Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother
Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother Chapter 20.1

“《Super Mom》?”

Although she knew it was part of the plot, Sheng Xia never expected to receive an invitation from the program director so quickly.

Listening to Director Xu praising his program endlessly on the other end, she couldn’t help but ask one question, while poking her ear, “Director Xu, are you sure you want to invite me and Little Xu? Feng Jingxu is already seventeen years old.”

Both are parents, but while others have cute babies, she has a big, tall son. Isn’t this a bit too absurd?

After a slight pause on the other end, the voice became even more excited, “That’s okay! Of course, if you could agree to have all three children on the variety show, that would be even better!”

Sheng Xia: “…” He was actually serious, no slip of the tongue at all.

This shouldn’t be considered a plot deviation, right?

Even the system couldn’t help but hesitate, stuttering, “[…should, should not be considered. The main system program didn’t warn, it should be judged that as long as you and the twins participate, it’s fine?]”

Huh? Is it that simple?

Sheng Xia pondered, seeming to think of something. Suddenly, she spoke sincerely, “Are you sure, System? Why don’t you report this situation and confirm it?”

The system suspiciously fell silent for a few seconds, “[No, no need…]”

Sensing its subtle resistance, Sheng Xia raised her eyebrows without a word, her tone more worried, “But I’m afraid that when the time comes, if it’s judged that our plot deviates, both of us will be punished. Is this okay?”

“[…it’s okay.]”

Seeing that it kept hiding and refused to say, Sheng Xia went further, “Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered before, when I was about to drive away the nanny, the program warned me. But the trending events from the past two days have deviated so much, there was no warning at all—this really has nothing to do with you, System?”

“[…Actually, agreeing to change the ending for you, including the behavior of the previous plot point, was all against the rules. So I’ve been keeping it from reporting, thinking that I might make up for it later…]”

The system obviously struggled, and finally confessed in a guilty, small voice, “But if I report it now, I have to upload all the previous data packets, and based on the deviation analysis, it will definitely be judged as problematic.”

“But given the current condition of the host’s body, it can’t withstand the electric shock punishment… When you dismissed the person before, I secretly disabled the main system’s warning program. As long as I don’t report it actively, it won’t be discovered.”

Seemingly feeling guilty and uneasy for acting on its own, the system apologized, “I’m very sorry for keeping this from you, but I thought as long as you maintained your character and participated in the variety show, the plot nodes would be stable, so it shouldn’t be a problem…”

“Alright, that’s enough, no need to say more. Thank you, System.”

Sensing the system’s panic, Sheng Xia stopped it from continuing.

Honestly, although she had long been suspicious and noticed the system gradually leaning towards her, she was still somewhat surprised when it actually admitted it.

Sheng Xia looked earnest, speaking gently, “Actually, I’ve been wanting to thank you for bringing me to this world, and now I’m even more grateful for what you’ve secretly done for me.”

The system fell silent, only the sound of electricity passing through could be heard.

Sheng Xia teasingly said, “Are you shy, little baby System?”

The sound of electricity suddenly became louder, as if protesting.

“Does this mean we’re accomplices from now on?”

After a moment, the system’s muffled voice finally came through, “Hmm.”

After some consideration, worried that the host might misbehave because of its indulgence, it hastily added, “But, but you still have to complete the tasks properly!”

Sheng Xia couldn’t bear to bully the innocent and adorable baby System. Her eyes filled with a smile, and she sincerely sweet-talked, “Of course, don’t worry, System. For your sake, I’ll definitely work hard. After all, we’re accomplices, right?”

System: […]”Is it really necessary to emphasize that word?”

“Miss Sheng, are you really not considering it?”

Not hearing a response from Sheng Xia for a while, Director Xu thought she might be about to refuse and hurriedly continued persuading, “I’ve been preparing for this variety show for a long time, and after the promotion, it’s gained a lot of attention.”

“I have great confidence in the combination of you and Feng Jingxu, and with the addition of the twins, I believe the popularity will be very high. It will also be beneficial for your future development in the industry…”

To sway Sheng Xia, he tirelessly introduced the benefits of participating in the show, even wanting to plan out their future development, almost more dedicated than a manager. “Furthermore, I think many people have misunderstood you before, and the online public opinion about you is not very friendly.”

“Super Mom” is broadcast live throughout, with no script or editing, which is more conducive to showing your true character and letting the audience know the truth behind the trending topic from a few days ago.”

Not noticing for a moment, Sheng Xia was almost overwhelmed by Director Xu’s words. She rubbed her ears, feeling his urgency, and couldn’t help but confidently ask, “Is it okay for me to participate while using a wheelchair? And with my weak body, I might not be able to do anything. Are you sure, Director Xu?”

Seeing Sheng Xia hesitating, Director Xu’s voice suddenly became excited, “Of course it’s okay! In the first episode, we just need to film your daily life with the children. Even if there are outdoor shoots later, you definitely won’t have to do anything. Besides, aren’t there still Jingxu? Miss Sheng can rest assured!!”

Director Xu, have you even listening to yourself? What are you saying?”

Thinking about the twisted expression her eldest son might have when he found out, Sheng Xia almost couldn’t help but show a smug smile, pretending to be in difficult situation, “I’m fine with it, but have you asked Xiaoxu? He might not agree. You should discuss it with him first, and I also need to ask Chenchen and Ranran for their opinions.”

