Transmigrated into a Villan’s Mother, Wins Effortlessly[1970’s]
Transmigrated into a Villan’s Mother, Wins Effortlessly[1970’s] Chapter 14

Lin Shu smiled charmingly, her skin glowing and her appearance radiant.

She playfully lifted her foot and said sweetly, “Yes, second sister-in-law, these are new shoes. Do they look good?”

Her mood was so good that her smile seemed to light up the room.

Lu Er, astonished, looked at Lin Shu’s triumphant smile.

How dare this timid woman wear her shoes!

Lu Er, feeling a sting of jealousy and anger, was more like a rat with no courage.

Despite her usually gentle demeanor in public, she was quick to scold others privately.

With a harsh tone, she demanded, “Third sister-in-law, I asked you to help make shoes, not to wear them yourself. Take them off!”

She reached out to snatch the shoes away.

Tian Tian and Pan Pan, with their big, dark eyes, glared at Lu Er. They were upset that someone dared to bully their mother.

Pan Pan started crying loudly, “Waah! Grandma, come quickly and deal with her!”

Lu Er was unbothered. “Stop crying! What’s the point of shouting?”

She didn’t care much about the children’s cries.

She was more focused on the ongoing commotion and the fact that her mother-in-law, along with Li Auntie, had gone to the field.

When news reached them, Chang’s wife had started crying out, and the other women soon learned what was happening.

Lu Er had tried to stay for the excitement but was prevented from doing so by her eldest sister-in-law and the team leader.

She managed to leave only at mealtime.

At this point, her mother-in-law was at the team’s office and wouldn’t be returning soon.

Hearing her grandchildren’s cries, Fang Dihua hurried over and saw Lu Er pulling at Lin Shu.

She scolded loudly, “What’s going on here?”

With her tall stature and imposing presence, she quickly reached them, her anger palpable. “Are you, as a sister-in-law, also bullying her while outsiders are doing the same?”

Fang Dihua, still seething from the recent fight, looked intimidating enough to frighten anyone.

Sweet Tian Tian and Pan Pan clung to her legs, calling out for their grandmother.

Fang Dihua had dirt on her hands from handling the haystack and had not cleaned herself up properly.

She couldn’t wipe their tears, so she simply hugged them with her arm.

Lu Er, immediately intimidated, put on a fake smile and said, “Mother, how could I, as a sister-in-law, ever bully my own family?”

“Third daughter-in-law? I was just messing with her.”

Fang Dihua originally thought that Lin Shu seeing Song Chunfang being beaten would relieve her anger and improve her mood.

But now she saw that Lin Shu’s eyes were red, her long, dark lashes wet, looking pitiful and bullied.

It reminded her of when the third daughter-in-law was first married and was controlled by the second sister-in-law.

Not long after the third daughter-in-law came into the family, she had an unusually thin skin and couldn’t refuse anyone, so she was pressured by the second sister-in-law to help with washing clothes.

When the third daughter-in-law refused, the second sister-in-law used words to pressure her, saying, “Third daughter-in-law, you don’t work in the fields, so you should be at home washing clothes and cooking. Washing your own clothes is the same as washing ours, and it doesn’t take much effort. We’re all family, just help out.”

The third daughter-in-law, feeling wronged and unable to refuse, ended up washing clothes a couple of times, but the second sister-in-law became even more demanding, eventually dumping the men’s clothes on her too!

The third daughter-in-law was dumbfounded, standing there unsure of what to do.

It was her mother-in-law who couldn’t stand it and scolded the second sister-in-law and her husband harshly, “How could you make your younger brother’s wife wash your underwear? I’m embarrassed for you.”

Although she didn’t have underwear, it didn’t stop her from scolding severely.

She couldn’t hold back and turned around to scold the third daughter-in-law, “Did you grow a brain just for show? Is it full of glue? Don’t you have a mouth?”

The third daughter-in-law cried all night from the scolding, and the next day her eyes were swollen like rotten peaches, making Fang Dihua too afraid to scold her further.

At least the second sister-in-law didn’t dare to make her wash clothes anymore.

But she herself wasn’t much better off, not only was she not allowed to wash clothes, but she was also forced to do sewing work daily, not just for the second sister-in-law, but also for the older sister-in-law from another room, her maternal uncle’s wife, her own family’s younger sister-in-law, and so on.

