Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 25

Chapter 25: The Language Issue

Despite various hiccups, the process of creating and implementing currency went incredibly smoothly.

After all, it was tied to a strong sense of credit, and for the Edenites, nothing could be more acceptable than something endorsed by the Progenitor himself.

Yet, there’s still a long way to go before it can truly be considered the acquisition of what’s known as currency technology, as most people haven’t yet developed the concept of deliberately earning and using it.


【Obtained Influence Card: Currency】

“Sigh, it feels like I shouldn’t always rely on influence cards for everything. Or rather, laying the groundwork in advance would significantly boost the effects.”

Listening to the system prompt in his mind, Adam talks to himself, holding Kabbalah tree seeds of gold, silver, and bronze colors in his hand.

With his direct involvement and little Da Vinci’s assistance, making such adjustments was a piece of cake.

The concern lies in what follows.

Relying solely on mandates from governing bodies isn’t enough to solidify the status of a currency. Historically, paper money was invented quite early, yet no one thought to use it, often even finding ways to refuse it.

The situation for the Edenites is much better, but they have their own set of problems

As previously mentioned, the lifestyle of the Enedites is too self-sufficient, and bartering can almost accommodate their current way of life.

However, a civilization can’t always remain this way. Aside from anything else, they’ll eventually need to learn to interact with other civilizations, and war is the most barbaric and least desirable method for Adam.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Indeed, we need ‘specialties’, introducing things people haven’t seen before and can’t immediately find equivalents for, then pricing them with Kabbalah seeds should enable initial circulation.”

Drake, who holds a privateer’s commission but hasn’t shied away from doing business, suggests while juggling the tree seeds.

It’s essential to provide Edenites with opportunities to use their currency, which will undoubtedly differ from their current lifestyle.

Perhaps opening a “Mystery Shop” might be a good option.

The main idea is to restrict bartering for things that can’t be easily obtained by current Edenite production, then to instigate the desire in Edenites to collect seeds to exchange for desired goods.

They’ll adapt through this process.

Paying attention to the seeds received for work.

Thinking of trading surplus goods with other Edenites for seeds—this would establish the act of selling and buying.

“Now, we need to think about what exactly we’re going to sell.”

Adam taps his temple.

Compared to him and Drake, Jeanne d’Arc Alter and little Da Vinci seem to be whispering about something on the side, even managing to surprise the usually displeased former.

Maybe sell autographs.

If it’s his and Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s, the Edenites would likely be eager to buy, and it’s also his area of expertise.

Feels too simplistic.

Adam’s identity as a transmigrator means he doesn’t need to strive for wealth and status, so he’s somewhat reluctant to engage in activities that are predominantly one-sidedly beneficial; he prefers earning box office revenue through genuine talent.

“By the way, Isaac, Jacob, do you two understand Sumerian?”

Faced with the Progenitor’s sudden question, old Isaac looks towards his son, who scratches his head somewhat sheepishly.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“I know a bit. I was the translator when we went to their cities.”

“Oh? I’m curious, how did you come to know it? Just by listening?”

“The other members of the Tri-Head Council didn’t see the need, arguing that adept users of the Great Art could somewhat discern the thoughts of other beings. But I thought, on one hand, not everyone has that level of ability, and on the other, it’s only through understanding their language that we can obtain more accurate information.”

Adam eyes Jacob.

As a director, he’s often encountered young people or those with little seniority in the crew who are hesitant to fully express their opinions.

“Don’t be so tense around me. There’s another reason, right?”

“…Well… Sumerian is relatively easy for Edenites to learn… but on the contrary, Edenic is somewhat too difficult for them… It’s simpler for us to learn and then communicate in Sumerian for serious exchanges.”

Jacob speaks while watching old Isaac’s reactions.

Clearly, his views are considered heretical by the latter.

After evolution and refinement, the current Edenic language is very close to what’s called a “unified language,” or the language of all things.

Using Edenic allows for efficient communication with the planet and even simple understanding by animals and plants.

Thus, including old Isaac, the majority of the older Edenites believe their language is exceptionally superior and noble, with no need to “stoop” to learning cruder languages.

“Your thoughts are correct, Jacob. But I think the reason you’re not confident in yourself is that you haven’t found the real underlying reason.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Adam pats the young man’s shoulder and begins his explanation.

The objective truth is, Edenic, especially spoken Edenic, is simply not suitable for other ethnic groups to use normally.

This is different from the complexity of Chinese.

Adam himself has system translation and is accustomed to it, but the actual or perhaps due to the influence of the refuge and the Great Art, Edenic’s pronunciation has become exceedingly peculiar over time.

It sounds entirely like the growls and roars of beasts, interspersed with imitations of various natural sounds.

Moreover, its essence can now be said to be the “language of the planet.”

Other human ethnicities, without Adam’s guidance, would naturally diverge from and even oppose the planet from the inception of their civilization.

Thus, the beast-understandable Edenic becomes unintelligible to other humans farther from nature, let alone learnable, which would require immense effort or genius.

“But even so, Progenitor, the problem lies with the misguided later ethnic groups; we must not condone their errors!”

The Edenites’ independence is precisely reflected here.

Even someone as traditional as old Isaac can express his views clearly to Adam rather than merely conforming.

While reassured, Adam continues speaking.

“You’re also right. However, everything progresses step by step. If effective communication is impossible, how can we talk about correcting errors?”

Fortunately, his wisdom is still up to the task.

“Even if we were to forcibly popularize Edenic, due to its nature, it would likely backfire. Therefore, we should adopt another approach, making other civilizations view Edenic as a mysterious and grand language.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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