Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 36

Chapter 36: A Bowl of Sour Soup Noodles, Nutritious and Strengthening

The history of humanity is a continuous pursuit of desires.

Clothing, food, shelter, and transportation.

These are the basics, but the pursuit does not stop at merely “having them”; it extends to “having them good.”

Although various religions and feudal cultures have advocated for the suppression of desires to suit the needs of governance, making it seem like a negative concept, Adam believes it is precisely these desires beyond basic physiological needs that distinguish humans from animals.

Desire means dissatisfaction with the status quo, implying progress and development, and even justice.

Thus, what he is doing now is awakening the desires in the Edenites, giving them reasons not to stop yet.

The utensils used were not forks but wooden chopsticks.

The Edenites, being generally intelligent, didn’t take long to learn how to use them.

In contrast, Jeanne d’Arc Alter was almost turning red with frustration.

Because, like Drake and Leonardo da Vinci, who also came from European cultures, they managed to get the hang of it after a bit of pondering, only she was still struggling to pick up the noodles from the clay bowl.

Honestly, this was somewhat unfair to her, as she was, after all, just a girl from a French village, not a widely traveled captain or an all-capable genius.

In a way, this was a blessing in disguise: seeing Jeanne d’Arc Alter repeatedly try and fail, yet never willing to give up, Adam eventually could not just stand by and watch.

The director, who enjoyed giving directions, stood up, walked over to Jeanne d’Arc Alter, and held her hand to correct her posture.

“See, you use it like this.”

Initially approaching it with a mindset similar to directing an actor, Adam suddenly realized the girl wasn’t listening to him at all.

Looking down, he found her face had turned so red it seemed steam might burst out, her eyes spinning like in a comic.

“So I say, she’s definitely a rare breed among the French. Anyway, it’s just my stereotype.”

Drake, slurping the noodles and enjoying the burst of sourness and umami in her mouth, joked with narrowed eyes.

It’s worth mentioning that the Edenites, including Jacob, had already finished their bowls, soup and all. If not for their high average quality, they might have started crowding around to grab the remaining noodles from the pot.

Gratifyingly, they chose to line up and practice on their own—under the direction of the eager-to-teach Leonardo da Vinci. After all, with her intelligence, having watched Adam’s process up close, she could remember and understand it, even teaching while slurping noodles.

“Cough. Anyway, Jeanne, remember the touch of my hand just now…”

Adam, originally intending to mention the feel, swallowed the words that might be misconstrued, also sitting back down somewhat awkwardly, focusing on his own bowl, occasionally glancing at Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s reaction.

She was still in a state of shock.

It seemed it would be a while before she recovered.

It was one of her charming points, despite knowing her for so many years.

Adam set down his empty bowl.

Hmm, how many years had it been?

Even excluding the times that had been skipped over, it seemed he had been here for at least a dozen years.

The failure to create fire seemed like just a moment ago.

And now, he was sharing a bowl of hot sour soup noodles with the Edenites.

“We are indeed progressing.”

He shook his head.

Then signaled to Drake to help teach Jeanne d’Arc Alter how to use chopsticks once she recovered.

Standing up, Adam took out a new bowl, filled it with food, and sealed it with a perfectly fitting lid.

Leaving the camp, he used the Great Art to keep the bowl warm in his hands as he headed to the ruins of Ishtar’s temple in Larlag.

“Since she’s essentially the same person in two halves, borrowing the temple should be fine, right?”

He gently placed the covered bowl down.

“Goddess of the Underworld, Ereshkigal, it is by not staying in one place, by continuously moving forward, that humans can create new things over the long span of time, bringing themselves joy and happiness.”

The lonely goddess was a concern for him.

Jeanne d’Arc Alter had gradually been guided by him, but that was under the premise that he could always be with her.

The recruited great people could end their rounds with him, but Ereshkigal, being a local deity, could not, unless she chose to sleep for millions of years like the dragon of Albion.

Like a flower prone to wilting, needing constant watering.

“Let’s not talk too much nonsense, just wanted to show you the latest creation.”

Unbeknownst to him, the bowl and chopsticks set down as an offering vanished into thin air.

They were sent as a sacrifice to the corresponding deity’s realm.

Perhaps at this moment, Ereshkigal was pondering how to use this exotic utensil, just like Jeanne d’Arc Alter.

Speaking of which.

Although connecting to the Underworld should make it colder, why does it feel like it’s getting hotter around, as if something is burning fiercely?

Turning his head, Adam saw the Jeanne clenching her fists, teeth gritted.

“I’m such an idiot for worrying and following you out here.”

“No, let me explain.”

“What’s there to explain? You said you were going underground, and I was worried about you, but here you are, getting along quite well with their ‘goddess,’ aren’t you?”

“But it also involves aspects I thought were similar to you.”


Adam thought he had said something he shouldn’t have, because he knew very well he couldn’t just go ahead without having discussed it thoroughly.

In a moment of panic, he ended up saying something not carefully considered, rare for him.

“Yes, is that so? Even though I don’t mind, since you’ve arbitrarily projected me onto someone else, you need to tell me in what ways you think we’re similar.”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s gaze was indescribable.

A mix of shyness and aggression.

Clearly, if Adam answered, she planned to work hard in that aspect, not just to do better in what he liked but also to outdo that goddess similar to her.

But what could Adam say?

Was he supposed to mention the dark and tsundere parts?

He had indeed mentioned before that he found “dangerous yet special” women interesting, but let’s not go there; if Jeanne d’Arc Alter really intensified these traits, she might become the ultimate landmine.

That’s something he didn’t want.

“It’s the part about expressing true feelings.”

“…Are you trying to appease me?”

“No! I’m serious.”

Indeed, he wasn’t lying.

He wasn’t talking about straightforwardness but the ease with which one could see through her.

“Hmph, let’s assume that’s the case. But didn’t I warn you not to spend the night with other women? Even though you just came to deliver something, but—”

“—but I’ll let you know in the future.”

“A promise then. If you lie, I’ll lower my trust in you back to negative.”

“Of course, a promise.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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