Her mother-in-law couldn’t stand it and said, “Why are you being a sewing maid for everyone? Just refuse them!”

However, the third daughter-in-law said she couldn’t refuse, as it would offend people.

Fang Dihua got so angry she stopped caring, thinking, “If it rains, let the daughter-in-law suffer; no one can do anything about it.”

Now that her son was gone, she felt she owed the third daughter-in-law and had to take responsibility.

But while conflicts with outsiders were easier to resolve, dealing with sister-in-law issues required caution.

If not handled carefully, she could become a target herself and cause family unrest.

So, Fang Dihua usually avoided getting involved in their sister-in-law disputes.

Even when scolding, she wouldn’t just focus on one person or favor anyone.

She could see at a glance that the two daughters-in-law were having conflicts over the new shoes.

Previously, the second daughter-in-law had always taken advantage of the third daughter-in-law, but now the situation had reversed.

It seemed like the third daughter-in-law was finally standing up for herself!

Hmm, there’s hope for her yet.

Fang Dihua felt satisfied; today’s actions were not in vain.

She had wanted to help Lin Shu but knew that being too obvious in her favoritism could stir resentment among the other daughters-in-law.

Sometimes, it’s better to let them handle things themselves without overt interference.

Of course, preaching harmony among the daughters-in-law was futile.

If they were inclined to be harmonious, they would be whether or not she said anything.

If they weren’t, no amount of teaching would change that.

Lin Shu, understanding this, didn’t want to put her mother-in-law in an awkward position.

She knew that family issues should be handled by the family, and she could manage her own problems with Lu Er.

If Lu Er was intimidated by her mother-in-law, she could use that to her advantage.

Wiping her tears, Lin Shu said softly, “Mother, Lu Er was just playing around. I’m crying out of happiness that you’re supporting me. I’m so glad!”

People of that time were not good at expressing emotions, whether gratitude or consolation.

But everyone liked knowing their efforts were recognized and appreciated.

However, expressions of thanks needed to be genuine and brief.

Overdoing it could make people like Fang Dihua uncomfortable, as she preferred not to be overly praised.

Fang Dihua’s stern face showed a hint of discomfort as she responded, “There’s nothing to be overly grateful for. Just remember, don’t be afraid in the future. If anyone bullies you again, just let the family know.”

She glanced at Lu Er, subtly hinting at her.

Lu Er, feeling humiliated, wondered why Fang Dihua was looking at her.

She hadn’t bullied Lin Shu!

Lin Shu managed to smile through her tears, cheerfully saying, “Thank you, Mother!”

Her sweet voice was soothing to hear.

Fang Dihua, feeling a bit awkward, thought, “Family shouldn’t be so formal. No need for all these thanks.”

She found the sentiment a bit over the top.

Lu Er’s smile froze.

She felt that Lin Shu had become manipulative and cunning, and wondered if she was under some spell.

On the way home, Lu Er was contemplating how to get the shoes back when Pan Pan, with a hint of coldness, asked, “Second aunt, aren’t you going to take back my mother’s shoes?”

Seeing Fang Dihua’s head turn slightly, Lu Er hastily said, “I’m not taking them. Just joking around.”

Tian Tian added, “Those are my mother’s shoes. It took her several days to make them, and she even injured her fingers.”

Lin Shu was pleased with her children’s support. They were clearly paving the way for her.

She softly murmured, “These past few days, they’ve been spreading rumors behind my back. It made me so upset that I couldn’t concentrate on making the shoes and ended up injuring my fingers.”

Lu Er scowled and glared at the locust tree outside, feeling frustrated.

The hypocritical concern was unbearable.

Lin Shu said softly, “The shoes got dirty and can’t be cleaned, so I can only cut off the dirty parts to make them smaller… Second Sister-in-law won’t be able to wear them now. It’s all my fault.”

Heh, I did it on purpose.

Lu Er: …You deceitful sneak! I’ll tear you apart!

But after being scolded by her mother-in-law, she didn’t dare to directly confront Lin Shu.

She gritted her teeth and nodded, saying with regret, “Make sure the next pair is done properly!”

The shoes were really well made.

Although they were ordinary shoes, Lin Shu had crafted them to fit perfectly, making her feet look even more delicate and beautiful.

