Transmigrated into a Villan’s Mother, Wins Effortlessly[1970’s]
Transmigrated into a Villan’s Mother, Wins Effortlessly[1970’s] Chapter 21.2

The cooking from the eldest family made it hard to feel any hope of living.

Lin Shu: “Don’t worry, Mother. I’ll reprocess the steamed buns tonight, and we’ll have sticky porridge with vegetables. Sticky cornmeal porridge with added vegetables is perfect.”

Fang Dihua nodded and reminded, “If Zhao Meifeng comes looking for you, don’t agree to anything she says.”

Lin Shu understood.

Her mother-in-law was afraid that the original owner might try to curry favor with Zhao Meifeng and end up being deceived by her.

Seeing Lin Shu’s agreement, Fang Dihua thought that since Lin Shu had become bolder and was studying culture with the deities, she wouldn’t be deceived by Zhao Meifeng.

So, she left with ease.

Indeed, when Lin Shu was reading stories to Tiantian and Panpan to put them to sleep, Zhao Meifeng came knocking.

Her outfit was similar to Lu Shaocai’s, with polyester and trendy trousers, and she wore homemade cloth shoes.

She also carried a strong smell of sweat.

“Wife of Shaotang, please accept my condolences.” Zhao Meifeng came in, covering her face with a handkerchief and pretending to cry.

The just-sleeping Tiantian and Panpan were almost woken up by her noise.

Lin Shu frowned and said in a low voice, “Be quiet!”

Zhao Meifeng was taken aback, feeling as timid as a mouse.

How dare Lin Shu tell her to shut up?

Zhao Meifeng wasn’t from a particularly distinguished family.

According to gossip from the elder sister-in-law, she was the daughter of a servant and somehow ended up with Lu Shaocai.

Though not particularly attractive, she had fair skin and a flirtatious gaze that could captivate others.

When speaking, she often looked away from the person she was addressing, instead focusing on those nearby.

Since returning from the capital with Lu Shaocai, she acted superior, as if she were a high-ranking official, looking down on the villagers.

Though Zhao Meifeng couldn’t intimidate Fang Dihua, she had a tight grip on the original owner, either demanding things or making her do needlework.

In Fang Dihua’s words, the original protagonist had become nothing more than a household seamstress!

The original owner had sulked for several days, feeling mistreated by hus elder sister-in-laws and squeezed by the mother-in-law, believing her life was truly pitiful.

Lin Shu looked at Zhao Meifeng, determined to return the grievances and reclaim what had been taken from the original protagonist!

She signaled for Zhao Meifeng to step outside to talk.

Zhao Meifeng started with a show of fake concern, advising Lin Shu to think positively.

She then abruptly changed her tone, “Sister, to be honest, I consider you like a real sister. I’m thinking about you. Since he’s leaving after just three days of marriage, it’s not that I’m being heartless. Take good care of yourself, and you’ll easily find someone better in the future.”

Lin Shu lowered her eyes and remained silent, as the original owner was not a talkative person.

Zhao Meifeng, pretending to be genuinely concerned, patted Lin Shu’s arm, staring at her attractive face while internally calculating whom she could marry Lin Shu off to in order to benefit her own family.

Since the news about Lu Shaotang had died, Zhao Meifeng had been scheming.

She had thoroughly investigated the county commune and knew that a deputy director at the county revolutionary committee, who was 45 years old, had lost his wife last month.

Zhao Meifeng thought it would be ideal to introduce Lin Shu to him, which could potentially secure jobs for herself and her son.

For now, she only subtly suggested this to Lin Shu to keep her mind active, planning to discuss it with her uncle and aunt next year.

The immediate concern was Lu Shaotang’s funeral, which needed to be profitable.

They also needed to figure out how to borrow the compensation money.

Zhao Meifeng felt that the second branch had relied on the protection of the main branch for years to live safely and comfortably, and Lu Shaotang had risen in the military thanks to his father-in-law’s support.

Therefore, it was only right for her and her husband to demand money from the second branch.

The second branch owed them.

Of course, she advised her husband to be gentle when speaking to the second uncle to avoid accusations of being heartless and greedy immediately after the third son’s death.

She had gotten used to controlling Lin Shu, believing that Lin Shu, who was trying to please her, would not refuse whatever she asked.

The key was to teach Lin Shu how to speak so that she wouldn’t be scolded by Fang Dihua.

Lin Shu directly retorted.

Lin Shu took a dustpan and fanned out the few melon seeds, removing the chaff.

