Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 17

Chapter 17: The Vanguard of the Star, The White Giant

Neither actions, spells, nor materials are essential for the Great Arts. However, this skill is closely linked to the individual’s spirit, so to ensure accuracy through self-suggestion and to deepen the impression, adding “unnecessary” elements is meaningful.

“Gaia, please listen to my voice: Firstly, I stand upon the surface of the planet yet exist within its inner sea, so I can go anywhere.”

Words declaring the rules and powers of a deity flowed from Adam’s mouth. Subsequently, the aether diffused in the atmosphere started circulating with the life force within his body, like humans in the future would breathe oxygen from the air. This process generates energy that can be directly utilized.

Adam’s body transformed into countless light particles in a blink of an eye, moving across the land at a speed akin to spatial teleportation, before reassembling back into his physical form.

Appearing directly in front of the Star Harbinger, Adam assessed the battlefield situation. It was a towering giant with feminine traits, possessing rabbit-like curved long ears, mysterious deep blue skin from chest to thighs with gold circuit-like patterns, hollows in her abdomen and palms with floating colored cubes, and the rest of her body white, with slender fingers in odd proportions.

Undoubtedly, she was not a creature belonging to this planet. Her size, having grown from destroying and absorbing many civilizations along her path, was now larger than mountains. A mere sweep of her hand could create a gust strong enough to lift all things off the ground, and Adam, standing before her, saw an endless expanse of blue and white rapidly approaching.

Adam, fully aware of his actions, had prepared defensive measures in advance.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Secondly, I am connected to the earth, thus the earth is an extension of my body.”

At that moment, cracks hundreds of kilometers long spread from Adam at the center across the muddy rock surface, shaking the entire continental plate with the impact. The traverser who took the giant’s hit head-on didn’t fare much better. Blood flowed from his ears and nose, and his bones cracked internally.

“As expected, pushing myself this far was too much. Hey, the aliens behind, can you still move? I can’t block for you anymore.”

The Great Arts harness special powers through the planet, in a way, causing natural phenomena by the planet itself, which is extremely advantageous against the Star Harbinger’s main reliance on “anti-civilization armor.” It can unconditionally absorb magic linked with civilization, making typical civilized attacks merely nourish it.

Even so, a “shield” obtained by altering planetary laws couldn’t fully negate the attack of the Star Harbinger, now grown to its current form. Or rather, Adam was still too weak. Thus, he needed assistance from a group that potentially could defeat the Star Harbinger, also outsiders.

Behind Adam, a large group of mechanical entities more fitting for a sci-fi movie, all severely damaged, with some barely maintaining their core thinking circuits. They were the Autonomous Space Colonization Fleet·Olympus, sent here with the purpose of invasion and transformation of planets.

However, their battle with the Star Harbinger was not a fight for dominance between predators. These AI-equipped ships abandoned their invasive mission as the indigenous life (humans) worshiping them as gods unexpectedly granted them personalities.

“Restart complete… enemy threat level increased… thank you for your assistance, human, or whatever life form.”

The only one still capable of moving was a hundred-meter-class battleship shaped like a vertical bow, with a golden face in its core, named Zeus, the commander of the fleet that arrived on Earth.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Based on current calculations, the best chance of victory was lost due to my misjudgment. If I had forcefully integrated the functions of other ships before the opponent grew to its current state, there was a high chance I could have defeated the white giant deity.”

“If you had actually done that, I’d be worried about something else—here comes the second wave!”

Despite being hindered by “gravity,” making the overly large Star Harbinger slow and dull in thought, she was not an enemy from a turn-based game who would stand idly. While Adam communicated briefly with Zeus, she prepared to strike at the two entities still able to move.

“Thirdly, if the surface is swept clean, the planet will be affected, so repel and expel the invaders.”

“Sky. Storm. Lightning. To protect humans, the beings that granted us self-awareness, damage control off, operating at full overload, fire at maximum power!”

Adam’s call of pure natural phenomena mixed with the vessel’s supernatural phenomena. Countless lightning bolts struck from the stormy skies, and tornadoes of unimaginable scale converged from all directions. Lava spewing from the cracked earth had the power to rival nuclear explosions, presenting an apocalyptic scene in defiance against the destructive giant deity.

Undoubtedly, this was an all-out attack from both, even risking their lives. Adam’s consciousness was already blurring, and his fusion with the planet made his body start to inorganically transform. Zeus, on the other hand, was continuously reporting warnings internally, its energy source and core fracturing from overload.

The Star Harbinger emitted an unintelligible screeching sound, undoubtedly in pain and damage.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

But it wasn’t enough, far from enough.

Adam’s invocation of purely natural phenomena lacked firepower, and Zeus’s magically converted attacks were largely absorbed by the anti-civilization armor.


Adam clenched his teeth.

“Helper, take the surviving humans to a place to hide. I will make a last effort to stop the white giant deity.”

“What joke are you making? Can you really escape for a lifetime? And letting a bunch of aliens strain themselves is truly unsightly. It’s not yet time to despair; there’s still a chance, definitely still a chance.”

The director struggled to think with his chaotic brain. If the Great Arts could be enhanced further, perhaps there was a way. But enhancement required recognizing new things… Wait… sufficient level of new things…

His gaze swept towards Zeus and the other eleven immobile ships.

Anchoring them as concepts recognized by the planet could generate enough power to combat the Star Harbinger. However, unless Zeus self-destructed, there wouldn’t be enough time to complete the law formulation, and self-destruction might prevent the final concept from being used due to the lack of the flagship, Zeus.

Had he reached a dead end? Just as Adam was at a loss and the Star Harbinger prepared to attack again, a massive dragonic creature flying through the storm collided with the Star Harbinger, halting her movements.

It was the Dragon of Albion, clutching a large sailing ship filled with dinosaurs and Eden people.

“Adam, you wrote in the contract that I couldn’t accompany you, but you didn’t say I couldn’t come to find you afterwards.”

From the back of the Dragon of Albion, which landed the ship in front of Adam, Jeanne d’Arc Alter spoke with a triumphant smile.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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