How nice it would be if they were on her own feet.


After the commotion at noon, many villagers came to watch the excitement, and the production team leader wasn’t angry.

Since it wasn’t the harvest season, the main tasks were weeding, pest control, and trimming cotton.

It didn’t matter if they took a two-hour lunch break or extended the evening work hours by two hours.

In the afternoon, the Chang family was quiet.

The two children didn’t go out to play after lunch but stayed home to comfort Lin Shu.

The children fell asleep instantly, but Lin Shu didn’t get to nap.

Instead, Aunt Li, Old Mrs. Qiu, and others came with eggplants, tomatoes, and vegetable seedlings to visit her, comforting her and advising her to let things go.

Once she was no longer drowsy, she got up to steam some new steamed buns and prepare dinner.

With more chickens and ducks at home, she gathered four to five chicken eggs and two duck eggs daily, which were just right for improving their meals.

While steaming the buns, she also made a large pot of braised eggplant, pickled vegetables with eggs, and egg custard for the children.

In a farmhouse, it’s more common to stew rather than fry because of the lack of oil and firewood.

If one pot can cook everything, there’s no need to divide it into two.

In the afternoon, the mother and children watered the garden. Waiting helped with pest control, and Sweetie helped with planting and transplanting seedlings.

Faintly, they could hear the chaotic sounds from Old Chang’s house in the back street, mixed with Song Chunfang’s moans of “Mother, oh mother.”

After a while, Aunt Li, standing on a stool and leaning over the wall, gossiped with Lin Shu, “Song Chunfang was sent back to her parents’ home by her husband. She’s so embarrassed!”

Lin Shu chatted with her for a bit, and when she heard the sound of Aunt Lu and the others coming home, she went inside to prepare the meal.

In the summer, the days are long, and the villagers returned from work while it was still light.

Fang Dihua and Old Lu had each already advised their sons and daughters-in-law on the way home, telling them not to specifically discuss the Chang family’s matters.

Once a problem was resolved, there was no need to keep talking about it.

The key is to ensure that daily life isn’t affected.

Lu Er saw that Fang Dihua was so considerate of Lin Shu’s feelings and felt both sour and envious.

Why didn’t she show such thoughtfulness towards her?

When she entered the house and saw Lin Shu busy in the main room, still wearing straw sandals that exposed her delicate white feet, she mockingly said, “Third daughter-in-law, why aren’t you wearing the new shoes? If you don’t wear them, who will see them?”

Are you not showing off for comfort?

Lin Shu smiled brightly at her, “Second Sister-in-law, those shoes are meant to be worn in late autumn or early winter, so they need to be thicker. If you have any fabric left, bring it to me, and I’ll make them into a lining.”

Mother-in-law’s feet are large, so it uses up a lot of fabric.

Originally jealous and sour, Lu Er now handed over the fabric happily.

Fang Dihua, who had been silently watching from behind, was speechless.

She thought Lin Shu had finally stood up for herself, but it seemed she was still acting as the family’s seamstress?

Lin Shu’s radiant smile suddenly faltered when she remembered that she was now playing the role of a widow with a deceased husband.

Her smile broke and she immediately lowered her eyes and furrowed her brows, forcing a sorrowful look.

Fang Dihua: “!!!”


It really isn’t easy to resolve psychological issues, is it?

She quickly went outside to mutter to her husband.

At night, Lin Shu quietly measured Fang Dihua’s shoe size and then crawled into the mosquito net with the two children to sleep.

The children, soft and warm, snuggled up to her on either side.

Panpan: “Mom, don’t be angry. If anyone bullies you, I’ll scold them for you.”

Tiantian: “Mom, I’ll earn money too, to buy you new leather shoes and clothes.”

Lin Shu felt warm inside.

These two little angels made her smile in her dreams.

This life of lying down and winning is truly comfortable and carefree!

In the middle of the night, Lin Shu was suddenly jolted awake by a pungent smell.

She panicked and quickly got up, “There’s a fire!”

She was about to grab the children and run outside but was forcefully held down by someone.

“Quiet…” A rough hand covered her mouth.

A thief!!!

Hiding in front of the kang (a traditional heated bed), Fang Dihua whispered, “It’s me! Don’t shout!”

Lin Shu: “???”

Mother-in-law, what are you up to!!

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