Transmigrated into a Villan’s Mother, Wins Effortlessly[1970’s]
Transmigrated into a Villan’s Mother, Wins Effortlessly[1970’s] Chapter 7

Old Man Lu wasn’t happy today.

In fact, he was quite distressed, and if we get to the root of it, it was because he was suffering deeply.

When he first heard the news about his third son, it felt like someone had hit him hard in the chest with a hammer.

His wife said that maybe their son had gotten lost somewhere and hit his head, so he couldn’t remember the way back home?

As long as there was no body found, they wouldn’t believe it, and as long as there were no funeral arrangements, there was still hope.

When the compensation money was first distributed, the commune and the production team came to discuss with him whether they should give Lu Shaotang a glorious and dignified funeral, with the public funds covering the cost, and no need for the Lu family to contribute a single penny.

This would also serve as a lesson for students and they could visit his grave on Qingming Festival and so on.

They thought this was an honor for the Lu family, but to him and his wife, it was like a knife being twisted in their hearts.

They refused, but their grief was forcibly suppressed deep within their hearts, like compressed air that might explode at any moment.

While working in the fields today, Old Man Chang came over and, with a tone that he thought was friendly and considerate, gave him advice: “Since the public funds are still available, you should get the funeral arrangements done soon. If you delay, they might not help later. Funerals are expensive, you know.”

Old Man Lu ignored him and kept working.

Old Man Chang either lacked sensitivity or was being deliberate.

Given his past jealousy towards Old Lu, Old Man Lu felt it was definitely intentional.

Old Man Chang continued with what he thought was insightful advice: “Lu, I’m really doing this for your own good. Your third son’s wife is so young…

She’s bound to leave.

I heard she’s been causing trouble at home these days.

If I were you, I’d let her go. A woman shouldn’t be kept if she’s not wanted. She’ll just resent you more each day she stays.”

Ha, what’s with the idea that a man’s death is just an excuse?

It’s really about not allowing the old Lu family to remarry!

Old Man Chang thought he was very clever, mediating disputes for the Lu family and rescuing a beautiful young widow from her in-laws.

He wasn’t a local but a refugee.

His father was also a village leader, and he felt he was no less than Old Man Lu, always trying to compare himself.

Old Man Lu despised arguing with people.

Arguments, aside from causing anger, didn’t solve any problems; they only made his already heavy heart even heavier.

Someone who genuinely cared for him would definitely understand his feelings and would never come to provoke him.

These self-righteous people, whether you talk to them or not, don’t really listen. They just want to see a spectacle or manipulate you.

Old Man Lu could imagine these people’s thoughts.

Ah, what happened to the old Second Master Lu back then? Now he still—

“Are you working in the fields with us peasants now?”

“Ah, what good has your third son done? He died young, didn’t he? How useful is such a beautiful daughter-in-law? She’ll have to remarry!”

Ignoring this, Old Father Lu continued working in the fields, thinking, “Hmm, my younger brother? Can he call himself my buddy?”

Old Father Lu had taken charge of the family when he was very young.

At that time, villagers called him “Second Master Lu.” After the founding of the country, to show respect and gratitude, old acquaintances and tenants referred to him as “Second Master Lu,” similar to a respectful title.

Old Chang, who saw himself as kind-hearted, truly wanted to help Old Lu.

He secretly compared himself with Old Lu—first comparing their ancestors, then their wives, and if that didn’t work, comparing their children, and so on.

Now that the most outstanding son of the Lu family was gone and the most beautiful daughter-in-law would eventually remarry, Old Chang felt he had won and that Old Lu was pitiable.

He thought he should offer some advice to Old Lu.

“Can’t let my younger brother make mistakes.”

Seeing that Old Lu still wanted to argue, Old Chang’s foot was accidentally struck by a hoe, causing him to cry out in pain.

Old Lu, maintaining a serious face, said, “Sorry, I was distracted.”

Old Chang, in pain and with tears in his eyes, couldn’t argue back, “It’s fine, it’s fine.”

Old Lu was generally kind, honest, and never argued with anyone.

Old Chang didn’t suspect him of doing it on purpose and thought he was just distracted by his own grief.

The team leader, who had partnered with Old Lu when he was the team accountant, knew of his pain and suggested he go home early to rest.

He had always had a good relationship with Old Lu and knew that words of comfort seemed meaningless at times like these.

He only said softly, “Take care, brother. Think of your wife and children.”

Old Lu understood this.

He had to hold on because he still had two sons, two daughters, and grandchildren.

He knew he couldn’t fall apart just because of one son.

