will uphold my position and work diligently in the future.”

Uncle Wang smiled kindly.

He had seen many people and could tell immediately that Lin Xiaojing was nervous. “You two, go on in. From now on, we are colleagues.”

“Uncle Wang, we’ll go in now,” Ning Shu said as she led Lin Xiaojing into Director Wang’s office.

Technically, transferring positions like this didn’t require going to Director Wang’s office.

Lin Xiaojing wasn’t someone who warranted a special meeting with Director Wang.

However, Ning Shu took Lin Xiaojing to meet people first.

Firstly, because this position was originally awarded to her by Director Wang, and secondly, to help Lin Xiaojing get to know more people.

At the entrance of the garment factory, Lin’s father and mother watched silently as their daughters-in-law and daughter entered the factory.

They had heard what their daughters-in-law and daughter had said earlier, and watching their daughters-in-law introduce their daughter to others touched their hearts.

If it were someone else, they would have just transferred the job directly.

Who would take the time to explain like this? Only their own daughters-in-law would do that.

Lin’s mother was very grateful to Ning Shu. As a woman, she understood even more how difficult it was for women in this era.

So, she had always been worried about her daughter.

Worried that as she got older, she wouldn’t find a good match, and worried that after getting married, she would be bullied by her in-laws.

Now that her daughter had a job, even if she found a less than ideal partner, at least he should also be someone from the factory.

He didn’t have to be from the town, but at least his job should be similar to her daughter’s.

With both of them having jobs and earning money, they didn’t have to worry about their lives being difficult anymore.

Lin’s mother’s mindset was similar to that of many people of her era, or even many elderly people in the future.

They all believed that having money would lead to a good life.

“In the future, when our grandchildren grow up, they’ll have to marry someone who’s educated. Even if it’s our granddaughters getting married, they should find someone who’s educated too. Educated people know more, are more capable, and can reason better,” Lin’s mother said to Lin’s father. “And our grandchildren are all educated, so there’s no problem with them marrying educated people.”

Lin’s father nodded.

When he was young, his family was poor, and back then, many people hadn’t received an education.

But after the country was liberated, when he got married and became the head of the family, he made sure to send each of his children to school, no matter how hard it was.

Reading makes people smart, and he knew that well.

“Look at the third daughter-in-law, she’s different even though she’s just a high school student. And look at the first daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law, causing trouble over a job today…” Lin’s mother sighed again.

Nowadays, Lin’s mother completely forgot about how she criticized the third daughter-in-law five years ago for causing trouble over splitting the family property.

That’s why when good people do something bad once, they’re criticized by everyone, as if they should always be good.

And when bad people do something good once, everyone is grateful and moved.

In the factory, after Ning Shu and Lin Xiaojing left Director Wang’s office, they went straight to the HR department to handle the procedures.

Along the way, they met Director Ning and other workers, who greeted Ning Shu very politely.

After all, Ning Shu had been working in the factory for three days, guiding everyone in dyeing, so in everyone’s eyes, she was considered a skilled worker and was respected.

When they heard Ning Shu introduce Lin Xiaojing as her sister-in-law who would take over her position because she was going to join the military, they naturally treated her with respect as well.

This respect wasn’t fake.

It was also because of the news hinted by Ning Shu: only family members of high-ranking military officers are eligible to join the military, so Ning Shu’s man has authority in the army.

Lin Xiaojing being her sister-in-law indirectly indicated that Lin Xiaojing had a backing.

Lin Xiaojing was greatly shocked.

She didn’t expect Ning Shu, who was criticized by everyone in the village, to be so popular in the garment factory.

She also didn’t expect Ning Shu, who was aloof in the village, to be so friendly and eloquent in the factory.

At the same time, Lin Xiaojing also understood that judging people shouldn’t be one-sided; you need to observe more and interact more to truly understand someone.

She didn’t know whether the Ning Shu from the village was the real Ning Shu, or if the Ning Shu at the garment factory was the real one.

But she learned one thing: politeness, courtesy, and enthusiasm are necessary in dealing with people outside.

Anyway, she would learn to follow suit in the future, smiling and greeting people, speaking nicely.

At this moment, Ning Shu didn’t know that the somewhat reserved and refined Lin Xiaojing would become a very straightforward girl in the future.

After completing the procedures at the HR department, because Lin Xiaojing was assigned to the procurement department, Ning Shu took her there to get acquainted, but Zhang Jianyi wasn’t there today.

After getting acquainted with the procurement department, they left.

