Transmigrating into the Male Protagonist’s Fake Stepmother
Transmigrating into the Male Protagonist’s Fake Stepmother Chapter 1

“Hello, everyone. Your little Susu is online right on time. Did you miss me?”

“Oh my gosh, so many people today! I’m so excited~”

【Host, stop with the small talk. I’m here to see you take on the 100-burger challenge.】

【Upstairs +1】


【+ID number】

【Where are the burgers? I don’t see them.】

【I’ve already set up my little stool. Don’t tell me it’s another scam!】

【Upstairs, are you from next door? Same here. They said they’d challenge 20 lobsters, but it turned out to be 20 small crayfish. Disgraceful.】

“Don’t worry, I’m the most real streamer on the whole platform. Do you see the red wall behind me? There are 100 spicy chicken burgers, just carried over by 3 delivery guys. They’re the real deal~”

Su Mei was an internet celebrity, a small-time streamer with over 600 followers.

To gain more followers, she made a bold statement yesterday that she would take on the challenge of eating 100 hamburgers, which led to the current situation.

【Oh my, if those burgers are true to size, the total volume of 100 of them would be even bigger than the host!】

【Is the person upstairs stupid? Who would eat real-sized burgers nowadays? It’s all about camera angles.】

【Do you dare to give out your address, Host? I’ll send over 100 cups of cola for you.】

【100 cups of cola? Are you the devil or something? Haha.】

【Host, hurry up and start eating!】

【Eat quickly! I’ll keep count.】

“Alright, alright, let’s start now. Remember to follow me~”


“Thank you ‘See you at the Gate After School’ for the gift, mwah mwah, burp——”

“Burp—— How many have I eaten?”

【23. Keep it up, Host!】

【The host looks like she’s about to cry.】

【Sitting here waiting to be proven wrong.】

【Sitting here waiting +1】


“1-120[1]emergency number for ambulance?”

“This is 120, go ahead.”

“I’m about to die from overeating, h-help me…… Blergh……”

“If you have overeaten, I suggest you take some digestive tablets. Please don’t waste medical resources unnecessarily, okay?”

“No— Blergh…… I’m really— Blergh……”


If she died, the scene would be incredibly ugly and bizarre. Sprawled over the toilet vomiting uncontrollably, Su Mei still had half a burger in her hand.

She might make tomorrow’s headlines, possibly even gaining more followers!

That was what Su Mei was randomly thinking about before losing consciousness.


After an unknown amount of time, a beam of light on her eyelids awakened Su Mei’s consciousness.

Huh? Is she still alive?

The 120 operator must have realized the severity of the situation and sent an ambulance just in time to save her.

After she gets discharged from the hospital, she will definitely express her gratitude properly. First, she would send over a banner as a token of appreciation, and then she would organize a special thank-you segment in her livestream.

By the way, the disinfectant in this hospital smells nice, nothing like typical disinfectant at all.

And these bedsheets, it’s been so long since she’s been in a hospital, she didn’t realize hospital conditions have improved so much. Tsk tsk, it’s so silky, must be real silk.

So soft and smooth, really comfortable.

Huh? Why did it suddenly become hard?

Wait a minute, this texture feels a bit off!

Suddenly, Su Mei opened her eyes to find herself not in a hospital room as she had imagined, but in a room several times larger than her living room, decorated in a deep color and luxurious style.

She was sitting on a large bed in the center of the room, and under her hand……

“Holy—!” With a scream, Su Mei withdrew her hand and quickly retreated, falling off the bed in the process.

Falling onto the soft carpet, Su Mei continued to retreat several meters until she bumped her head on a corner of a table, causing her to stop in pain.

Looking at the king-sized bed in front of her, Su Mei’s face was filled with shock and fear.

This definitely wasn’t a hospital! It wasn’t her home either!

Was she experiencing the legendary transmigration to another world? Or was she being pranked?

If it’s a prank, the cost of these set props is way too high.

And she didn’t even know if the other person on the bed was alive or dead.

Run, she must run right away.

Trembling, Su Mei quickly got up from the floor and hurried towards the door of the room.

Halfway there, Su Mei turned back and, without thinking, grabbed a blanket from somewhere and threw it over the person on the bed before running away without looking back.

Not long after Su Mei left, the person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes without warning. He had calm and wise eyes, which were emitting a hint of danger at that moment.

Unaware of everything that had just transpired, Su Mei ran frantically through the quiet hallway and stumbled into the elevator. Just as she sighed in relief, she was startled by the sudden ringing of a phone.

“Hello…… W-who’s this?”

“Susu? How did it go? Did you succeed?” The voice of the woman on the other end sounded urgent.

“No……” She only managed to eat 23. It wasn’t even a quarter of 100.

“What?! You failed? Are you saying you didn’t get that thing?”

Get what?

Su Mei was confused.

“Hello? Hello? Susu, are you there?!”

“Did you get discovered by Gu Yancheng?”

“Don’t scare me, Susu. Hello? Susu……”

Gu Yancheng…… That name sounds familiar.

The next moment, Su Mei felt like she had been struck by lightning.

No wonder she had a strange sense of familiarity. The events unfolding now seemed to mirror a plot from an old romance novel she had read before.

The name of the male protagonist is Gu Yancheng.

Su Mei read the novel because there was a supporting character with the same name and surname as her.

Initially, when Su Mei saw the introduction of the character ‘Su Mei’ in the novel, she thought she would at least be an antagonist.

