Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind
Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind Chapter 14

Chapter 14 : The Youngest King of Hell

Yes, yes, I remember now. It was Concubine Li. Dad, if you investigate her quietly, you’ll see it wasn’t just a simple assassination.

The Great Tyrant gently stroked Ah Bao’s soft little face. “It’s getting late. Concubine De, take Ah Bao back to the palace. Do not spread word of the assassin incident.”

“I understand, Your Majesty. I’ll take my leave.”

Concubine De, holding Ah Bao, made her way to Yihe Palace with Zilan.

Along the way, Concubine De sighed several times.

[Beautiful mom, you handled the Empress Dowager’s return so perfectly. You should be happy! Why do you seem so down? What’s wrong?]

“Ah Bao, your mother is worried about you.”

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Ah Bao’s big, black-and-Bai eyes—worried about her?

“These days, I’ve felt a constant unease. The inner palace may appear calm, but in reality, it’s filled with hidden dangers. Now that you are so favored by the Emperor, it’s inevitable that some will envy you. I worry that someone may try to harm you in secret.”

Since having Ah Bao, Concubine De had become more thoughtful than before.

She had to be more cautious.

Ah Bao was her own flesh and blood, and she was still so small, without the ability to protect herself. Concubine De had to be constantly vigilant in keeping her daughter safe.

[Oh, Mom, don’t worry about me. When trouble comes, I’ll handle it. Your daughter is smart enough to turn danger into safety!]

Hugs, Mom!

Ah Bao waved her little hands, trying to touch Concubine De’s face to smooth the furrows from her brow.

Concubine De was amused by Ah Bao’s exaggerated, clawing gestures.

That night, Ah Bao happily slept in her golden basin.

In the dead of night, after drinking her milk, Ah Bao fell into a deep sleep.

In her dream, she felt her body falling, drifting downward.

She eventually landed and found herself in a space surrounded by a thick, Bai fog.

Strangely, in this place, she could sit up and even crawl.

“What the—! There are two big mountains here!”

Ah Bao sat on the ground, staring at the two small mountains in front of her, made entirely of gold and silver treasures, gleaming brightly.

The dazzling light almost blinded her.

Ah Bao wobbled as she stood up, her tiny legs carrying her excitedly toward the mountains of gold and silver.

With her chubby little hands, she picked up a piece of gold and tried biting it.

It was solid.

“Wow, this gold piece is real!”

Wait—she could walk here!

At that moment, Ah Bao wasn’t concerned with where she was. All she could think about was the gold.

Move it!


Take it all—it’s all hers, hahaha!

“Move the gold bricks, the biggest ones~”

Ah Bao bent over, sticking out her little bottom, and dug out what she thought was the biggest gold brick from the bottom of the gold mountain.

She hugged it tightly with both hands, her little face flushed from the effort.

It was really heavy.

After dragging the big gold brick a few steps, she plopped down onto it, wiping a bit of sweat from her forehead. Her big eyes darted around.

There was no exit.

Darn it, she had the gold brick, but now getting out seemed like a real problem.

Lousy dad had said that the golden basin was a gift from someone named Taoist Baiyun.

Dad hadn’t mentioned it was a spatial artifact, let alone that it had mountains of gold and silver inside.

Looks like he didn’t know about this.

Suddenly, the fog in the east began to part.

Ah Bao stared at the dispersing fog, completely stunned. “What the—! The gold brick!”

Where did it go?

As she hesitated, she saw a figure standing in the Bai mist—dressed in a Bai robe, exuding an ethereal aura.

Ah Bao’s bright eyes rolled as she realized, “Oh, it’s Old Bai! Haven’t seen you in a while, and you’ve gotten even more handsome.”

The previously solemn Bai Wuchang allowed a faint smile to appear on his lips. Holding his white horsetail whisk, he floated swiftly to Ah Bao’s side.

Bai Wuchang bent down and lightly tapped Ah Bao on the forehead. “Subordinate humbly greets Your Excellency.”

Who would have thought that this tiny little person in front of him was actually the King of the Underworld?

The Youngest Little King of Hell

Ah Bao raised an eyebrow and pointed her little finger at the gold brick in front of her, accusing, “Old Bai, my gold brick ran away. Can you help me bring it back?”

Bai Wuchang rubbed his forehead, sighing, “My lord, I knew your greedy nature wouldn’t change just because you reincarnated.”

“Hehe, of course! Even if I reincarnate a hundred times, I’ll still love gold.”

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