Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 18

Chapter 18: I Am the Ray of Light Piercing the Stars

“It seems our Miss Jeanne has also learned to exploit loopholes.”

“Don’t act as if you’re any better.”

Standing on the dragon’s back, Jeanne d’Arc Alter, with her hands on her hips, seems to have some grievances towards Adam, but more out of concern.

“I’ve been thinking, you said you’d run if there’s no chance of winning, but what counts as no chance? Given your personality, you’d probably take a gamble even with the slimmest hope.”

The girl, towering above, lectures Adam as if she were a wife scolding a husband for being reckless, unaware of the situation herself. If Drake weren’t busy maneuvering the Golden Hind, now transformed into the flying platform for Eden’s air force, she would undoubtedly tease Jeanne d’Arc Alter mercilessly, especially since she’s saying things like “with Adam’s personality,” words typically said only when one believes they understand the other person well.

“You should heed advice. When I awoke, I didn’t expect beings once so fragile to now face planetary-level threats. I rarely find things this interesting, so I don’t wish to see you perish.”

The voice of the Dragon of Albion sounded. It seems utterly indifferent to Jeanne d’Arc Alter riding on it, probably akin to a human having a bug on their shoulder. It feels no weight, and frankly, being a primordial creature born in an era devoid of intelligent beings, it hasn’t developed much of the troublesome pride.

“Feeling the surge of a great battle, I awoke from my slumber and first went to the refuge I told you about. That’s where I encountered them.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

And then they flew over together. Adam roughly understood the situation.

“Although unexpected, you’ve indeed helped a lot. I have a way to win, but I need you to buy enough time. Is that alright?”

“Don’t underestimate me.”

The Dragon of Albion spreads its wings. Jeanne d’Arc Alter raises her banner, and then she shouts.

“Attention everyone, I’m taking over command of the operation. Our goal is to distract the Star Harbinger. Winged Dragon Squad, take to the skies for harassment, ground squad, get close and bite, using your size advantage. Finally, everyone, prioritize survival, or I’ll burn you to ashes.”

The first full-scale war in Eden’s history begins.

Winged dragons, augmented with lightning or wind concepts, fly at near-sonic speeds with their riders, circling the Dragon of Albion at the center, assisting in the harassment. This makes the slow-thinking white giant deity unable to accurately judge the direction of attack.

Fearless riders on tyrannosaurs and triceratops rush towards the giant’s feet. The beasts, over ten meters long, appear ant-like before the Star Harbinger, but sometimes it’s their small size that makes them so troublesome.

Although many are kicked away or crushed before reaching the Star Harbinger, or blown away by wind pressure, those who do reach her stall her like tiny insects.

Their use of the Great Arts confuses the white giant, a harvester of civilizations. Despite the overwhelming difference in power, for a time, she’s unsure whether to regard them as actual attack targets.

So, she focuses more on the Dragon of Albion.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

The primordial dragon, born with the planet, fights the Star Harbinger with pure physical strength. However, the latter has grown too much, almost reaching the limit of physical entities, thus even the powerful dragon gradually falls behind.

“I shouldn’t be talking now, but you, as outsiders, have gone beyond what’s expected. So, Zeus, the ability I’m about to use will cause irreversible damage to your vessels, leaving only wreckage and fragments. I can’t even ensure that you can transform into natural deities.”

Adam issues a warning. Like he said, even native gods chose to surrender (Mesopotamian), but Zeus and others, originally invaders, betrayed their mission to protect humans, earning Adam’s respect.

“Force restart other ships’ thought circuits… consensus reached… If it allows humans, who gave us life, to survive, then please proceed without concern or pity. From the moment we betrayed the main fleet, we were prepared.”

“I thank you on behalf of the beings here for your sacrifice. Now, let’s begin.”

Adam jumps onto Zeus, the flagship hovering in the air, adjusting his view to encompass all fallen deities. He gently places his palm on Zeus’s metallic hull, like he once did with fire.




Up to this point, the process consumes tremendous mental energy and causes massive backlash to the target. The essence of this action is recognizing beings from another star, even universe, as part of Earth.

Even though Gaia’s consciousness is on their side and defeating the Star Harbinger benefits the planet, Gaia is not a tangible being and cannot directly intervene. Thus, Adam must communicate (operate).

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

His brain feels as if pierced by thousands of needles. His consciousness fading. Thoughts halting. Useless information flooded his brain, dissolving his notion of self.

Can’t stop now.

Move forward. Forward. Forward.

Advancing rapidly in this absurd world and era.

If something tries to hold him back, he will bare his fangs, even at the cost of life.

“Anchor: Hephaestus, you are the god of forging and flame. Anchor: Aphrodite, you are the goddess of love and beauty. Anchor: Ares, you are the god of war and destruction. Anchor: Demeter, you are the goddess of agriculture and wealth.”

With Adam’s words, orange, pink, green, and deep red bands of light flow from the respective ships to him.

“Anchor: Hestia, you are the goddess of the hearth and family. Anchor: Artemis, you are the goddess of hunting and the moon. Anchor: Apollo, you are the god of light and art. Anchor: Athena, you are the goddess of wisdom and victory. Anchor: Hera, you are the goddess of marriage and childbirth.”

More bands of light surge towards him, eventually gathering in front of Adam in mid-air, forming a dazzling, colorful sphere.

“Anchor: Hades, you are the god of the underworld. Anchor: Poseidon, you are the god of the sea. Anchor: Zeus, you are the god of the sky. All anchors complete, you Olympians are gods of Earth.”

Adam grabs the fully formed light sphere and jumps from Zeus, transforming the sphere into a two-meter-long Spear of Light as he falls.

“…And fourth, I am the Ray of Light Piercing the Stars (Till We Reach The Stars)!”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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