Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother
Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother Chapter 22.2

Life is not easy, Xia Xia sighed.

Feng Shaoyu pushed her to the car door and as he helped her into the car, he suddenly whispered, “Thank you, sister-in-law.”

Sheng Xia raised an eyebrow slightly and looked back at him, “Why are you thanking me?”

Feng Shaoyu smiled and shook his head, “No reason, I just want to thank you, sister-in-law.”

He leaned against the door with his hands in his pockets, not asking if Sheng Xia knew something that’s why she came to pick him up specially, nor did he ask how she found out. He just looked at her with a smile, a mysterious gleam in his peach blossom eyes.

Sheng Xia didn’t ask what he was smiling foolishly about, she just lazily said, “Oh,” and calmly accepted his thanks before closing the car door directly.

Feng Shaoyu staggered slightly, almost hit by the door. He couldn’t help but touch his nose, then looked up at the bright moon in the night sky, his lips curling up.

In the past, he often returned home alone in this kind of night, but even in the apartment, it was empty and quiet, without a trace of vitality.

He thought he had gotten used to it and didn’t care anymore.

But now—

His peach blossom eyes curved slightly as he thought about the lively atmosphere at home recently, about his nephew and sister-in-law who came to pick him up because they were worried, about the children waiting for him to come home, and about his sister who was gradually changing…

It seemed that everything was really different now.

Feng Shaoyu felt warm in his heart and couldn’t help but smile again.

When his second brother came back, the whole family would really be together, right?

That would be wonderful.

“Xiaoxu, are you still angry?”

Sitting in the car, Sheng Xia looked at the eldest son sitting in front with a sullen face, blinked, and tentatively asked, “You’re not still thinking about before, are you?”

Feng Jingxu interrupted her words stiffly, “No.”

Sheng Xia, indifferent to his response, sighed, “Oh my, you’re definitely still angry. How do I calm you down?”

Feng Jingxu: … Who asked you to calm me down!

Just as he was feeling frustrated and didn’t know what he was angry about, he suddenly felt a heaviness in his head, as if a hand was messing up his messy black hair. He didn’t know if it was intentional, but the hand didn’t apply any force at all, causing Feng Jingxu to involuntarily sway back and forth in his seat for a few moments.

Feng Jingxu suddenly felt like a ferocious hunting dog that had been overturned and was directly being massaged into a daze. When he reacted and saw Sheng Xia massaging his head, his face immediately twisted and contorted, and he shouted, “Sheng Xia! Are you looking for death?!”

“I’m comforting Xiao Xu.” Sheng Xia still had an innocent look on her face, blinking her beautiful black eyes like gems, “Rubbing his head, isn’t it soothing?”

Her tone was particularly gentle and indulgent, as if she was really coaxing a child, “So, is Xiao Xu feeling better now? If not, Mommy can…”

“Shut up! Stop talking!!”

Feng Jingxu covered his ears, feeling like he was about to explode. Why hadn’t his dad come back yet? Could he still control his wife?!

“So, is Xiao Xu still angry?”

“Who’s angry— I’m not, I’m really not angry anymore, I’ve told you not to come over! I’m warning you, don’t mess around, put that hand down!!”

Outside the car, Feng Shaoyu, who was indulging in melancholy thoughts under the moon, heard his nephew’s almost distorted shout from inside the car and suddenly felt blank in his mind: “…”

Huh? What was he just thinking about?

When they returned home, the twins were still awake. They were huddled around Feng Shaoyun, burying their heads in drawing, occasionally rubbing their eyes, obviously fighting against sleepiness.

Feng Shaoyun sat slightly stiffly on the carpet, motionless like a statue. Her face was still pale and numb, but compared to the first time they met, there seemed to be a glimmer of light in her eyes.

At the moment, she was quietly watching the two children draw, pondering for a while in her heart, and then giving serious guidance.

During this time, the twins were always dragged by Sheng Xia to accompany their aunt in the studio. They were used to their aunt’s reactions when teaching them to draw. So even though she spoke very slowly, they didn’t rush her, just nodded vigorously to show that they understood.

Every time she saw their little heads nodding, Feng Shaoyun’s lips would curve up slightly.

Upon hearing the sound outside the door, the three of them simultaneously turned their heads, their actions so synchronized that it was impossible not to smile.

When they saw that it was indeed Feng Shaoyu who had returned, the eyes of the two little ones lit up. They cheered and rushed over eagerly, “Uncle is really back! Xia Xia really brought Uncle back!”

Unexpectedly, their sister also came down. Feng Shaoyu hurriedly caught the two children and softly called out to her, “Shaoyun?”

Feng Shaoyun pursed her lips, only nodding slightly in response to her third brother, without speaking.

Feng Shaoyu was already used to his sister’s silence and didn’t mind it. He just smiled gently at her and asked, “It’s so late, why haven’t you gone to bed yet, Shaoyun?”

He glanced at the clock on the wall, seeming to remember something, and frowned slightly. “Normally, by this time, you should have already been asleep, right? And Chenchen and Ranran too, they won’t be able to get up tomorrow.”