She casually said to Zhao Meifeng, “Sister, I’ve been feeling restless lately and want to find something to do. Could you bring over some fabric and cotton? I can help you stuff the cotton jackets.”

While tidying up the cupboard, Lin Shu discovered that the original owner’s cotton jackets were quite thin because Fang Dihua had given the new cotton stuffing she had made for her own big jacket to others.

Zhao Meifeng and the original owner’s maternal aunt, among others, had all been given the cotton by the original owner.

When Zhao Meifeng needed it, she said it was for borrowing and claimed she had no cotton after coming back from the capital and was suffering from the cold.

In reality, she had been crying poverty since the year she returned.

Fang Dihua and Old Man Lu had provided them with a lot of support, and only the easily deceived original owner fell for her tricks.

With the original owner gone this year, it would be Zhao Meifeng who would suffer from the cold in winter.

Zhao Meifeng took eight taels of cotton and still owed at least one and a half pounds!

When Lin Shu interrupted her, Zhao Meifeng wanted to steer the conversation back, but Lin Shu was not going to let her have her way.

Lin Shu spoke softly, “Sister, your shoes are quite worn. Bring over some more fabric and scraps, and I’ll make you a new pair for the fall.”

Zhao Meifeng was led by the nose, “Don’t bother with the fall shoes yet. Make me a new pair of winter cotton shoes. And, by the way, make a new pair for your eldest nephew who is looking for a match this year.”

Lin Shu smiled sweetly, “Sure, hurry up and bring them over then.”

Oh, you’re quite nice, not only giving me new shoes but also for my father-in-law.

Southwest Liberation Army General Hospital

In the heavily guarded intensive care unit, Lu Shaotang remained in a coma with no signs of waking up.

When he was first brought in, he was battered and covered in wounds, as if he had been pulled from a pool of blood and then dried by the wind.

Apart from barely perceptible breathing, there were no other vital signs.

He was in a severe coma and was in critical condition!

The military district leaders issued orders: Save him at all costs!

Director Qiao of the General Hospital personally led the team, organizing the best surgeons, internists, neurologists, and orthopedic doctors… for a comprehensive consultation.

Now, two days later, his vital signs had stabilized, but he still had not woken up.

Chen Yanming personally guarded the ward with a fierce look, scanning every person approaching the room, ensuring that no mistakes could happen.

Lu Shaotang had previously signaled that there were traitors within, and Chen Yanming had a hunch that enemy agents would try to take Lu Shaotang’s life.

Chen Yanming glanced at his watch and signaled the guards to remain vigilant.

He needed to rest on the nearby bed for a while to regain his energy for the night’s watch.

Meanwhile, the enemy agent codenamed Black Snake was hiding in another direction of the hospital room, repeatedly observing.

He wore a white lab coat and a white mask, revealing only a pair of ordinary eyes.

He carried a small syringe, intending to mix poison into the mysterious patient’s medication when the guard wasn’t paying attention.

He had received information that this patient, codenamed 63, held a significant secret—a list of undercover agents.

If the patient woke up and reported the list to the Chinese forces, it would result in heavy losses for their side!

The mission for this line of agents was critical.

They had created chaos during the founding ceremony and had been involved in every major event since.

Some of their members had risen to high positions, making it difficult to infiltrate and costly to advance.

They couldn’t easily withdraw.

The best solution was to ensure he never woke up!

If only a few soldiers were stationed here, he was confident he could distract them or act under their noses.

However, the instructor was a challenge.

He had tried several methods but couldn’t manage to distract the instructor.

If he could eliminate the loved ones of both the instructor and the patient, it would be hard for them not to be distracted.

Unfortunately, the information about their loved ones was highly confidential, and he couldn’t access it.

Even his superiors couldn’t find it.

They could only report layer by layer, hoping that the higher-ups could assist in obtaining the information.

As the patrolling soldiers approached again, Black Snake quickly pretended to check on patients in other rooms and swiftly entered another room.

The curtains blocked out the strong light from outside.

Inside the room, the lighting was dim.

The guarding soldiers’ eyes were sharp and showed no sign of fatigue.

The numerous machines around the bed were making normal working sounds.

The patient’s breathing suddenly became slightly heavier.

The thick eyelashes that had been heavy on the eyes began to tremble slightly, then increased in intensity until they suddenly opened.

The eyes were dark and bright, with a sharpness like that of a hawk, showing no sign of weakness despite the injury.

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