With about twenty days left until the Chinese New Year, Lin Xiaojing didn’t need to work temporarily; the factory asked her to start after the New Year.

However, there was one issue Lin Xiaojing needed to solve on her own: she currently didn’t qualify for a house allocated by the factory, and there were no collective dormitories for workers in the factory at the moment. So, Lin Xiaojing had to find her own accommodation.

“Sister-in-law, do you think it’s okay for me to live in the school dormitory later?” Lin Xiaojing asked. “I’ve paid my tuition until June or July next year, so I can stay at the school after the New Year.”

Ning Shu replied, “It’s possible, but since you’ll be working while your dorm mates are still studying, wouldn’t it be inconvenient to come and go every day? Also, if the factory requires overtime and you come back late, and the school gates are already closed, what will you do?” This possibility existed.

Lin Xiaojing also thought Ning Shu made sense. “Then should I rent a room in the county town?” It would be even more inconvenient to commute back and forth from home, taking nearly four hours each day.

Ning Shu had an idea.

There were two courtyards left in their family, which could be rented out to Lin Xiaojing.

However, she couldn’t rent the entire courtyard alone, so she could rent a room and a kitchen to her.

Ning Shu handed her the keys and suggested she check if there were other girls in the factory who wanted to rent rooms and could introduce them.

However, this matter needed to be discussed with Lin’s parents.

Ning Shu said, “I have an idea about this. Let’s discuss it with our parents tonight, and you can listen in.”

When they arrived at the door, they saw Lin’s parents chatting with Uncle Wang, which surprised Ning Shu and Lin Xiaojing.

“Third daughter-in-law, Xiaojing, you’re here,” Lin’s mother, who had been watching the factory, breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them coming out.

Lin’s father also stood up, “Brother Wang, we’ll head back now.”

Uncle Wang replied, “Take care. Come back and visit when you have time.”

“Uncle Wang, goodbye,” Lin Xiaojing said.

After getting on the cart, Lin’s mother couldn’t wait to ask, “Third daughter-in-law, Xiaojing, how did it go? Smoothly?”

Lin Xiaojing was excited, “It went smoothly! Sister-in-law introduced me to many people. She’s amazing! Everyone in the factory is so polite to her.” She was practically dancing as she spoke.

Ning Shu smiled, feeling a bit embarrassed by the praise. “They’re just being polite.”

Lin’s mother finally relaxed. “Isn’t that obvious? Your sister-in-law found this job on her own. Even city folks might struggle to find work, but she managed to. Isn’t that impressive?”

Ning Shu remained silent. Her mother-in-law was exaggerating.

“It’s different,” Lin Xiaojing said. “Mom, you haven’t seen it. Sister-in-law is highly respected in the factory. It’s about respect, something you might not understand. I met the director and other officials, and they were all very polite. It’s like… I feel connected and passionate about the place.”

Ning Shu said, “The passionate May Fourth youth probably look like this.”

At this moment, Lin’s father spoke up, “What do you do in the factory?”

“I work in the procurement department,” Lin Xiaojing replied.

Her father paused, not understanding what that meant.

Ning Shu chimed in, “She works in an office. If she does well, there’s room for advancement and promotion. If not, she might be transferred to another department.”

Her father understood now, “Then you better do well. Don’t embarrass your sister-in-law. People are nice to you because of her reputation, but you have to maintain that reputation yourself.”

Lin’s mother agreed, “Don’t embarrass your sister-in-law. Your father is right. He might not give grand lectures, but our daughter shouldn’t bring shame to her sister-in-law.”

“I understand,” Lin Xiaojing nodded.

Lin’s father then asked, “Shall we head back now?”

Lin Xiaojing hurriedly said, “I need to go to the school first. With my work proof, I can collect my graduation certificate, so I won’t need to come to school anymore. I’ll be a high school graduate with a diploma. Also, I need to gather my belongings from the school.”

“Then go to the school,” Lin’s father agreed.

“Daughter, you lead the way,” Lin’s father instructed.

After guiding them, Lin Xiaojing brought up the issue of not having a place to stay in the factory.

Ning Shu said, “Let’s talk about this when we get home.”

Upon hearing this, Lin’s mother suddenly remembered that the third family’s house was supposed to be rented out.

She thought it could be rented to her daughter.

When they arrived at County Second High School, the others waited at the entrance while Lin Xiaojing went to handle her affairs and pack her things.

She first went to her classroom to share the news with her best friend, Yu Xiaomian, and gave her the address of her workplace.

Since she wouldn’t be coming to school anymore, she needed to make sure they stayed in touch.

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