Transmigrated into a Villan’s Mother, Wins Effortlessly[1970’s]
Transmigrated into a Villan’s Mother, Wins Effortlessly[1970’s] Chapter 22.2

She didn’t even think about written agreements or witnesses.

In the past, she always got what she needed just by asking.

She thought that since Lin Shu didn’t have any other support and was being sidelined by her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law, she would have to rely on herself.

Once Lin Shu found a wealthy man, she wouldn’t need to worry about this small amount.

Years ago, when Zhao Meifeng was a maid in the capital, there was a woman similar to Lin Shu who was a beautiful seductress.

With her fair skin, large, sparkling eyes, and soft figure, she captivated a young leader who spoiled her immensely, buying her everything from foreign dresses to expensive perfume.

Zhao Meifeng thought, “Damn it, why can’t I have such good fortune?” She was frustrated that young leaders didn’t recognize her as a capable wife.

Lin Shu looked up at her with teary eyes, speaking softly and gratefully, “Sister-in-law, you’re truly a good person. You’re the best person I’ve ever met, and you’ve treated me the best.”

Her voice was so sweet and soft, even when she was angry, it sounded like a playful complaint, making people feel as if she was charming them.

Zhao Meifeng, a woman, was moved by Lin Shu’s words, her heart racing.

If a man were in her place, he wouldn’t be able to resist.

Zhao Meifeng thought that if she could secure Lin Shu’s future, she wouldn’t need to look at the county leaders; she should aim for someone from the city!

While Zhao Meifeng was planning for Lin Shu’s future, Lin Shu was planning for her current needs.

Lin Shu, looking devoted, said, “Sister-in-law, please bring the cloth quickly so I can start making the clothes.”

New clothes are always more comfortable the sooner you get them.

Zhao Meifeng observed Lin Shu, noting her watery eyes, the slight blush on her cheeks, and her pink, moist lips.

She couldn’t help but think of the novel “Jin Ping Mei,” and wondered if Lin Shu was similar to Pan Jinlian.

Perhaps she could find a wealthy and powerful match for Lin Shu; after all, she would benefit from it!

The excitement from her own fantasies stirred Zhao Meifeng’s blood.

It felt as if, once Lin Shu put on the new clothes, she would instantly land a wealthy husband, and her whole family would rise to success.

She indeed had several yards of good fabric at home!

There was white fabric with small blue flowers, pink fabric with small flowers, light blue terylene, and indigo twill.

She thought pink would look best on Lin Shu, as it would complement her skin.

But since her husband had just died, wearing pink might be inappropriate in Fang Dihua’s eyes.

So, she decided… she was reluctant to part with the terylene, as it was expensive and hard to find nowadays.

Instead, she gave Lin Shu the light blue cotton fabric and kept the indigo twill for pants.

Zhao Meifeng brought the fabric back, feeling both unwilling and hopeful, “Here, take this. You must repay me well. I’ve never been so kind to anyone in my life.”

Lin Shu smiled charmingly, dazzling Zhao Meifeng’s eyes, “Sister-in-law, I know you’re a good person. No one has ever been this kind to me.”

This cotton fabric was truly wonderful for making shirts, oh, how delightful~

Zhao Meifeng’s heart bled, “You should take good care of yourself, sleep well, and eat properly.”

Lin Shu smiled back sincerely, “Yes, you’re right. I need to eat well to look good. I’ll come back to ask for eggs and meat later.”

The investment was too great; with so much fabric given, how could she not spare a few eggs?

Lin Shu was sure she would get them.

Feeling pleased, Lin Shu busied herself with the fabric, letting Zhao Meifeng drone on about how to find a good man and how to repay her.

Lin Shu agreed with everything, “Yes, yes, you’re right.”

Zhao Meifeng, determined to brainwash Lin Shu, stayed for a long time and refused to leave.

Lin Shu didn’t hold back either, making her help with weeding and pest control in the garden.

Whenever Zhao Meifeng slacked off, Lin Shu reminded her, making her work hard.

Zhao Meifeng: “Alright, you handle things here. I need to go and order some fat chickens and ducks. We need to prepare a feast for the leaders coming to the memorial service.”

Lin Shu sneered inwardly, the host family hadn’t even agreed, yet you’re already planning.

This couple really doesn’t understand people.

Even though the elders said not to hold it, they’re still going ahead with the arrangements.

They deserve to lose money.

Zhao Meifeng was convinced it was a done deal.

She hurriedly found Lu Shaocai to discuss the matter.

Lu Shaocai: “Did Uncle and Aunt give you the money?”

Zhao Meifeng: “The third family agreed. I’ll finalize the arrangements first and ask them for the money later.”

They were used to taking advantage of their uncle and thought they could handle a memorial service just as easily.

The two people are so self-centered, only thinking about their own decisions and not considering the facts or other people’s feelings.

