Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 15

Chapter 15: The Invention of Writing

At this stage, the Eden people did not require much effort from Adam to ensure the execution of his commands. When he, as the exalted progenitor, issued a call, the Eden people, upon receiving the message through their dinosaurs, almost immediately ceased their activities and gathered at the cave, which they regarded as the “destined place.”

With a population now exceeding ten thousand, plus the tamed dinosaurs, it took considerable time for everyone to enter the refuge. However, Adam was patient. After communicating with the planet and opening the passage with the Great Arts, he sent Drake to explore areas they hadn’t reached on their initial visit. Meanwhile, Adam himself coordinated the Eden people’s entry with Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s assistance. Surprisingly, she didn’t complain much, perhaps due to her growing fondness for the Eden people or her desire not to distract Adam.

The vanguard, skilled in survival and expansion, mostly from the Pterosaur clan, entered the refuge first, followed by robust adults capable of self-care. By the time they entered, the vanguard had already established a preliminary base. The children and elderly, cared for by Adam and Jeanne d’Arc Alter, were the last to enter the refuge.

“You didn’t deceive me, after all. At first glance, it looks no different from the outside,” Jeanne d’Arc Alter observed, her first sight being the lush green grasslands and the Eden people’s ‘house trees’. The air was exceptionally fresh, albeit with a dreamlike quality, yet no obvious difference from the outside world was apparent.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Her remark was partly a veiled complaint about being left behind while Adam had set out with Drake and the wind for exploration.

“Honestly, Jeanne, when have I ever deceived you?” Adam replied.

“…True, you haven’t… but, but! Who knows if you’re just preparing to deceive me later.”

“I think by that time, you’d willingly let yourself be deceived by me.”

Adam’s teasing caused Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s cheeks to turn red. She tried to hide her embarrassment by unleashing flames, but she regretted it instantly, as she couldn’t harm Adam intentionally. Fortunately, Adam, recognized by the planet, easily extinguished the flames as if they “had never appeared on this planet.”

“How did you become so strong… really… at this rate, I might become useless…”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter murmured softly, but Adam didn’t miss her words. After pondering, he decided to approach her and gently pinch her cheek.

“What are you doing!” Jeanne d’Arc Alter stepped back in surprise.

Adam ignored her reaction and continued, “This isn’t the surface of the planet, so my connection with the planet is much stronger here. You’ll still be needed on the surface (probably). Besides, the core of Eden civilization is ‘coexistence’ – coexisting with dinosaurs, Gaia. You’ll grow stronger together with us. No one will be left behind.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

His reassuring smile unsettled Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s heart. Knowing when to stop, Adam didn’t continue to agitate her.

“Speaking of which, I have a task that needs your help.”

“What is it?”

“The Eden people will spend at least a thousand years in the ‘Lost Paradise,’ unable to venture out carelessly, as it would shorten this place’s lifespan. They might forget their origins and the outside world. So, I plan to teach them how to record history.”

“What does that have to do with me? You’re not just saying something to appease me, are you?”

“Ah, Jeanne, what kind of person do you think I am? To accurately record history, we need more than paintings and oral traditions. We must use writing.”


Jeanne d’Arc Alter had a complex expression. As a peasant girl, she was illiterate and had even been tricked into signing a confession in her final moments. As a vengeful spirit, she vividly remembered the humiliation she suffered.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Adam wasn’t bringing it up to humiliate her. So…

“I want you to witness the moment the Eden people learn to write. I believe your perspective will offer interesting insights into the development of Eden writing.”

Adam had never been one to make empty promises. He still remembered how he had invited Jeanne d’Arc Alter – to build an ideal world and make up for her past regrets.

“In that case… don’t laugh at me! First, maybe we should start by converting the symbols they use to identify their clans into basic units, making it easier to learn and understand, more intuitive than mere letters.”

Hearing her suggestion, Adam was initially surprised. Jeanne d’Arc Alter almost misunderstood his reaction.

“Your idea is exactly what I had in mind. And Jeanne, despite always verbally dismissing the Eden people, you’ve thought quite a bit about their development, haven’t you?”

“Stop it, stop it! Anyone would think about these things if they had nothing else to do. And you promised not to laugh at me.”

“Actually, you didn’t give me a chance to agree just now.”

“Quibbling, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you. Ugh, I’m not talking to you anymore. I’m going to study how to build a writing system.”

Influence Card: Complex Writing

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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