The twins should be fine, but with Jingxu’s temper, he might not agree. Not to mention, if it wasn’t for needing to recuperate, he wouldn’t have come home at all. And up to now, he still refuses to admit she’s his stepmom, let alone appearing together on a family variety show.

“Okay!” Director Xu immediately agreed happily. In his view, as long as Sheng Xia agreed, the matter was basically settled. “I’ll contact him right away. You can discuss it with the children and give me an answer tomorrow.”

As Sheng Xia headed to the first-floor game room, having just obtained the twins’ agreement, Jingxu burst in, looking incredulous. “You agreed to participate in Director Xu’s variety show?”

Sheng Xia blinked innocently. “Yes, I heard Director Xu describe it and it sounded good. I thought it would be a good opportunity to explain the misunderstanding from the trending topic a while ago, and we could also take the children out to play. Isn’t it a win-win situation?”

Before Jingxu could question further, she considerately added, “Of course, I know you probably won’t agree, so it’ll just be me, Chenchen, and Ranran participating.”

Jingxu: “…”

He looked at the twins lying on Sheng Xia’s lap, his face alternating between red and green, opened his mouth but closed it, and after a long silence, he said weakly, “I… didn’t say I disagree.”

Seeing Sheng Xia raise an eyebrow in surprise, he straightened his neck and said, “Don’t you know that the early stage of this show is about filming daily life at home? I’m still living at home, anyway, I can’t avoid it. It’s just right, just right to take advantage of the opportunity to promote myself, so that fans don’t forget about me. Isn’t that normal?!”

Pretending not to see her eldest son’s red ears, Sheng Xia casually said, “Oh,” and then looked down at the twins. “Xiaoxu must have thought about accompanying his younger siblings to participate in the variety show, which can enhance the relationship between you. Is Chenchen and Ranran also very happy?”

“Wait, I—”

Before Jingxu could retort, he saw his younger siblings running over, cheering and hugging his legs, their faces showing happy smiles. His body stiffened.

He closed his eyes in agony, his once proud and handsome face now looking wrinkled. Sheng Xia was definitely his lifelong mortal enemy!!

Recently, Feng Xuchen had become bolder and wasn’t afraid of his seemingly fierce expression. He took the initiative to pull him towards the sandbox. “Brother is so nice, playing with us! You can play the monster attacking the castle!”

Since the last time the whole family worked together, their base had been basically completed. These days, the twins had been playing the castle attack game enthusiastically under Sheng Xia’s leadership.

And Jingxu, who stayed at home, naturally became the faithful monster player.

Being pulled by his brother, Jingxu, even if he resisted inwardly, was still like a puppet being pulled slowly to the sandbox.

He picked up the models of the monsters, hesitated for a long time, but in the end, like a dead man walking, he let out a strange, monstrous sound from his throat and looked at his bright-eyed siblings,

suddenly realizing.

Wait, if they were broadcasting daily life at home live, wouldn’t everyone know that he played games with the kids every night?!

Jingxu: “…!”

Imagining that terrible scene, the young top star suddenly shuddered, his expression horrified—

Would it be too late to regret now?

——Of course, even if they regretted it, it was obviously too late.

Because the next day, Director Xu came excitedly and rushed to finalize the schedule. As if afraid they would change their minds, he took out the contract and signed it on the spot.

In less than a week, the official Weibo account of “Super Mom’s Observation Diary” variety show gradually announced the guest list, which indeed included the stepmother-son duo of Sheng Lanqiu and Shi Yue.

As for Sheng Xia and her three children, they were kept as the mysterious guests to be revealed later in the program.

【Ah, I can’t wait! Our Lanlan is finally going on a variety show with the children.】

【Not long ago, I saw their photos trending. Although they are a stepmother and son, their relationship seems really good, almost like biological mother and child, right?】

【Exactly. And Shi Yulin is really the typical domineering CEO, especially doting on Lanlan. The stepson is also sensible and obedient. Which stepmother can be so lucky? They are really happy.】

【So who are the mysterious guests? They really didn’t reveal any clues? I’m so curious, I can’t stand it (screaming) (twisting) (crawling in darkness)】

【I searched them one by one, but I don’t think any of them fit. Did Director Xu really find ordinary guests? That’s not interesting at all.】

【Speaking of the trending topic before, I really want Sheng Xia to participate with those two kids next to her. I really want to see how Sheng Xia bullies the kids live. Especially compared to the stepmother-son duo of Sheng Lanqiu and Shi Yue, haha, just thinking about it makes me laugh to death.】

【Although, seriously, they’re just 24, those two kids are most likely relatives’ children, so they probably can’t participate, right? Unless they’re also a stepmother-son duo.】

【That resource-poor coffee shop worker is also on a variety show? Don’t make me laugh. I can’t believe it…】

【I don’t want to see her being fake on the show, it really affects my mood, just thinking about it makes me want to vomit.】

【Yeah, Sheng Xia is clearly bullying the children, and you guys still think it’s fun. Are your values following your features now?】

【The internet really has no memory. This resource-poor coffee shop worker relied on being sponsored to join the cast and acted like a diva, crying and making a scene, making the entire crew unable to stand her. But it still trended back then. Now, just because Sheng Xia posted on Weibo, she’s suddenly being whitewashed.】

However, the online discussions had no effect on Sheng Xia at all.

It was dinner time, and the chef had specially prepared a table full of Sichuan dishes. Sheng Xia’s eyes lit up as she picked up her chopsticks, but then she overheard a conversation between Jingxu and the housekeeper.

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