Transmigrated into a Pregnant Mother of a Villain
Transmigrated into a Pregnant Mother of a Villain Chapter 20.1

The cherry radishes grown in Xu Han’s garden were plump and fresh, glistening under the sunlight, each one small and adorable.

Xu Han plucked off the leaves and tossed them into the water basin for easy cleaning.

“Auntie, what are you washing?” Yuanyuan, with his innocent face, asked as he trailed behind her.

Xu Han couldn’t help but find him incredibly cute and endearing, especially since becoming a mother herself.

She often imagined how her own son might grow up.

Yuanyuan seemed perfectly suited to her vision of Kou Kou growing up—a mix of charm and gentleness, lively yet not mischievous, well-mannered and pleasant.

“It’s radish,” Xu Han replied.

Yuanyuan tilted his head, puzzled. “But aren’t radishes supposed to be chubby and white? This one looks different.”

“This is called cherry radish. It’s a different variety from white radish. Here, you can try this cucumber.”

Their homegrown cucumbers were crisp and sweet, perfect for eating fresh or in salads, always in high demand during summer.

“Thank you, Auntie.” Yuanyuan took a bite and his eyes lit up. “Delicious!”

Just then, their weasel, Huang Daxian, jumped down from the roof and circled around Xu Han’s feet.

She tossed a piece of cucumber to it, and the little weasel sat down, crunching loudly.

“Wow, what is that? A kitty?” Yanyan stared at Huang Da Xian in surprise.

“It’s a yellow mongoose,” Xu Han teased, then added, “If you have a wish, you can tell it. It might help you make it come true.”

“Really?” Yanyan’s expression turned serious. “I wish my mom and dad wouldn’t argue or get divorced, and they would bring me home soon, and maybe have a little brother or sister for me.”

Xu Han paused in washing the radishes.

The original author of the book arranged a very tragic childhood for Yuanyuan to give Gu Yanqing sufficient reasons to recognize the male lead as his son.

The male lead’s biological parents had a marriage of convenience due to business, with a poor relationship.

After getting married, they each did their own thing and often quarreled.

Miraculously, they still had the male lead.

However, after the male lead was born, they didn’t pay much attention to him.

They simply left him to be cared for by a nanny.

Unfortunately, the nanny privately abused the male lead, not feeding him properly, mistreating him, and even hitting him.

Yuanyuan was so young and couldn’t complain or speak out, and there was nowhere for him to appeal.

Due to this rough start, the male lead was frail and sickly from a young age.

It was Gu Yanqing who eventually discovered something was wrong and, upon learning the truth, was furious.

He scolded the male lead’s parents severely.

Gu Yanqing had absolute authority.

The male lead’s parents did behave for a while after that, but once Gu Yanqing stopped intervening, they started neglecting the male lead again.

Seeing their true nature, Gu Yanqing realized they were incorrigible.

So, he took the male lead under his wing, telling them to think carefully before taking their son back.

However, what came instead was news of their divorce.

The male lead went to his father and gained an unkind stepmother…

Ahem, amidst such a heartbreaking and melodramatic plot, the male lead naturally ended up being raised by Gu Yanqing.

Later, seeing Yuanyuan’s intelligence and his own lack of biological children, Gu Yanqing decided to adopt him as his heir.

Having experienced all this at such a young age, Xu Han couldn’t imagine Yuanyuan’s deepest wish was still for his parents to get along.

Xu Han felt that if it were her, she would definitely pray for her parents to stop getting along, so she could live with Gu Yanqing, since he really treated him well…

Adults and children think very differently.

It’s clear that Yuan Yuan currently longs for the love of his irresponsible parents.

The story has reached the point where Gu Yanqing has just taken Yuan Yuan in, prompting his parents to reconsider.

It wouldn’t be surprising if news of their divorce came soon.

Xu Han felt sorry for the little boy before her.

She had only wanted to tease him, but seeing how earnest he was, she couldn’t help but take off her gloves and ruffle his soft hair, saying, “Yes, the Yellow Deity will help make your wish come true.”

Even if it won’t reconcile you with your bad parents, it will give you a new happy family.

Yuan Yuan was happy to hear this and asked, “Can I make one more wish?”

With so many wishes at his young age, Xu Han worried he might never stop.

She said, “Too many wishes won’t come true, but you can make one more.”

“Hmm,” Yuan Yuan hesitated. After a while, he said, “Then I wish for Uncle Gu to find an aunt as beautiful and gentle as Aunt Qiao, who will give birth to a cute little brother like mine.”

Xu Han: “…”

Innocently caught off guard by Yuan Yuan’s request, Xu Han admitted she was pretty, but gentle…

Did Gu Yan Qing have some misunderstanding about her?

“And who’s having a little brother?” Suddenly, a cold voice interrupted—it was Gu Yanqing.

Huh? Already settled?

