Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind
Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind Chapter 10

Chapter 10: First Blood! Entering Super Mode

Eunuch Xi brought in a large golden basin.

It was placed in the center of the table.

The two officials looked on as if they had seen a ghost.

Such a large golden basin…

Ten Princess must indeed be the Emperor’s treasure.

【Ha! Daddy, you brought my big golden basin!】

The Tyrant Emperor cleared his throat, saying, “Ah Bao, don’t worry. Daddy will fill this big golden basin for you. After all, this is a treasure basin from Daddy to you!”

It had to be worthy of its name!

“This is Ten Princess’s treasure basin. Please place your gifts inside.”

Lord Zong originally thought that presenting a single piece of gold leaf was sincere and beautiful, but when the gold leaf was placed into the large golden basin, it made his offering seem rather stingy.

If he had known, he would have given Ten Princess a few more pieces of gold leaf.

“Lord Lin, did you also prepare a gift for Ten Princess?” the Tyrant Emperor asked.

Lord Lin frowned and lowered his head. “This humble servant prepared a luminous pearl for Ten Princess.”

The Tyrant Emperor was surprised. Luminous pearls were rare even in the palace.

“This humble servant’s close friend once traveled to the East Sea and gifted me a luminous pearl. I really had nothing else to give, so…”

【A luminous pearl is great. When I grow up, I can exchange it for gold at a pawn shop.】

【Daddy, although both Lord Lin and Lord Zong are officials of the Ministry of Personnel, Lord Lin’s family is truly poor, so to speak, it’s as if he has only clean sleeves.】

【His ability to produce a luminous pearl shows his heart is as bright as the moon, full of sincerity.】

【But Lord Lin is going to kick the bucket tonight.】

【You’ll soon receive a confidential report about Lord Lin, and then he’ll be executed.】

【Although Lord Lin is straightforward, he is highly knowledgeable and skilled in military strategy. He is a rare military advisor!】

【It’s a pity that our Tiansheng Dynasty is about to lose such a loyal minister.】

The Tyrant Emperor suppressed his shock and looked at Lord Lin, “Lord Lin, there is no need to be so formal. Gifts are given with good intentions. Even if you hadn’t brought anything, I wouldn’t have minded. Please, take your seats.

Today, it’s just the three of us. Feel free to speak openly about anything.”

Lord Lin was somewhat surprised by this unexpected kindness.

In the past, the Emperor’s words to him were usually more stern.

The Emperor seemed to have a higher regard for Lord Zong.

Many of the Emperor’s decisions were based on Lord Zong’s opinions.

Why did it feel like the Emperor was much gentler towards him today?


After the two officials took their seats, Lord Lin remained hesitant to touch the food. “Your Majesty.”

Lord Lin stood up and saluted the Tyrant Emperor, “Your Majesty, the Lingnan plague is urgent. This humble servant requests permission to proceed to Lingnan—”

Lord Zong also seized the opportunity to step forward and request, “Your Majesty, I also request permission to head south. Even though the plague area is fraught with danger, the people there have already rioted. I am willing to go to the front lines to pacify the unrest.”

“Your Majesty.” Eunuch Xi stepped forward and presented a confidential letter.

【Here it comes, here it comes!】

【Lord Lin, your head is on the chopping block.】

The Tyrant Emperor’s face grew serious as he unfolded the confidential letter.

Lord Zong slowly lowered his head, waiting for the Tyrant Emperor to explode in anger.

The confidential letter was, of course, his doing.

The content was naturally intended to remove Lin Xuanzi.

In the Ministry of Personnel, he was the top dog!

Lin Xuanzi was a major nuisance in the Ministry.

“Outrageous!” The Tyrant Emperor’s face darkened as he slammed the letter onto the table, his eyes burning with suppressed fury.

