Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 37

Chapter 37: The Four-Wheel Drive Warriors in Action

【Influence Card Acquired: Culinary Arts】

【Influence Card Acquired: Foreign Trade】

When the sun rose the next day, Adam received a system notification. He had slept in, a rare occurrence for him. Meanwhile, Jacob, carrying the trust and test, had already led the Edenite trading team into Larlag city. It seemed they were making good progress. The transmigrator stretched his body with slow Tai Chi and yoga movements to wake himself up. Physical activity helped clear the mind.

“Yo, boss, you look quite spirited. I thought something might happen last night,” Drake teased as she yawned and stepped out of her makeshift treehouse. She was actually the one who reminded Jeanne d’Arc Alter of the direction the director had left in. After all, it wasn’t yet time for her to showcase her talents, so she had to find something to do to avoid boredom.

“Thanks to you, I might have to consider either lying through my teeth,” Adam replied with a deadpan expression. To get some space for solitary thought, he had specifically asked Leonardo da Vinci to take Jeanne d’Arc Alter to supervise the main force in his name.

However, the headache was that once it was quiet around him, his mind was filled with plans for the future, leaving no room to think about his own matters.

The current Influence Cards were enough to end the round, but the opportunity to help development given by the system should not be wasted casually.

Currency, foreign trade, culinary arts. Among these three, only foreign trade depended on some luck and bonuses; currency could rely on Jacob, the long-lived mutant, to ensure its implementation, and culinary arts was not urgent and could evolve slowly.

As for teaching Jacob how to transform into a giant, it was clear that because of the difficulty of learning, it could not form an Influence Card. It would only spread among the elite and geniuses of the Edenites. Even if a way was found to create an Influence Card, it likely couldn’t solve the hard issues.

So, there was one slot left. Adam originally planned to consider creating a written code of laws and relying on it as an Influence Card for optimal localization, but the information given by Ereshkigal forced him to increase the probability estimate of a potential event: war with the Mesopotamian deity system.

His actions had always been as cautious as possible to avoid a full confrontation, as the lives of Edenites were not cold numbers. But it seemed he had little choice now, even if the pro-war faction couldn’t convince the peace faction for the moment, they might still take action secretly, such as releasing beasts disguised as divine creatures.

If trade were to be implemented, there would likely be many scattered across the plains of the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys, who would be threatened. And ways to reduce damage to his own side after the war began had to be considered.

So, the second Influence Card must be military or related to individual strength.

“Looks like I can’t escape wrestling with Jacob after all.”

With a smile as if thinking of a joke, Adam shook his head, then finished his morning exercises with three deep breaths.

“Captain Drake, did you stay behind because you have something to say? Let me guess, you saw me making vinegar last night and wanted to ask me to brew some alcohol, right?”

“Hey, pirates have their hobbies. Considering I know about your secret deals with the boss, indulge me a little.”

“…I really dislike drunkenness, and I believe it’s not necessary for civilization. But, I understand its popularity as a beverage. Alright, when I have time, I’ll brew some for you, limited supply. Drink sparingly and don’t offer it to the Edenites.”

“Got it, got it. But boss, the Edenites might have a high tolerance.”

“Or they might get drunk easily. Alright, we should head to the city now.”

As the two passed through the wooden walls and entered the yellow-brown clay buildings, they immediately felt the bustling energy.

For Larlag, it might be the first time since its foundation to witness such a vibrant scene.

Every household received a Kabbalah tree seed as compensation, allowing them to purchase some desired goods even without sellable products.

The Edenites naturally mastered the art of setting up stalls. Laying large leaves on the ground and placing products on top was the most common setup.

Interestingly, almost all products were accompanied by a clay tablet full of holes, a concept devised by Jacob. The raw materials and techniques were borrowed from the Sumerians, with Leonardo da Vinci providing detailed improvement. Its purpose was to serve as a payment verification tool. With molds of the exact shape, scattering tree seeds and tilting the tablet ensured they rolled into the holes, suitable for daily transactions without involving gold or silver tree seeds.

Aside from tree fruits, honey, durable ropes woven from special plant fibers, and various herbs, many Edenites set up simple cooking stations. Overnight practice and a variety of ingredients led them to creatively prepare various dishes.

Although most seemed rather “dark” to Adam, they were well-received by the Sumerians, and even the Edenites themselves would use their earned tree seeds to browse the stalls during breaks.

Marking all items with clear prices for sale and purchase was a novel experience for both sides, turning the event into a festive gathering. The slight tensions and conflicts from before dissipated in the joy.

“No one suffered irreparable losses,” was the key factor.

“What are you selling here?”

Adam spotted a familiar figure. Leonardo da Vinci was promoting her goods with a salesperson’s smile to all passersby.

It was a toy car made of pure wood but clearly sophisticated beyond its time, more advanced than the early primitive wheeled carts… a toy car.

She even set up a huge and complicated racetrack behind her.

“Setting aside how you came up with the idea, let me ask, what will you use to drive the cars?”

Adam looked past Leonardo da Vinci, who was competing with a group of children, showcasing her cunning as a merchant by bringing ancient four-wheel drive cars to life.

“Hmm, I initially thought of simplifying the ancient Greeks’ steam power structure for propulsion, but then I realized that would be too costly. As a genius, I found a solution: binding the power with the racetrack, allowing me to charge a bit more for the venue.”

“…You just learned the Great Art and you’re using it for this?!”

Noticing the racetrack’s interior was mechanically engineered with a bit of Great Art to blow air and propel the specially designed toy cars, even Adam was at a loss for words for a moment.

But at least everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Jeanne d’Arc Alter had already handed over a large sum of money to Leonardo da Vinci to upgrade her setup, ensuring she wouldn’t lose to the children.

“Boss, it’s okay to be childish sometimes.”

“Just after asking me for something, you dare tease me. Cough, I won’t hold it against you. Leonardo da Vinci, I need to use your workstation. It’s time to show you the skills of the four-wheel drive king, unbeaten in the whole school!”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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