Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother
Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother Chapter 30.1

“The Start of Seven-Day Survival is Random,” the story begins. Unfortunately for Sheng Xia, her luck wasn’t great. As soon as she logged in, she found herself in ruins surrounded by zombies.

However, she remained calm, effortlessly maneuvering her character to leap on top of high-rise buildings. She even had time to look back and observe, until she shook off the pursuing zombies.

Her relaxed demeanor might have misled those who didn’t know better into thinking the game was easy to pick up, almost making the audience who had played the game before doubt their life choices.

[I just want to know, how did Sheng Xia manage to turn the first-person perspective into a third-person perspective? She even had the presence of mind to observe the route, then use the continuously falling rocks to crush the zombies to death.]

[Watching Sheng Xia play the game, there’s always this sense of “if I were playing, I could do that too” kind of self-confidence. For those who haven’t played the game, is it really that easy and cool?]

[Trust me, the first-person perspective isn’t that easy to operate. I remember my start was similar to this, just panicking and running away, then losing direction entirely. In the end, my character couldn’t even crawl past the zombies, and I got attacked by the zombies hidden in the ruins, and my head was bitten off.]

[Initially, seeing the freedom of movement, I confidently planned to do something fancy, so I directly climbed up the wall, trying to escape from high above. Hey, guess what happened? My foot slipped, and I fell right into the zombie’s mouth : )]

[Hahaha, I remember desperately running away, only to get confused about the direction and end up back at the zombie nest. Ten times in a row, feeding the zombies at the start, I really wanted to thank, angrily quitting the game.]

[I actually played until the end, just didn’t know how to take the route to build a base. Starting was a mess, no tutorial, had no idea where to start, and ended up being surrounded by a zombie tide on the last day, with a very poor gaming experience.]

As the audience enthusiastically discussed the various bizarre ways they had died before, Sheng Xia opened the mini-map and found that Feng Jingxu’s location was in a relatively safe city. She asked him to collect supplies while she kept observing the terrain.

As she continued to pick up firearms and headshot after headshot, successfully clearing out the zombie nest in this area, a small message appeared at the top of the game, indicating that her team had entered the route to build a base.

[Damn, that was so cool! Sheng Xia, marry me!!]

【How does she manage to have a first-person perspective and still be able to see everything around her? Not only can she spot every zombie ambush in advance, but she can also calmly and accurately headshot them, so cool!】

【I counted carefully, and she really didn’t waste a single shot. Even when she ran out of bullets, she could still protect herself using cover, using everything she had collected to her advantage, and using the environmental terrain to kill the zombies.】

【I finally understand the fun of this game now. As long as you can do it, you can complete any fancy operation as if you were playing a real-life escape game. But if you don’t have the skills, it’s better to go to the amusement park and play the real-life version.】

【Sob, I remember the out-of-the-box picture of Sheng Xia pulling the trigger yesterday, let me introduce, this is my husband (picture)】

Skillfully collecting all the necessary supplies, rescuing and bringing back the fleeing crowd, using weapons to kill zombies. On the third day of the game, the base was built.

Feng Jingxu held his beloved firearm and followed Sheng Xia around, the gaming experience was simply amazing. Even though he would often be scared by zombie ambushes, Sheng Xia could always rescue him in time.

In the next two days, Sheng Xia no longer led Feng Jingxu out to kill zombies, but diligently used the equipment she had collected earlier to reinforce the base.

At this point, Feng Jingxu suddenly felt that the design of this base was somewhat familiar.

“Is this the only type of base you know how to build?” After comparing for a long time, Feng Jingxu couldn’t help but quip, “What’s the difference between the design of this city wall and the one built on the sand table?”

Sheng Xia glanced at him meaningfully. “It just needs to be effective and practical. Just like you, this monster, haven’t you failed to breach the city so far?”

Feng Jingxu: “Don’t… mention… that…”

【What, what, are they having some kind of encrypted conversation? Don’t be a riddle person, we’re all VIPs, what can’t you tell us?】

【Feng Jingxu is a monster? Breaching the city? Why don’t I understand anything, aba aba.】

【I think I understand… They must have switched screens, and Chen Chen and Ran Ran are in the game room right now. That large building on the sand table, resembling a small town, and the design of the outer city wall, is it somewhat similar to what Sheng Xia is reinforcing now? But I don’t understand the monster and breaching the city part, could it be some kind of game?】

【Playing a game? Feng Jingxu plays the monster attacking the city, while Sheng Xia defends with the twins? Ahhh, I want to see it!!】

On the last day, Sheng Xia had reinforced the base walls and equipped them with various weapons. When the zombie tide struck, because she had chosen to rescue the crowd, and their trust in her had reached over 50, they all came out to resist together.