But… understanding the logic didn’t make his feelings any easier to control.

It was not something that could be resolved just by wanting to get over it.

He needed time to gradually process it.

As Old Father Lu walked home with his hoe, he replayed memories of his third son’s childhood.

People said he was a troublemaker and always causing problems, but in reality, his third son was more considerate and filial than his two older brothers.

When he was four or five years old, if someone spoke ill of his grandparents or parents, he would scold them back and seize opportunities to beat up the other child.

When they were smelting steel, other families could keep their pots, but his family had to turn theirs in.

His third son, refusing to accept this, would steal pots back or smash them if they weren’t given.

People say he’s troublesome and bad-tempered, but actually, his third son was doing well.

To avoid his parents being burdened by others, he went to the army with his uncle when he was ten.

To avoid making things difficult for his uncle, he had to work hard to outperform those teenagers and get into the military academy.

Once he was in the army, he didn’t spend a penny of his salary.

He sent all of it back to the family through logistics, and even bought food tickets from his wealthy comrades to supplement their rations.

Thinking of his third son inevitably led him to think about his third daughter-in-law.

So young, and already a widow, he and his wife felt sorry for her.

If she wanted to remarry, they’d wait a year or so, after the New Year, and then they could look for someone.

It would be best if the eldest daughter could find her a young worker from a simpler family—someone with a stable salary, who didn’t need to work the fields, and came from a family with few conflicts.

At that time, they would provide her with a dowry so she could marry with dignity and not be looked down upon.

With her conditions, marrying a young man for the first time was possible, and she wouldn’t have to be a stepmother.

The children definitely wouldn’t be allowed to go with her.

He and his wife couldn’t bear to part with them and didn’t want them to become a burden.

As he walked to the well in the west side, he saw his second daughter-in-law looking around.

This well was something he had a geomancer inspect before getting it dug.

The well water was abundant and sweet.

After over thirty years, the water was still strong; it only needed to be cleaned of silt every few years.

When his third son was seven or eight, he had once cleaned the well.

That mischievous boy, bold and adventurous, had gone down into the well and, unexpectedly, found a gold bracelet at the bottom.

That gold bracelet belonged to his blind mother.

The old lady had poor eyesight, and the servant would steal her things, but she was sharp and soon noticed something was wrong, asking him to investigate.

It was likely the thief, scared, had thrown it into the well.

That was the only piece of jewelry left from his blind mother, and it was found by his third son.

He still keeps it to this day.

Thinking about his mother and his third son, Old Man Lu’s heart twisted with pain.

Recently, everything he saw reminded him of his parents and his third son.

Seeing things made him miss people—such is life.

Is there anything more painful and heart-wrenching than an elderly person burying their own child?


The elderly people by the well, who were drawing water or enjoying the coolness, greeted Old Man Lu.

He nodded faintly, unable to muster the energy to speak.

When his second daughter-in-law saw him return, she immediately approached him, saying, “Father, something’s wrong with the third daughter-in-law.”

She went on and on, trying to make Old Man Lu believe that Lin Shu was possessed by a ghost.

When Old Man Lu heard this, his head tightened.

Although his third daughter-in-law was naturally sensitive and weak, she was actually kind and hardworking.

This second daughter-in-law, on the other hand… behind her sweet words was a scheming nature.

Ah, how could he have known this back when they were matched?

Old Father Lu walked silently towards home with his hoe.

Behind him, Second Sister-in-law Lu kept chattering, irritating him so much that it felt like his head was about to explode. “Your younger brother is gone, and you’re not even sad? You keep jumping around every day. Why are you showing off?”

Old Father Lu was usually quiet, but he saw through people’s true feelings and pretenses clearly.

He could tell who was genuinely grieving and who was just pretending.

But as a father-in-law, he wouldn’t engage in casual conversation with his daughter-in-law or reprimand her.

When he reached the entrance of the courtyard, Second Sister-in-law Lu continued her chatter, “Dad, I think the third daughter-in-law is probably trying to get money from us. That eight hundred yuan compensation! Who wouldn’t want it? She definitely wants it!”

She went on, “Dad, don’t you think the third daughter-in-law might have some ulterior motives? I heard there’s a man in her maternal grandfather’s village…”

Seeing that Second Sister-in-law Lu was going too far, Old Father Lu cleared his throat loudly to interrupt her and quickened his pace into the courtyard.

He expected to find his third daughter-in-law still lying on the bed in her grief, but instead, he saw her and the eldest daughter-in-law working together to prepare vegetable plots!

Old Father Lu stopped in his tracks, feeling something was amiss.

