Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 26

Chapter 26: The Responsibility of the Firstborn of the Stars

As the Edenites begin trading with the Sumerians, they gradually solidify their image as an “elder race.”

Though they may seem further removed from civilization, the Edenites have become the unequivocal “Chosen of Gaia.”

Collectively, they possess the potential to triumph even in battles against entire pantheons.

Not to mention the mutants born among them.

Adam can sense that.

This young man before him, Jacob, who occasionally seems a bit insecure, actually harbors terrifying power.

His physique is a natural perfection; if assessed as a Servant, his strength, endurance, and agility would all reach an A rank.

With the addition of the Great Art and his future adult dinosaur companions, he might even repel and seal gods.

This is partly because he’s a rare mutant and partly because, having faced and defeated the Star Harbinger with Gaia’s special attention, the Edenites inherently possess a counter ability against beings that are extensions of the planet.

Yet, this does not diminish the Edenites’ collective superiority over human civilizations… at least over the Sumerians.

Continued trade and contact will inevitably lead the Sumerians to regard the powerful Edenic language as equally noble, its difficult acquisition and peculiar expression turning into an attractive mystery.

Beauty, as they say, comes with distance.

Soon, Sumerian sages and nobles will pride themselves on mimicking the Edenic language, naturally evolving into a “Common Edenic.” The original Edenic will become “High Edenic,” a mastery of which signifies eligibility to delve into the Great Art or even become an Edenite.

If such a notion takes root, Edenite culture will be revered—without bloodshed.

“So, the crux of the matter is to properly initiate trade relations.”

Adam exhales deeply after clarifying his thoughts.

“Now, we need to appease the Sumerians whose temples you’ve forcibly dismantled and patiently demonstrate the greatness of the Edenites. Isaac, do you think there’s any specialty the Edenites can take pride in?”


Old Isaac wants to say everything.

However, he takes Adam’s words to heart, though he’s yet to fully shift his perspective.

Thus, the current council leader turns to his son Jacob, encouraging him to speak.

Jacob doesn’t disappoint.

“While dinosaurs are a pride equal to the Great Art, giving dinosaur eggs to unproven foreigners is unreasonable and irresponsible. I think, for the Sumerians, filling their bellies might still be an issue. We could consider offering Kabbalah tree fruits, honey, and other edible plants stored in our warehouses as ‘trade goods,’ as the Progenitor mentioned.”

Seeing Adam doesn’t object, Jacob confidently continues.

“Additionally, this will allow them to see the actual value of the seeds, as mere words may not convince them to exchange goods for seeds. For instance, I noticed their walls are made of a type of clay, not very sturdy. Considering our goal, using seeds to create barriers against beasts and demons for them showcases the seeds’ utility and conveys that survival without deities is possible.”

“Moreover, human labor itself can also be ‘traded.’ Isn’t there a surplus of idle young people in our tribe due to our overly peaceful life? Experiencing the outside world would benefit them.”

“Do you mean accepting commissions from the Sumerians?”

“No, more like ’employment.’ I must emphasize that everything mentioned, including what you previously suggested, must be tightly linked to the seeds. Seeds are exchanged for food or Edenite labor. To acquire seeds, they must trade something of value, which we’ll accept. Of course, we’ll initially give them some seeds as a conciliatory gift.”

This action benefits both parties.

For the Sumerians, it’s obvious, but for the Edenites, it encourages currency circulation and addresses their biggest issue—not technology, but a societal tendency towards complacency.

The Edenites abhor unnecessary violence, and their self-sufficient technology leaves them without the drive to advance.

This might not pose immediate problems, but it’s a recipe for disaster long-term.

Had Adam not known about the coming of the biosphere killer, the Edenites might have continued living atop the Cretaceous food chain, not considering expansion.

After life in the refuge and mastering the Great Art, they’ve grown even more disconnected from human civilizations.

This is concerning.

Their ideal state is to possess both human reason and stellar wisdom, coexisting and advancing with the planet rather than merging into one.

Without intervention and guidance, they might become a stagnant, plant-like race.

“On another note, whatever the Edenites exchange with the Sumerians must also require seeds. If they lack seeds and can’t find work in El Naim, then venture out, explore Mesopotamia, use their wisdom and Edenite pride to discover unseen wonders, and then return to trade them for seeds or acquire desired items in the process.”

Adam isn’t worried about population loss.

As mentioned, Edenites are too different from other human civilizations.

They are the children of the stars, destined to not fully integrate or accept societies far removed from nature.

But that said, they should also recognize the vast gifts of Gaia (Earth), not limited to the refuge of El Naim.

In a sense, Old Isaac’s desire to dismantle temples wasn’t wrong.

As the elder race, the firstborn of the stars, the Edenites should guide the successors, just with the correct approach.

Adam will teach them the proper methods.

As for the Mesopotamian deities still clinging to humanity…

Frankly, Adam holds little affection for most of them.

Should they dare to interfere or cause trouble…

While he often dislikes conflict,

He can defeat the Star Harbinger, and certainly the Mesopotamian gods who surrendered to it.

Let’s boast a little. The strongest individual kind on this planet.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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