Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 13

Chapter 13: The Art of Greatness

The question wasn’t rooted in fear but in curiosity. Until his death, Zephyr embodied the spirit of exploring the unknown, a spirit entrusted to him by Adam.

“The answer is somewhat complex, but it coincides with what I initially planned to tell you. Jeanne, please light a flame.”

“You’re not going to explain with heaven and hell, are you?” Despite her words, Jeanne d’Arc Alter believed Adam would fulfill his promise of creating a civilization without gods. But aside from that, she couldn’t imagine what else Adam intended.

As Jeanne d’Arc Alter conjured a flame from her hand and cast it to the ground, Adam crouched down, gently touching the edge of the orange flame.

“Wind. Earth. Flame. Ocean. Plants. Rocks. Even us and the dinosaurs, we are all parts of a larger life known as Gaia, the Earth. We are like her hair or blood, perhaps even more insignificant.”

Adam, returning to his forte of storytelling, conveyed to the chosen elders of the Eden people what was not just a fictional tale but a reality he had constructed.

“We live on a sphere—don’t be surprised. Doesn’t your hair also not fall off? Our relationship with Gaia is similar. Just as we can get help from dinosaurs, we can also get help from Gaia.”

Adam began to implement what he had long studied. It was an art based on a contract and connection with the planet, a technique to perform miracles. The first step was recognition, acknowledging the existence of a phenomenon like fire. The second step was definition, understanding how fire comes into being and its properties. The third step was acceptance, where the entity here is the planet, submitting the defined concept to the planet. Once the planet acknowledges it, the concept becomes a part of the “natural phenomenon.” The fourth step involved utilization, where the phenomenon could be reproduced directly or expanded conceptually to perform various miracles.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Adam produced a flame from his hand. Despite appearing similar, the two flames were fundamentally different. Adam’s creation of flame was essentially through modifying and reconfiguring the surface of the planet with established laws in the “sea within the star,” transforming it into “the scenery in his mind.”

“If the magic that depends on the mystic is called Invisible Arts, then what I have demonstrated, based on the planet, is the Great Arts.”

Adam’s process was more complex: establishing a connection with the planet, creating a unique reality within the sea within the star, adding laws to it, and using the reality to overlay the world’s surface to achieve the desired effect.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Adam clarified, “If relying on mysteries is termed as Invisible Arts, then what I have showcased, based on the planet, is indeed the Great Arts.”

Adam had laid the foundation for an art that could progress alongside the planet, integrating human consciousness with Earth’s.

“You, along with me, are Eden people (at least physically), so you too have the right to use the Great Arts. But first, you should try to establish a connection with the Earth. And returning to the initial question, when people die, they go to the Earth’s interior. Tell everyone to cherish the Earth beneath their feet, for only then will she assist you.”

Adam narrated the knowledge about the planet and how to seek its aid to the elders of the Three-Head Clan as comprehensively as possible.

【Acquired Influence Card: Planetary Faith – The Great Arts】

The round ends. Perhaps influenced by the pessimistic thoughts buried deep within him, Adam immediately selected the influence card.

【Influence Card: Planetary Faith – The Great Arts】

【Under your guidance, starting with the leaders of the Three-Head Clans, the Eden people began to understand the concept of the planet as a vast living entity accompanying their entire tribe.】

【Integrating ancestor worship, they developed the cultural custom of earth burial, believing this would ease the passage of the deceased to the planet’s interior. They also began to pray before hunting, eating, or gathering, thanking Earth for providing them with an environment to live in.】

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

【With the contract you established with Earth’s consciousness, the Eden people gradually connected with Earth, ultimately learning their version of the Great Arts and establishing their reality, distinct from the worldview you had formed.】

【The first widely used laws related to dinosaurs, allowing the Eden people to receive different boosts based on their kind. This usage was a direct application of overlapping dinosaur concepts with laws onto themselves.】

【Aside from mastering fire and linking it closely with natural lightning, the use of the Great Arts also significantly advanced their overall productivity. The most notable example was their development of unique agricultural techniques through the establishment and application of plant growth laws, leading to an unprecedented population boom.】

【Gained Trait “People of the Star (E).” With the progression of rounds and your guidance, this trait’s level will increase.】

【Crawler Ally (D) → Crawler Ally (C)】

【The era’s goals have been updated: Population Growth (220%), Expansion of Living Area (185%)】

【You have earned 500 brilliance points.】

【Round 4, begins.】

【The “Biosphere Killer” will arrive at the end of this round.】

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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