【Daddy, don’t get too angry. Keep your wits about you and don’t kill Lin Xuanzi.】

【Lin Xuanzi is a loyal minister. It’s that Zong guy who is the real corrupt official.】

The Tyrant Emperor snorted coldly, thankful to Ah Bao.

“Lord Lin, do you know what this confidential letter says?”

Lin Xuanzi looked confused. “This humble servant does not know.”

“The silver allocated to Lingnan by the court—surprisingly, 70% of it ended up in your pockets.”

Lin Xuanzi was stunned and immediately knelt down. “Your Majesty, I am wronged. This matter—”

The Tyrant Emperor’s expression was stern but his tone had softened considerably. “Naturally, I do not believe this.”

Lord Zong, who had been feeling extremely pleased: ?


The Emperor said he did not believe it—

Could it be?

Lin Xuanzi, kneeling on the ground, suddenly looked up. “Your Majesty…”

“Get up first.” The Tyrant Emperor’s demeanor softened. “How could I execute Lord Lin just based on a confidential letter? That would make me seem too foolish and arbitrary.”

【Daddy, you’re coming to your senses.】

【You realize you’re being foolish and arbitrary.】

【It’s rare that you’re self-reflecting. Kudos!】


Lin Xuanzi’s heart was racing.

“I have another confidential letter here.” The Tyrant Emperor took out the second letter.

Both Lin Xuanzi and Lord Zong were bewildered.

Especially Lord Zong.

This wasn’t how things were supposed to unfold.

He had only arranged for one confidential letter. How did two come out?

“Lord Zong.” The Tyrant Emperor’s gaze fell on Lord Zong.

Lord Zong: … Suddenly feeling a sense of impending doom?

“This confidential letter accuses the funds allocated for the plague area of flowing into the Zong household, and it lists evidence item by item.”

Lord Zong was terrified, almost wetting his pants. Evidence?

Had he left behind a trail from his previous actions?

【Daddy, the embezzled funds are hidden in a cellar under the courtyard of the third pharmacy owned by Lord Zong’s legitimate wife.】

【Over the years, Lord Zong has hidden all the benefits he’s gained by using the pharmacy as a cover.】

【It’s called a pharmacy, but it’s actually a stash for embezzled funds.】

“Your Majesty, please see the truth…” Lord Zong’s eyes turned red as he prepared to feign distress and plead.

The Tyrant Emperor was not swayed by his act and directly interrupted him. “Come here! Go to the cellar in the courtyard of the third pharmacy under the Zong household and dig it up for me! Be sure to extract all the embezzled funds!”

Oh my!

Lord Zong was so shocked his eyes seemed about to fall out.

The… Emperor actually knew where he had hidden the money??

The Imperial Guard was indeed remarkably efficient.

It wasn’t long before a report came back.

“Your Majesty, the items have already been dug up by Lord Xu and his team. They specifically sent a subordinate to report to Your Majesty.”

Thanks to Ah Bao, otherwise, he would have truly become the villain of a corrupt monarch, far from being a worthy minister.

“No, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this old servant is wronged, Your Majesty—”

The Tyrant Emperor was furious, hurling a teacup from the table directly at the kneeling Lord Zong. “Wronged? Do you take me for blind and deaf? If you’re wronged, then I am a foolish monarch!

Also, I’ve found out that the first confidential letter was indeed arranged by you. You still want to wrong Lin Xuanzi?

Come here! From now on, seal off the Zong household immediately. All the men in the Zong family will be exiled, and all the women will be sent to Ningguta as slaves!

As for you, Lord Zong, you may be spared from living punishment, but you cannot escape the death penalty.

Tomorrow at noon, beheaded in the market square for public display!”

Lord Zong was so terrified he fainted on the spot.

【First blood obtained! Daddy, 666】

【Daddy, the Tyrant Emperor’s persona remains unshaken! Traitors must be executed.】

【Daddy, please enter your super mode!】

The Tyrant Emperor twitched at the corner of his mouth. How did this little girl come up with so many strange phrases?

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