Little did she know, this ‘Su Mei’ wasn’t the fair-skinned beauty with long legs typical of a wealthy secondary character, nor was she the fiercely capable career woman often seen as a tertiary character. Instead, she had an extremely awkward role—— the confidante of the male protagonist’s trashy father.

In the novel, she appears fewer times than even the doorman in the male protagonist’s house.

And she even got written off early in the story.


Su Mei was about to speak when suddenly a sharp pain shot through her brain and everything went black.

Just as Su Mei was about to fall, the elevator doors opened, and a pair of hands reached out from outside to catch her.

“Miss, are you okay?”

After the dizziness faded, Su Mei found that her mind had acquired memories that didn’t belong to her.


“I’m fine, thank you.”

“Are you really okay? Miss, why don’t you rest for a while? I have a room upstairs.”

“No need.” Su Mei stepped back, bypassed the person in front of her, and quickly left the elevator.

Ji Zixiao stood in the elevator, watching Su Mei’s figure disappear into the distance. He raised an eyebrow, maintaining a smile on his face, but his peach-blossom eyes revealed no emotion whatsoever.

“Susu? Susu? Who were you talking to just now?”

“Are you listening? Susu? Hello?”

“Manman?” Su Mei brought back the phone beside her ear and tentatively called out.

“Goodness, Sister, you finally spoke! You scared me to death!”

“Are you okay?”

Not okay……

If Su Mei had any lingering hope at the beginning, receiving the memories of the other Su Mei and confirming the identity of the woman on the phone shattered that last bit of hope.

She had really transmigrated into the body of a cannon fodder character with the same name as her in 《Contract Lover》.

Combining the descriptions from the novel and the memories now in her head, Su Mei was certain that she had indeed transmigrated into the body of Su Mei from the novel.

This Su Mei, like her, was only 23 years old this year. She was scouted by a talent agent during her first year of university and signed with a major entertainment company. She chose to take a break from her studies to pursue acting, but unfortunately, after two years of effort, she only moved up from the 19th line to the 18th line.

Two years ago, Su Mei was arranged by her manager to attend a banquet where she met Gu Hongguang, the scumbag father of the male protagonist in the novel.

Faced with the olive branch extended by Gu Hongguang, the vain Su Mei didn’t hesitate to follow him. And because she was young, beautiful, and sweet-tongued, she was greatly favored by Gu Hongguang.

In less than three months of being together, Gu Hongguang not only brought Su Mei back to the Gu family but also officially made her Mrs. Gu in the eyes of outsiders.

Unfortunately, Gu Hongguang had lived recklessly in his youth, and by the time he found Su Mei, he was physically depleted. Moreover, both his influence in the Gu family and his power in the Gu Group had already been cut down by the male protagonist.

According to the novel’s description, Gu Hongguang was currently in the hospital, fighting for his life, and was only hanging on by a thread.

Su Mei was living her life as a wealthy woman and things were going relatively well for her. Even if Gu Hongguang died, he should have left her a substantial inheritance to spend lavishly.

Unfortunately, after gaining something, she only wanted even more. Su Mei not only set her sights on the inheritance belonging to the male protagonist, but under the influence of her best friend, she also plotted to take over the entire Gu Group. She even resorted to ruthless methods to try and kill the male protagonist.

Unfortunately, her level was too low, and after only two attempts, she was already KO’ed.

‘Su Mei’ wasn’t a major character so the novel didn’t provide many details about her.

In the end, how did this cannon fodder character die again? Su Mei couldn’t quite remember clearly, but she recalled that with a snap of the fingers from the male protagonist’s good buddy, who was also the secondary male main character in the novel, she tragically exited the story.

It was worth mentioning that the person on the phone right now was none other than Su Mei’s best friend who screwed her over— Lin Manman.

At this point in the novel, Su Mei hasn’t directly confronted the male protagonist yet.

Half a year ago, Gu Hongguang was admitted to the intensive care unit and was expected to pass away soon, which wasn’t a secret. At a certain auction, Su Mei ‘accidentally’ heard about Gu Hongguang’s will, where he allocated much less inheritance to her compared to his son Gu Yancheng.

To obtain more of the Gu family’s inheritance, following Lin Manman’s advice, Su Mei decided to have a son with Gu Hongguang. That way, her son could inherit as much as Gu Yancheng.

Two months ago, the hospital sent a message confirming the successful retrieval of Gu Hongguang’s viable seed.

However, because Su Mei was hesitant to bear a child for the old man and conflicted about the likely poor quality of his seed due to his age, this matter had been delayed.

Later, the two friends conspired together and actually shifted their focus onto the male protagonist.

Originally according to Lin Manman’s plan, the idea was to drug Gu Yancheng and engage in intimate activities with him. However, Su Mei was afraid of pain and argued that even with such actions, it was not guaranteed she would conceive.

In the end, they settled on the current plan, which was bribing someone close to Gu Yancheng, slipping two sleeping pills into his coffee during an event at the Gu Hotel, then Su Mei seizing the opportunity to enter Gu Yancheng’s room, obtaining his seed, and taking it to the hospital for the procedure previously arranged to make Su Mei pregnant.

Why did Su Mei personally take action?

Because the management at the Gu Hotel was very strict. Only Su Mei, under the identity of ‘Mrs. Gu’, had a chance to smoothly enter Gu Yancheng’s room.

Robbin: This isn’t what I expected, but uh, yeah.


1 emergency number for ambulance


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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