Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 4

Chapter 4: The Next Turn

Adam believes the progress of his plan can still be considered satisfactory.

After confirming the information in his mind, he looked at the Eden people, who had learned how to twist suitable ferns and other plants into cords under his guidance. With Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s skills, the surrounding major dinosaurs were almost all tamed, and their eggs were collected for incubation and protection.

An interesting incident occurred when they encountered a Pteranodon, identified by Adam who, considering other circumstances, deduced they were currently in North America during the Cretaceous period. Perhaps, they could consider migrating southeast to find land more suitable for the development of civilization.

“Not long ago, they were a bunch of monkeys, but now they look quite proper. I think you’re much more capable than those kings… Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complimenting you, just stating facts.”

Leaning against a tree trunk several meters wide, Jeanne d’Arc Alter watched the bustling Eden people. Strong adult males were climbing onto the backs of tamed Tyrannosaurs or riding on Velociraptors, their waists hung with bags made of plant fibers and vines, filled with various sized and polished stones.

This was the hunting and guarding team.

After closer observation, Adam confirmed the further differences between the Eden people and modern humans. Though not as durable as the primitive people dug up and revived in a certain comedic fighting manga, capable of withstanding bullets and smashing trucks, they possessed almost fantastical physical functions, and to some extent could be considered human-shaped dinosaurs specialized in intelligence and strength.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Therefore, the rudimentary composite weapons seemed not very durable for them — after all, they didn’t understand the art of precisely controlling force.

Thus, after weighing his options, Adam chose to teach them the use of slings and stone polishing. He was grateful that the physical laws in this regard hadn’t changed; otherwise, he really had to consider teaching the Eden people his martial arts, just enough for photography and action design, so they could fight barehanded.

As for the children and women, they engaged in safer gathering work and sat together weaving ropes and baskets. Beside them were docile herbivorous dinosaurs munching on specially placed green plants, including famous ones like Triceratops and Ankylosaurus.

It somewhat resembled a tribal scene.

“I understand, I understand. After all, for you, kings and nobles are mostly two-legged beasts, but can I take this as you seeing me as a human?”

“……Don’t push your luck. I just slightly think what you’re doing might, perhaps, somewhat be interesting.”

Even with her aggressiveness regulated by the system, Adam might still find Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s type of girl cute.

As a director, he liked to add elements of “romance with a dangerous and special woman,” reflecting his personal preferences.

In fact, his attitude towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex already showed he was an oddball deviating from the “normal” definition.

“Let’s just take it as something to be happy about. Anyway, I think I can indeed be proud. No matter how foolish the crew, I can tell them what to do; this is something I take pride in.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Adam patted his chest.

He was not arrogant, but neither was he humble.

Describing him as frank and cheerful would be more accurate.

“To be honest, there’s a lot more I could teach, but I’m no expert, and my knowledge is limited to the surface, so it’s time to use the ‘cheat’ to further develop the Eden people.”

Besides the influence card previously obtained, there were also 【Weaving】 and 【Polishing】.

The system mentioned that the prehistoric era’s feature was to obtain traits and corrections that would decide the future.

Adam thought the last two were too ordinary and not something he couldn’t improve through teaching and time, so he chose the dinosaur taming, currently dependent on Jeanne d’Arc Alter, as the Eden people’s technology to grasp with the influence card, and perhaps even gain something unique.

After deciding and submitting, he confirmed the end of the current “turn.”

That instant, the entire world turned into a wide angle, then rapidly blurred.

It was as if he and Jeanne d’Arc Alter had both left the current timeline.

“Influence Card: Walking with Dragons.”

“Under your guidance, the Eden people learned how to establish connections with the true local species, ‘dinosaurs.'”

“Facing these beings more powerful than themselves, the Eden people chose to treat them as allies rather than mere pets.”

“The Eden people would care for the young dinosaurs, hide their eggs in very safe places, share the food they obtained, and even use slings to fight alongside the dinosaurs.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Quickly, they deeply learned what division of labor meant, and thus the surrounding wild and hostile dinosaurs became their food.”

“Efficient communication became the next challenge to overcome.”

“The oldest Eden people, who personally followed you, began to attempt to imitate you and Jeanne d’Arc Alter. They gradually established their own early language system, featuring battle and hunting-related words resembling some kind of roar—indeed they were, as dinosaurs also needed to communicate, and despite its crudeness and simplicity, the Eden people indeed achieved this.”

“As time passed, after decades of human time, the Eden people established several settlements and built a rapid communication network using Pteranodons. Notably, any dinosaur hatched within the settlements, even without any guidance, would not see the Eden people as targets. On the other hand, the Eden people, adept at collective cooperation, began to divide into different clans based on their fields of expertise, symbolized by various dinosaurs.”

“Obtained correction ‘Reptilian Allies (D)’. As the rounds progress and with your guidance, this correction’s level will be upgraded.”

“Updated era objectives: Population Growth (10%), Expand Activity Area (45%).”

“According to the civilization progress, you have earned 300 brilliance points.”

“Your achievements are quite impressive, but it’s hard to say whether it’s luck or skill, so next, you will face a real test.”

“The meteor ‘Biosphere Killer’ will arrive in the fifth turn.”

“Please find a means to ensure the survival of civilization before then. This will directly affect the prehistoric era’s final tally.”

“Round two, begin.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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