It was strange because, apart from recently lying around in grief, his third daughter-in-law had never cared about the family’s farming or gardening matters before.

She always just ate what was served to her.

When Old Father Lu came back, the eldest daughter-in-law and Lin Shu greeted him, and the children, Pandan and Tiantian, who were helping with the soil, ran over to him, calling out, “Grandpa, Grandpa!”

The children were particularly close to their grandfather.

Not only did he tell them stories, but he was also pleasant to look at and had a nice smell.

The children thought their father and grandfather looked alike, but they were especially close to their grandfather.

Even though Old Father Lu was almost sixty, he had a lean figure, didn’t smoke, and maintained good hygiene.

He didn’t have the usual old-man aura.

His features still showed the handsome contours of his youth.

His scholarly and gentle demeanor from his younger years made him more attractive and refined than many younger people.

In reality, Lu Shaotang and Old Father Lu had very different temperaments.

Old Father Lu had a more refined appearance, while Lu Shaotang had more distinct and three-dimensional features.

He inherited the best traits from his parents, with a high nose bridge and deep-set eyes.

Seeing the two well-behaved children, Old Father Lu felt a weight lift from his heart.

Yes, his third son still had children, and as their grandfather, he needed to take good care of his grandchildren.

Filled with tenderness, he washed his hands and feet and took the children inside to make them some malted milk.

Second Sister-in-law Lu: “……”

So, does this possession business not matter anymore?

She saw Lin Shu and Lu Da discussing vegetable planting, speaking gently with relaxed brows and eyes, looking even more alluring than before.

Where was the previously timid and downcast widow?

This didn’t look like the widow of a deceased man at all!

Hmm, she must be thinking about another man!

Second Sister-in-law Lu felt it necessary to discuss this with her mother-in-law, to pressure Lin Shu and prevent her from causing trouble for the family.

As a result, she waited until Fang Dihua and her two sons came back well after dark, too lazy to pay her any attention.

Each of them carried a large bundle of firewood—either dry wood or tall thatch, all dried out and used as kindling.

When Lu Da saw her husband return, she immediately threw down her hoe and rushed to greet him, asking with concern, “Husband, why are you carrying so much? Are you tired? Let me take care of this work from now on. You come home early and rest.”

Eldest Brother Lu willingly handed over the firewood but glanced at Fang Dihua, saying, “That’s not possible. I’m the eldest son, so I need to work more to support the family.”

After speaking, he shrugged and rubbed his back, complaining about how tired and sore he was.

Lu Daxiao immediately dropped the firewood and began massaging his shoulders and back, telling him to go inside and change his dirty clothes.

She would wash and hang up the clothes of both the children and himself.

Elders Brother Lu simply washed his hands and went inside, waiting to eat with his parents.

Lu Erge, on the other hand, silently arranged Fang Dihua’s and his own firewood, and then took the firewood Lu Da had dropped on the ground and put it away.

Lin Shu saw him placing it by the east wall’s straw stack and hurriedly said, “Second Brother, put it on the south side.”

“The neighbors to the east are from the big cousin’s family. They always steal firewood from us!”

Second Sister-in-law Lu saw Lin Shu speaking directly to her husband and was alarmed.

She called out, “Cui Cui’s father, hurry up and wash the clothes.”

Eldest Brother Lu had someone to attend to him when he came home.

If it weren’t for the parents, he might even have someone serving him at the dinner table.

Lu Erge, however, had to wash his own and his wife’s and children’s clothes.

Inside the house, Eldest Brother Lu leaned towards Old Man Lu with a fawning smile, “Father, won’t you have a couple of drinks today?”

Old Man Lu kept a stern face and ignored him.

Since the death of his brother, it was clear that the eldest son was somewhat heartless.

Even if the sky fell, it wouldn’t affect his eating and drinking.

Fang Dihua whispered, “Go drink horse piss then!”

“Your younger brother is missing without a trace, and you just keep drinking. You’re truly heartless!”

Eldest Brother Lu, frightened, immediately bowed his head and ate the steamed buns, “Ah, this cold dish is really good. Mother, did you make it?”

Lu Da, feeling sorry for her husband being scolded by his mother-in-law, quickly said, “Is it good? It’s made by the third daughter-in-law. I tasted it and it wasn’t that great.”

Eldest Brother Lu : “Yes, it’s delicious! Especially good!” He, embarrassed by being scolded by his mother, turned and criticized Lu Da, “You should learn from this, stop just making pig food. Father is so tired of it.”

Fang Dihua: “Take it to your room to eat!”

Old Lu : “Go away, annoying thing!”

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