Yuan Yuan innocently replied, “I was making a wish to the Yellow Deity at Aunt Qiao’s house!”

Gu Yan Qing glanced at the Yellow Weasel enjoying a cucumber and then at Xu Han, who was washing vegetables without looking at him.

His lips curled slightly as he said, “Well, the Yellow Deity is very effective and will help Yuan Yuan’s wishes come true.”

Xu Han thought Gu Yan Qing might criticize her for promoting superstition again, but his unexpected response surprised her.

She couldn’t help but glance up at him, only to meet his deep, dark eyes.

Gu Yanqing anticipated her reaction and looked at her with a knowing smile.

Pretending she hadn’t noticed, Xu Han casually looked away, calmly retrieving all the radishes from the water, ensuring none of them spilled out of the basket.

Yuan Yuan continued to watch Huang Daxian’s melon-eating show.

Gu Yanqing reached out to help Xu Han put a basket of radishes on a leaking shelf.

He was strong; Xu Han usually struggled but Gu Yanqing effortlessly lifted it up with one hand.

Xu Han, seeing a free laborer, didn’t mind and let him help.

Gu Yanqing asked, “Are these all for Tang Yue?”

“Just a few. My grandma is still picking in the garden and will bring more later.”

Gu Yanqing nodded, “He has money, sell more to him and remember to charge more.”

Xu Han thought he might object to selling to Tang Yue, given his CEO-like persona, but Gu Yanqing’s words amused her instead, “Don’t make me sound like a profiteer. I sell at market price.”

Gu Yanqing seemed somewhat disappointed, “Next time, remember to raise the price.”

Xu Han: “…”

After a moment of silence, Gu Yanqing asked, “They haven’t given you and Kou Kou trouble, right?”

It was clear who “they” referred to.

“They just come to buy vegetables, no stealing or robbing. What can they do to me?” Xu Han stretched her waist, exhausted, and curious, “How’s things going between you two?”

“I’m just here to see my person, they’re here to buy their vegetables. Why, judging by your expression, it seems like you’re looking forward to us having a fight.”


Was it that obvious?

Xu Han rubbed her face, genuinely thinking they might have a dramatic showdown.

But thinking about it, in the books Gu Yanqing’s attitude towards Miss Tan has always been clear.

It’s always been Miss Tan pursuing him, so even if he had a love child or was already married with children, there wouldn’t be much to say from Tan Xin’s side.

It just wouldn’t look good.

But Miss Tan wasn’t that easily deceived, right? Xu Han, still not giving up, asked, “So Miss Tan is easy for you to handle?”

Gu Yanqing raised an eyebrow, “How do you know I want to handle Miss Tan?”

“…” Xu Han almost let something slip and awkwardly chuckled. “Just guessing. You both seem very compatible.”

“Why do I feel like we’re even more compatible?”

“Ahem, ahem,” Xu Han almost choked on her own words. “Get lost.”

When Gu Yanqing was about to say something, a loud “wah” interrupted him.

Kou Kou, who was probably sleeping in the room, woke up and, seeing that nobody was paying attention to him, started seeking attention.

Xu Han was thankful that her son woke up just in time.

She had a feeling that Gu Yanqing, who had been hesitant to speak all day, wanted to stir up trouble.

However, she had no interest in whatever he had in mind and just hoped these people would leave soon to give her some peace and quiet.

She picked up Kou Kou, changed his diaper.

It was sunny outside today, so she didn’t wrap him up too warmly.

Kou Kou, who could move freely, was very happy.

Putting him back in bed and folding the used diaper, Xu Han looked back and saw Kou Kou lying on the bed, legs wide open, trying to grab his feet with his little hands.

He was dressed warmly, making it difficult to reach, but Kou Kou persisted in trying to reach them, happily playing with himself.

Lately, Kou Kou had developed a fondness for playing with his own feet, as if they were fascinating toys.

When he was in a good mood, he could entertain himself with his feet for a long time.

Xu Han initially worried if something was wrong, but Grandma Qiao reassured her that this was just a phase of his growth and development, indicating he was growing up a bit more.

A smile spread across Xu Han’s face as she lifted him up and walked out.

Kou Kou was delighted to see Gu Yanqing and happily exclaimed, “bababa.”

Although he had no idea what the sounds meant.

“Is he calling me Dad?” Gu Yanqing’s expression showed some joy as he reached out to pick up Kou Kou, who had been reaching for him.

Xu Han poured cold water on his excitement, “It’s just a coincidence. At this age, he only knows some simple single-syllable sounds. ‘Ba’ sounds rhythmic and he likes it.”

Even so, Gu Yanqing was still pleased.

Although he treated Yuan Yuan as his own child, being called Dad for the first time… felt subtly strange.

Xu Han let him hold Kou Kou and checked the time; it was time to prepare lunch.

However, since no one seemed to be leaving yet, it seemed like the mahjong game would continue for a while longer.

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