Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Where There’s Adam, There’s Eve

Look, in a forest bursting with life, filled with giant ferns and trees, something wonderful is happening.

A black-haired youth is surrounded by a large group of naked primitives, whose faces still retain some simian features and who are covered in hair.

His name is Adam. But in any case, he is a somewhat famous director who likes to experience things personally before giving directions.

Why is he here?

Long story short.

He was unfortunate enough to die in a sudden hurricane while flying to Hollywood to receive an Oscar.

And then he encountered the phenomenon known as transmigration.

“Congratulations, you have been selected to participate in the ‘Civilization Development Game’, this project aims to enrich races with good qualifications in the multiverse and incidentally give some outstanding individuals a second life.”

The voice that just sounded in his mind seems to be the initiator.

As a director with a wide range of expertise, Adam believes he has a strong ability to adapt.

He quickly adjusted his mentality and for the time being accepted his current situation.

“Since it’s a game, what are the specific rules?”

“Your adaptability is strong, just as we estimated. According to your worldview and cognition, we will divide several eras, you need to take influential actions on your civilization in the early stages of each era, once these actions are considered important enough, they will generate influence cards, you choose a different number of cards based on the era you are in, and then ‘end turn’ to jump time and quickly observe the effects.”

“What’s the benefit of doing this? Can’t I just guide them all the time?”

“Ending the turn with influence cards will ’embed’ the selected cards into the civilization in an extremely efficient way, allowing them to develop. Moreover, we believe that limited direct interference is more beneficial to civilization, after all, you should have heard of the so-called ‘monkey that only presses buttons’.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

He more or less understood the basic mode.

Perhaps trying it out would make it easier to understand.

Thinking this, Adam looked at the primitives who, like him, appeared out of nowhere.

But wait.

How to communicate with them?

Adam tentatively said hello in Chinese, then, as if witnessing a miracle, the primitives made monkey-like sounds and danced with joy.

Surprisingly, he could understand that they were expressing the meanings of a leader and happiness.

It seems that the system’s existence temporarily solved the communication problem.

“Eden People (Prehistoric Era)”

“Maximum of one influence card can be selected per turn.”

“Era Objective: Population Growth (0%), Expand Activity Area (1%)”

“Traits and Adjustments: None”

“Great Persons and Heroes (0/2): None”

“Brilliance Points: 100”

A very simple panel and page.

And according to the extended data, the prehistoric era is defined as just having the qualifications to break away from beasts but not having taken the first step yet. The events of this era will basically bring traits and adjustments that decide the future of the race.

Influence cards seem to disappear permanently after the turn, so it’s best to choose carefully how to guide.

But speaking of the starting point of civilization, that would be fire.

The first thing to do is decided to be lighting a bonfire.

During a shoot for a film about survival on a deserted island, Adam specifically learned many survival skills, including making fire by friction.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Well, could you guys collect some things I need, um, let me think how to describe it…”

He was somewhat unsure of how exactly to speak, so he temporarily used the more kind and polite tone he used during shooting.

Nearby are ferns that look like double-sided combs, their surfaces are dry, making them suitable for being ignited by sparks.

Then there are branches with a lot of moisture, one big and one small, the big one as the base, the small one as the drill, both polished with stones.

Making fire by friction with bare hands is a difficult job, requiring a lot of physical effort, if possible it’s best to make a simple bow drill, but obviously, that’s not an option right now.


Adam’s “cheat” is not only about communication, according to the information received, he will be strengthened according to the development of civilization, even at the very beginning, he feels many times stronger than before, although the exact value is unclear, but anyway it’s enough for making fire.

So, after directing the primitives to make simple clothing with large leaves for cover and spending some time collecting materials from around, Adam began his performance.

He spat on his hands, sat cross-legged on the ground, and frantically rubbed the drill back and forth with his palms.

The surrounding wind and the sense of humidity were very suitable.


Even when the base was drilled through, not a single spark came out, not even smoke.

“I can’t possibly have remembered the process wrong, so where exactly is the problem?”

Even after strenuous physical labor, Adam, who was strengthened, was still in good condition, but he was puzzled.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Could it be, as some works mentioned, that there are differences in the laws of the world?

This is not good news.

It means that at least half of the knowledge from before the transmigration will be scrapped.

“I need to find a way to verify… Speaking of which, brilliance points are like a score reward, let’s see if it can exchange for something helpful.”

Adam browsed the system panel in frustration.

The primitives, centered around him, some sat resting with their hands on the ground, some curiously fiddled with the collected items, and some tried to polish branches with stones as he did before.

“50 points to discover a resource, skills and knowledge need ‘opportunities’ to unlock, um, the most useful seems to be the 100 points great person recruitment.”

According to the introduction, it’s an outstanding person beyond the era.

Rather than possibly not knowing how to use the resource, he ultimately chose to bring in a helper.

After confirmation, the system prompted him to clear the area.

Then a colorful circle of light appeared and rotated, its light made the primitives surprised and scared, holding their heads and moving away, only Adam, who knew what was happening, squinted and stood still.

When the phenomenon disappeared.

The sight in front of him was beyond his expectations.

Appearing opposite him was a golden-haired girl dressed in black armor and a cloak, holding a long sword and a battle flag.

Her golden eyes were full of hatred and anger.

“Hmph, you look like you’ve drawn a short straw, but it’s not wrong, after all, I only wish to burn and destroy. Reluctantly summoned here, my name is Jeanne d’Arc, remember it well.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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