Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 10

Chapter 10: What is Wandering Earth to Gaia?

Adam almost immediately lost his perception of reality. This was Dragon of Albion’s first attempt at such an endeavor, and it did not fully understand the condition of humans or Eden people, thus, it transferred what it deemed useful information all at once. Considering that this dragon species has existed since the birth of the planet, not all of its 4.5 billion years of information could be received by just anyone. Perhaps due to his innate talent or the enhancements provided by the system, Adam managed to withstand the initial shock without his consciousness dissipating.

Then, in a state where he remained intact, Adam witnessed sights he would never forget for the rest of his life: multiple realities (dimensions) stacked upon each other in an orderly and beautiful manner. This was the planet’s own heart image, located on the side opposite to where life exists, the inner sea of stars. The fantasy species Dragon of Albion originates from here.

Immersed in it, Adam seemed to hear a voice questioning and expressing concern. It feared humans would ultimately lead to its demise, thinking humans would leave behind destruction and venture into the stars alone. It wanted to destroy such parasitic beings. As a director, Adam was able to offer a powerful rebuttal. The futures conceived by countless people before his transmigration were filtered and summarized by him, displaying the scenes he anticipated and planned to realize.

Humans are also a part of the planet. Without humans (intelligent life), the planet would eventually reach the limit of its lifespan, which, though potentially far off, is inevitable and unpostponable. Guided humans, on the other hand, would rescue their mother planet, even if it could no longer provide resources. Their sentimentality would still prompt them to help it if possible.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Even if the sun extinguished or they ventured into the stars, there were concepts of taking the planet along. One option leads to inevitable destruction; the other offers the possibility of eternal survival. Adam tried to persuade the voice to choose the latter. Instead of viewing life forms as invaders to be eradicated while waiting for inevitable disintegration, it could opt for mutual benefit and progress together.

The debate lasted an unknown length of time. …

Adam suddenly opened his eyes. He saw Jeanne d’Arc Alter and Francis Drake, who pretended to be asleep, by his side. Seeing him awake, Jeanne d’Arc Alter, overjoyed, almost instinctively wanted to hug him but stopped herself.

“If you didn’t wake up, I was about to burn this place down.”

“Sorry, it took some time to handle. But, I managed to make the contract. Where’s Melusine?”

“That lizard said if you could wake up, there was nothing to worry about, and then flew off to sleep.”

Clearly, Jeanne d’Arc Alter harbored deep resentment towards the high-and-mighty yet unbeatable Dragon of Albion, expressing it almost with clenched teeth. And she wouldn’t admit that part of her annoyance was due to Adam’s collapse.

“Relying on her isn’t exactly the hallmark of a healthy civilization.”

Feeling the true ether filled in every breath, Adam slowly stood up. If what just happened wasn’t a dream or illusion, then he had reached a preliminary consensus with the planet’s consciousness, and the vague spiritual connection confirmed it.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Next, he needed time to devise a “system” that would satisfy the planet. He already had ideas, referencing “True Ancestors” and “Dead Apostles.” But before addressing these future uncertainties, migration was more urgent.

“Captain Drake, do you think it’s feasible to safely move over a thousand people from the heart of North America to the Middle East without navigation charts and compasses, unsure of wind directions and currents?”

“It’s a challenge, but I’ll accomplish it. Looks like you’ve got a more precise geographical idea.”

Waking up, Drake whistled. Despite her casual attitude, her promise contained a sense of confidence and pride. Turning the impossible into possible is the hallmark of people like her (Pioneer of the Stars).

“Mr. Adam, everyone was worried.”

Hearing the commotion, Zephyr, who had been waiting outside the hut, came in. Seeing the young prehistoric adventurer, Adam felt confident in his promise to the planet.

“Zephyr, you’re just in time. Could you bring the dye… the plant juice that changes color?”

Zephyr quickly returned with the materials, and Adam, using his fingers dipped in the primitive sticky dye, began to draw on the wooden wall. Drawing was a necessary skill for Adam, as often words alone couldn’t convey the visions in his mind, making the ability to accurately depict his thoughts and visions a source of pride.

Drake was the first to recognize what he was drawing.

“Hey, boss, are you serious?”

“Of course, I am. This is the world map I saw in the information given by the Dragon of Albion.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Adam emphasized two points on his map: their current location and the destination refuge.

Even without the continental drift shaping the known world, Drake quickly identified the corresponding locations.

“It’s no wonder you mentioned North America and the Middle East. But from this map, it seems we don’t need to travel by sea much; most of the journey can be made by land.”

“That’s good news for us. While I trust your abilities, after all, we’re migrating a tribe, and it’s best to avoid risks if possible.”

The seas were full of dangers. Even if the sea dragons could be tamed, navigating the vast, featureless ocean without compasses or knowledge of currents and wind directions was perilously risky.

“You could just tell them where to go with those influence cards, right? They seem to follow your commands unconditionally, so it should be straightforward.”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter raised a valid question, and Adam had his reasons.

“How many would die along the way? How much time would be lost due to getting lost? I can’t gamble with the lives of the Eden people for convenience; that would inevitably lead to a wrong path. So, I’ll personally organize an expedition to verify feasible methods and routes. Fortunately, we have suitable and talented individuals right here.”

Adam smiled, looking at Zephyr, who was staring at the map, amazed and excited by how vast the world was.

They couldn’t take the sea route, but they had the sky to choose from.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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