They didn’t consider how deeply the elderly couple grieved for their lost son, or how unwilling they were to hold a memorial service or banquet.

They also didn’t think about how the second branch of the family didn’t owe Uncle Lu anything now that Lu Shaotang was gone.

They assumed that their uncle would continue to indulge them, that at most he would grumble and shed a few tears, but still agree to their plans.

Lu Shaocai said, “I’ll go order paper-made wreaths and things. They need to be done quickly.”

Zhao Meifeng replied, “Order more! If they can’t make them in time, just buy whatever is in stock.”

How else would they make money from this?

Lu Shaocai rode his bike along a small path to the commune, where there was a shop for paper-made funeral items.

During this special period, elaborate funeral ceremonies were not allowed.

Unlike before, where they had professional mourners with music and performances, they still needed paper items and money.

Even though funeral homes, coffin shops, and other related businesses couldn’t be completely shut down, they were now part of the commune system.

Passing by a field, Lu Shaocai saw Old Man Lu working and quickly went over. “Uncle, I’ll take care of everything for Third Brother. You don’t need to worry about it.”

Old Man Lu glanced at him. “I told the team that just marking out the grave site is enough. We don’t need any other arrangements.”

Suppressing his excitement, Lu Shaocai feigned sympathy. “Uncle, Third Brother was a martyr. We can’t just do a simple job. We need a memorial service. Don’t worry, I’ve already promised Second Aunt that I’ll handle everything.”

Leaders from the county and commune, as well as some former soldiers who weren’t in the same unit as Third Brother but still wanted to pay their respects, would come.

He was determined to make a good impression!

Old Man Lu scowled. “Don’t make a fuss. I’ve arranged with the team for just a simple grave tomorrow. No memorial service, no banquet.”

Lu Shaocai interpreted this as: only a few important leaders would come to pay their respects, and there was no need to involve the whole village.

But the burial was scheduled for tomorrow?

That was too rushed!

He didn’t have time to comfort Old Man Lu and hurriedly rode his bike to the commune.

He headed straight to the corner funeral goods store in the commune and demanded that the manager rush the wreaths and paper items.

“I need high horses, carriages, jeeps, and trucks made of paper, plus paper figures of brides, boys, and girls…” Lu Shaocai had never been so extravagant in his purchases before.

He ordered everything without asking the price, enjoying the feeling of being rich and powerful.

He felt elated and on top of the world.

He was somewhat surprised.

Despite the fact that the other party’s clothing was not simple, it was quite expensive.

He reminded, “That… this amounts to nearly twenty yuan.”

For the time being, it cannot be completed.

Lu Shaocai smugly replied, “No problem, money is not an issue. Have the special items made as soon as possible, and for the rest, use what you already have! Deliver them to the Lu family nursery tomorrow!”

Twenty yuan was nothing.

The third brother’s death compensation was eight hundred!

Anyway, Uncle would pay for it.

Besides, wouldn’t the brigade and the commune help out a bit?

Since Old Lu said that the grave should be repaired tomorrow, Lu Shaocai assumed it meant that the burial and memorial service would be held the next day, so it was very urgent.

He even paid a ten yuan deposit.

After leaving the funeral goods store, he visited the commune to inform the leaders about the memorial service for Lu Shaotang, asking them to attend.

The commune cadres were either out inspecting the crops or checking the grain reserves at the grain depot, and were not in the office.

He left a message with the office secretary.

In the evening, Director Qin of the commune returned from the fields.

He was dressed in simple clothes and shoes, with his trouser legs rolled up, wearing a straw hat, and his face sunburned.

As soon as he entered, Secretary Jing handed him a can full of cold tea, “Director, Lu Shaocai came to inform that tomorrow is Comrade Lu’s memorial service?”

Director Qin snorted, “This Lu Shaocai is becoming more and more unreasonable.

The brigade secretary just told me that the Lu family doesn’t want to burden the county with a memorial service or condolences, only a grave repair.”

Secretary Jing asked, “Will the commune be attending?”

Director Qin replied, “We’ll go quietly in a few days to offer our condolences, but we won’t disturb the bereaved family.”

Ah, sending off a white-haired person when one is still black-haired, it’s not easy for him either.

He had already telephoned the county, and the county leaders suggested respecting the family’s wishes.

Going there openly would be too high-profile, essentially forcing the family to engage in forced socializing.

Comrade Lu’s parents were sensible and good comrades, and he hoped they would soon get over their grief.

Meanwhile, Old Lu was out with his two sons marking the grave sites.

Next to the graves of his parents, they marked out the plots for himself and Fang Dihua, and then for Lu Shaocai and his wife.

The plots for Lu Da and Lu Er would be decided later.

Grave site approvals also required the brigade’s approval and were not easy to handle.

Meanwhile, Lu Shaocai and his wife were busy buying chickens, ducks, fish, meat, and eggs, spending money like water.

Tomorrow, they would have to show off their skills!

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