Upon hearing her third brother say this, Feng Shaoyun’s eyes dimmed again in an instant. Her lips moved as if she wanted to say something, but she fell silent again. After a while, she seemed to react and nodded slightly, slowly getting up to go upstairs.

The twin in Feng Shaoyu’s arms suddenly widened his eyes and looked up at him with a reproachful expression, “Uncle is bad!”

Feng Shaoyu was suddenly confused, completely at a loss.

Not knowing what he had done wrong, Feng Shaoyu thought of what Sheng Xia had said on the phone before, thinking they were afraid of accusing him. He apologized again with a good temper, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have suddenly not come home. I will try my best to come back and accompany Chenchen and Ranran in the future, okay?”

However, this time, not even Feng Xuchen bought it. He pouted, feeling sulky, “Uncle doesn’t understand, you’re bullying Auntie!”

Feng Xuran also couldn’t help but puff up her face, turning away stubbornly, “Auntie is waiting for Mommy to come back with us, so she’s not going to bed late.”

Feng Shaoyu was taken aback. Although he didn’t understand what was going on, he still instinctively apologized to them.

However, Feng Shaoyun just lowered her head and walked towards the stairs. No matter how they tried to coax her, she woudn’t stop walking.

Two little ones refused to forgive him. Feng Shaoyu suddenly looked distressed and secretly sought help from his sister-in-law.

Feng Jingxu watched this somewhat familiar scene, realizing that Uncle was being treated the same way he had been, and suddenly felt relieved.

Meanwhile, just as Feng Shaoyun was about to go upstairs, Sheng Xia suddenly reached out and lightly tugged on her sleeve.

She clearly didn’t use any force, but even though the girl was a bit stiff when she realized it was her sister-in-law, she really didn’t leave again. She just stood beside her wheelchair, lips pursed, twisting her fingers discreetly.

“You’ve worked hard, Shaoyun.” Sheng Xia smiled gently and shook her wheelchair a bit. “Taking care of Chenchen and Ranran alone, isn’t it not that difficult?”

Because she had to bring the housekeeper along to pick up Feng Shaoyu, Sheng Xia entrusted the twins, who insisted on waiting for their return and refused to sleep, to Feng Shaoyun’s care.

Feng Shaoyun’s daily routine had always been fixed, and it was already her bedtime. Suddenly, her routine was disrupted, and she had to take care of the children alone, so naturally she was a little flustered and resistant.

However, Sheng Xia just smiled at her and said, “Shaoyun will definitely be fine, right? I believe in you.”

Just this light and airy “belief” made Feng Shaoyun’s heart tremble, and somehow, almost involuntarily, she nodded.

She didn’t realize that her bottom line seemed to be repeatedly retreating. From allowing them to enter and leave the studio, to occasionally coming downstairs to eat, and now gradually breaking her daily routine…

These behaviors that would normally make her anxious unexpectedly had no impact on her.

So when she heard Sheng Xia’s question, Feng Shaoyun’s gaze just followed her hand back and forth, obediently nodding softly in response.

“Before, when I suddenly called you down, Shaoyun, you didn’t feel like I was making things difficult for you, did you?”

Feng Shaoyun seemed a bit flustered as she looked at her, opened her mouth, then shook her head.

Sheng Xia didn’t say anything, just raised an eyebrow at her, as if she was determined to force the little hamster to speak.

After struggling for a long time, the girl still shook her head and replied earnestly, “No.”

“So aside from meal times, leaving the room to go downstairs isn’t that difficult, right?” Seeing her sister-in-law hesitate and then nod honestly, Sheng Xia finally showed a satisfied smile, deliberately making things difficult, “So, can I see you at the dining table tomorrow morning?”

Feng Shaoyun instinctively shook her head. When she saw her sister-in-law raise an eyebrow, she hurriedly explained in a fluster, “Sister-in-law, you usually get up at nine, but I get up at six…”

Realizing that she seemed to be mocking her sister-in-law, her voice became smaller and her head lowered in guilt.

But, but having breakfast after nine is really… too late.

She, she couldn’t do it, right?

However, Sheng Xia was unusually calm, not feeling ashamed at all. “Then you can eat with Chenchen and Ranran, how about that?”

Feng Shaoyun thought about it and found it acceptable, so she nodded.

Sheng Xia turned her head, raised an eyebrow at Feng Shaoyu, who seemed a bit stunned, and said, “Shaoyun has indeed been adhering to her fixed daily routine, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be broken.”

“Like tonight, because I was worried about you, I called her down to help with the children, and she agreed.”

Feng Shaoyu realized something and straightened up, his expression gradually becoming serious.

“What Shaoyun lacks is the company of family, not indulging her in hiding in her room and thinking that it’s caring for her,” Sheng Xia said lazily, yawning, with a smile that was not a smile, “And you, since you’re worried that your sister will break her routine and might be anxious and unable to sleep at night, why not say it all?”

The two siblings, who were hit by her words, suddenly stiffened, their faces slightly unnatural.

They glanced at each other, and Feng Shaoyun, flustered, looked away, her hand subconsciously swiping in the air and coincidentally catching Sheng Xia’s.

Feng Shaoyun: Sis, sister-in-law’s hand!

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