Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Currency and Gacha

So, the next issue to tackle is how to implement this.

“Using seeds as currency, huh? I remember the Aztecs and some tribes in the South American rainforests did that. Speaking of which, it makes me crave hot cocoa (Aztecs used cocoa beans as a medium of exchange), can you make some? Tea works too.”

Drake reminisces with a longing expression. On the other hand,

Jeanne clearly feels frustrated for not keeping up with the conversation, while little Da Vinci quickly deduces Drake is referring to a drink made by grinding plant fruits or seeds.

“Where am I supposed to get that from… Should I swim back from the Persian Gulf to the Americas to pick some up for you? Though it’s not impossible, it’s too tiring.”

“Why not use the, what’s it called, Great Art to conjure it?”

“Don’t treat the Great Art like Doraemon’s 4D pocket! Wait, it kinda is, actually.”

Adam suddenly envisions himself in a Japanese-style bedroom, lamenting to a personified Gaia.

—Gaia mom, the Star Spear and UO are bullying me again, please help me.

Essentially, he’s just asking Earth for a “magical item,” isn’t he?

At times like these, he really dislikes his overactive imagination.

Director, why bother with such a vivid imagination?

“Anyway, it’s not happening. Adjusting step by step is too troublesome unless the real thing is right in front of me.”

“Hey, I remember Yemen has coffee, though it’s not cocoa and it’s across the Arabian Desert, but Edenites could plant Kabbalah seeds all the way there, right? It’d be a great deed.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Your obsession is deep, truly the desire of a pirate. But it’s a good idea, let’s set it as a short-term goal: getting Edenites to drink coffee.”

Adam waves off the suggestion.

Actually, Drake’s mention has made him crave a beverage too.

Unfortunately, tea plants are in Asia, cocoa in the Americas, and only coffee is relatively close, yet still behind a natural barrier.

He could force an adjustment like the Edenites did with the Kabbalah fruit, but that took centuries of work, plus the unique experience from the refuge.

Unless he plans to argue with Gaia over this minor issue.

As the use of the Great Art and the expansion of Edenite civilization progresses, Earth’s consciousness is becoming more akin to a sentient being.

Maybe one day, a loli Edenite girl with a motherly trait might appear to talk with Adam.

That might be nice.

No, wait.

Adam abruptly shakes his head, recalling an incident where his creation of such characters almost led to an FBI alert.

Jeanne’s age seems just right after all.

“Anyway, anyway, we’ve strayed off topic. We should be discussing currency right now.”

“Alright, alright, currency. Seriously speaking, I think the downside of using Kabbalah seeds as currency for now is that there’s only one denomination, which could be inconvenient for trade development and even hinder it.”

Switching from bartering to currency is necessary as production and society advance, making the former increasingly inadequate.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

For instance,

If I want to exchange a sheep for a box of fruits across the river, transporting the items is a hassle, especially as goods become more diverse. How do you determine the value of a sheep and a box of fruits?

Hence, a quantifiable unit becomes essential.

But with only one denomination, it might be impossible to break down prices for individual cheap items, or for expensive purchases, carrying a large bag of currency might be necessary.

“Um, I think it should be possible to solve this with minor adjustments.”

The speaker is little Da Vinci, who seems to have grasped the gist of the Great Art through “interrogating” Jacob, Isaac, and Rachel.

The young genius quickly comes up with an idea.

“Kabbalah seeds are produced by the Tree of Life, which essentially operates by setting rules and overlaying concepts. So, if the appearance of the tree seeds can change based on different probabilities, we could naturally divide them into denominations based on rarity.”

“Like gacha. Yes, exactly.”

Adam smacks his forehead.

Adjustments to the Tree of Life can address this.

For instance, a 70% chance for original color seeds, 29% for silver, and 1% for gold.

This way, seeds of different colors can represent different values based on rarity.

“Brilliant, truly deserving of the title ‘Giant among giants,’ Da Vinci.”

“Hmph, you could praise me more.”

The tiny genius puffs up with pride.

If it were her adult version, she might downplay it while subtly flaunting her intelligence.

But her reduced size also affects her mentality.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

She’s now more girlish and childlike.

“Ugh… I could do that too…”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter, already filled with resentment for not joining the conversation, becomes even more vexed after Adam praises little Da Vinci.

Always enjoying teasing the “French chick,” Drake notices her expression and whispers in her ear.

“Don’t be discouraged. There’s one thing we can never replace you with, that’s in matters of men and women. But if you keep being so stubborn, with the boss’s luck of attracting three women consecutively, you might get overtaken sooner or later.”

“What are you blabbering about! I, I don’t care if he gets stolen by some other floozy—I mean, woman.”

“Let’s assume that’s the case. Ah, since you mentioned it, I might as well have a night drink with the boss sometime. Sigh, I’m an old maid too, time to find some comfort. The boss is my type, capable, and importantly, pretty handsome…”

“Believe it or not, I’ll turn you to ashes!”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter stomps her foot, her emotional outburst causing a surge of aggressive, scorching flames to spread around her.

Rachel even gets startled, hiding behind Jacob.

Adam, meanwhile, sends a concerned look.

“What’s going on?”


With her face turning red, Jeanne d’Arc Alter glances at Drake’s teasing smile and then at Adam, who’s clueless. Eventually, she storms over to Adam like she’s giving up on everything.

“You’re not allowed to spend the night with other women behind my back.”


“…Nor men!”


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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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