In the end, the base achieved a hard-won victory.

【You are the savior walking in the apocalypse, the last hope of humanity. Leading humanity to build a base, resisting the final zombie tide, and holding onto the last victory.】

【You have obtained the achievement “Savior” and completed the S-rank perfect ending.】

Seeing the somewhat familiar title at the end, Sheng Xia’s black eyes flashed with a hint of confusion. Before Feng Jingxu could notice, she let out a long breath and lazily didn’t want to move.

“This game is quite interesting, not as bad as the comments say,” Feng Jingxu finally relaxed, excitedly.

Reading through the comments, with a bit of ill intent, “Could it be that they haven’t even gotten past the beginning, so they’re lashing out in embarrassment?”

Before the viewrs could angrily threaten him to take back his words, he made another insightful comment: “But to be fair, the controls of this game are indeed difficult, and the visuals and characters are too perfunctory, lacking in immersion. Apart from some highlights in the plot and gameplay, everything else is really lacking.”

Although the viewers often mocks others for having a big appetite for being a noob, in reality, Feng Jingxu’s skill level is already above that of an ordinary person. It’s just that Sheng Xia is too godly, which makes him seem like a noob in comparison.

【Finally someone speaks my mind. Did the game room focus on the plot but skimp on the graphics? The plot is easy to immerse in, but the character graphics are really off. The garbage quality hurts my eyes, really unbearable.】

【Although it’s a game for experts, watching Sheng Xia play, even noobs like me are itching to play… Ahhh, someone please stop me!】

【I want to play too. Although I wanted to criticize the graphics at first, after watching for a long time, I got really into it. It feels like Sheng Xia playing this game is similar to the real-life escape game we played yesterday, so exciting.】

【The operation is really too hard for the clumsy. I died countless times at the beginning and gave up completely. Alright, I understand what they mean now. Tomorrow, I’ll buy tickets to the apocalypse theme park. Huh, if I can’t handle VR games, can’t I go to the real-life version and have fun?】

Unconsciously, it was already evening.

The audience suddenly realized that they had actually been watching the two play games all day, and couldn’t help but envy and rebuke “this decadent life.”

The game montage of Sheng Xia and Feng Jingxu once again dominated the internet, bringing a lot of heat to the theme park. The boss was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth, repeatedly sighing that he had indeed hired the right spokesperson.

At the same time, the Leap Game Development Studio, which developed “Seven-Day Survival,” specially sent a private message to Sheng Xia to thank her.

【Miss Sheng, hello. We really appreciate you promoting our game today. To be honest, we had already planned to take “Seven-Day Survival” offline, but it unexpectedly became popular today. Although it may have been unintentional, we would like to offer you a promotional fee as a token of our appreciation. Would you be willing to take some time to sign a contract?】

Sheng Xia: ?

She thought for a moment, searched for the name Leap, and indeed found that it was a relatively unknown small studio. Before “Seven-Day Survival,” they had developed a free web-based game about the growth of a young wizard, a combat-based game.

After playing for a while, Sheng Xia found the game system quite interesting, but the graphics were still unbearable, and the battle pets were all ugly.

But their studio was definitely dedicated to making games.

Sheng Xia tapped the system, “System, check if there are any issues with this studio.”

The system went around in a circle and came back, reporting honestly: 【There doesn’t seem to be any problem. They’re just short of money and can barely afford the rent. So they’ve decided to give up their dream and disband the studio.】

【But it seems that because of your promotion, they have hope again. Right now, they are burning incense in front of your photo and praying to the God of Wealth for you.】 It was a bit confused, 【Host, what do you want to do?】

Sheng Xia had an idea and added the head of the studio on WeChat: 【Are you a studio formed by your own team that hasn’t found an investor yet?】

【Leap’s head: ? Miss Sheng, how did you know?】

【Leap’s head: Miss Sheng, are you worried that we can’t afford the promotional fee? You can rest assured that although we’re sorry we can’t offer a large promotional fee, we can definitely provide what we can!】

These cautious words were filled with so much bitterness, truly touching.

Sheng Xia called directly, and there was some hesitation on the other end before it was picked up, with a slightly hesitant voice of a young person, “Miss Sheng?”

Sheng Xia got straight to the point: “If I were to invest in your studio, would you be open to my suggestions for modifying ‘Seven-Day Survival’?”


“Is 10 million enough?”

The other side gasped, “T-Ten million??”

“If it’s not enough, then… 20 million?”

“10 million is enough!” The voice on the other end suddenly changed, almost excitedly breaking into a falsetto, “Miss Sheng, I am the designer of ‘Survival.’ I can try my best to fulfill any suggestions you make! It’s absolutely not a problem!”

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